LSD Microdosing - Transform yourself into a more productive and more energized human being!

in #lsd7 years ago (edited)

Microdosing LSD can make a HUGE effect on your productivity!
In this post I write also about my experience with it.

*I do not advice or recommend the use of LSD. Just want to talk about this topic.

What is LSD microdosing?
Microdosing is actually what the name says, you take a microdose of LSD.
The goal on this is to profit from the energizing effects of LSD without having strong trips or hallucinations.
In small doses acid can energize your body and mind, increase your focus and making you more productive, without any real negative side effects if you do it right.

Who is doing that?
Microdosing has become really popular in the last time also trough a lot of support from the Silicon Valley.
Many high performer people are using MLSD to increase their productivity.
Those people starting to make sports, eating healthier and becoming more successful and happier without having any kind of negative side effect.

How high should be the dose?
The dose should be about a 10th of a LSD blotter. (About 10 - 20mg)
You can simply cut your blotter into 10 pieces.
But since the amount of acid on a blotter depends on where the drop felt, its recommended to put the blotter in distilled water (for example 10ml), wait a little bit, and then take 1ml with a pipette and consume it.

How often should I take it?
It is recommended to make a 3 day break between every microdose day (every 4 days).
Since the acid stays in the body for longer then one day and your body needs also some time to relax and recover from the powerful days.

Watch this video here, this dude explains it great:

My experience with microdosing LSD
I've done that now about 15 times or so.
Most times when I took the right dose I started to feel more energetic and my mind kinda breaks out from all those lazy consume thoughts you can have, for example watching the facebook newsfeed or consume unnecessary youtube videos or doing some other time wasting stuff.
I start thinking about all the things I have to do and how I do them faster and better.
I quickly start acting and doing the work I have to do. Programming and solving all problems I have in less time while feeling great positive and energetic.
The effect of the microdose comes very quite and slow and is often unnoticeable at first.
It takes a half hour to one hour until the effect appears.
Sometimes I even forget about that I've taken it and notice it later when I am productive as hell.
Every time when I take it, I need to make sport. I go into my living room and do as many pushups as I can.
Doing this is starting my mind to work soooo much better being so much more aware, I feel with every pushup how well it does for me. Every pushup makes me more powerful and more focused.
Most of the times I become eager to eat healthy food. I eat apples and fuck I am soooo enjoying them.
Normally I do rarely eat apples, but on microdose it's the best thing for me.
Thinks like pizza and coffee becomes very unattractive for me. Normally I love pizza and I drink coffee every day.
It's transforming me into a happier better more productive person.
Oh and how music feels on microdose... soooo fucking great. It's like the body is absorbing the music and dancing for itself.

But anyways, I am not doing that every 4 days. Now its about 2 months ago where I did the last time.
Hmm I guess tomorrow is a great day to continue :)
Writing this just remembered me of all the positive effects it had to me. Very excited for tomorrow!

Do you have experience with LSD microdosing?
Please tell me yours in the comments!

And follow me if you dare :)


I'm on my second micro dosing journey. Doing around 5-7mg every three days which I'll be doing for 3-months.

This has had an amazing effect on my life. I've managed to easily quit addictions such as nicotine and I've never felt as productive and enlightened.

Meditating every day becomes easy and keeping up a healthy lifestyle is a breeze.

My whole life has become a breeze after I discovered micro dosing and I'll be forever greatful towards the great Albert Hofman.

Wow great to hear that!
I still smoke these fucking cigarettes, but only when I can't smoke weed. xD
Meditating every day is still a big challenge for me.
I think I need more discipline :D
And also will try my next time microdosing less then 10-20mg. Maybe 5-7 like you.
Thanks for your comment.

Yes, nicotine is really one of toughest addictions to beat but in the end, it's all about letting the go of thoughts and not following them. Every time you let go of the thought is a victory, the more victories, the less frequent you'll get these thoughts.

I started doing around 15mg which was way too much. Then I tried 10mg which was still a bit too much and it wasn't before I tried 7mg that I found my magic spot. There I'm concentrated throughout the whole day, without feeling too energetic or too disoriented.

I highly recommend meditating at least 10 minutes every morning while micro-dosing, it'll make the whole experience much better in my opinion.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing that!

The creator of LSD Albert Hoffman microdosed every day and lived to be 102

This man did a great discovery for humanity!
Shitty regulators should allow LSD.

Certainly makes no sense for its scheduling here in the states.

Interesting to hear about your personal experience, that idea of putting the blotter in distilled water to help ensure more consistent dose is a great tip for those who choose to partake. Thanks for sharing, lots of fun descriptions of the experience of psychoactive substances.

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Don't microdose! These substances are not to be trifled with. Use a large dose, and have an experience of the spiritual reality. Don't dabble the dose. If you are afraid of a bad trip or traumatizing experience, then keep a benzodiazapene on-hand just in case.

"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed." -Terence Mckenna

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