Macro photography - Insecta #3

in #macro7 years ago (edited)

Dear Stemian

How are you ? hope you are always in a healthy condition and keep the spirit to work..!

On this occasion, I would like to show some pictures of macro photography that I shoot using my MI4 smartphone camera with additional macro lens.

Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin memperlihatkan beberapa gambar macro photography yang saya ambil menggunakan kamera smartphone MI4 dengan tambahan lensa makro.


I found the object of this insect resting on the leaves of the weeds that are still wet by the morning dew around my garden. This type of insect at a glance looks almost like a wooden locust. I also do not get information from the internet, the name and type of this brownish brownish insect.

Saya mendapatkan objek serangga ini sedang beristirahat pada daun rumput liar yang masih basah oleh embun pagi hari di sekitar kebun milik saya. Jenis serangga ini sekilas bentuknya hampir mirip dengan belalang kayu. Saya juga tidak mendapatkan informasi nama dan jenis serangga yang bewarna kecoklatan ini.


The next object is the insects that fall prey to the small spider. Initially, I wanted to take a photo of a spider eating this insect. But the spider chooses to escape as I approach. Finally I took some pictures for me to share with my stemian friend.

Objek selanjutnya adalah serangga yang menjadi mangsa dari laba-laba kecil. Awalnya, saya ingin mengambil foto laba-laba yang sedang makan serangga ini. Namun laba-laba memilih untuk kabur ketika saya mendekat. Akhirnya saya mengambil beberapa gambar untuk saya bagikan dengan sahabat stemian.



Terimakasih sudah melihat dan membaca postingan sederhana ini..!


Totally Love your effort!!!





Beautiful post

I like your photographs a lot, I share the taste for nature and its beauty :)

Wow amazing photo , defintly can feel the picture come to life

Flower macro outdoors is a pain, and the bane of the photographer - the closer you get, the higher your f-stop needs to be to maintain depth of field, but the wind is blowing the flowers around (it's VERY noticeable in close) so you want your shutter speed up to try to fix the subject's motion blur (even in-camera or in-lens stabilisation doesn't help here), but all that does is drive ISO up and risk introducing noise. Bright light, sunny day - or a ring flash so that the lens doesn't blank out part of the on-board unit for those cameras that have it and you get an even light all around the subject. I'm getting to the point where I think I can justify a P-TTL flash for my K-5 - it's either that or buy a secondhand *ist-D which can still work with the true TTL flashes of the film era (which shut themselves down on the camera's orders once enough light has come in). The old true TTL was best, but P-TTL is fine for when the subject isn't moving of its own accord and does not blink. :p

This has got to be the nicest shot of the year

Congratulations! Tulisan anda masuk peringkat 1 kategori Tulisan Dengan Bayaran Terbanyak, di 10 Besar Tulisan Hari Ini di ..

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