Coming Deflation Will Kill Real Estate Investors "Mike Maloney"

in #maloney8 years ago (edited)

If you have never seen Mike Maloney's Video's you need to!! The Best one I've seen is called "the Greatest Scam in the history of mankind" this is episode 4 of hidden secrets of money.

Hidden Secrets of money is based on his best-selling book.

In it he talks about how the banks can scam and cheat you, and how they are if your not much of a reader than check out his video here:

Done watching that? Great! then your life has changed for the better. be sure to check out the rest of his videos in the hidden secrets of money series.

But this might not be what attracted you here, what attracted you here is the TITLE.

So let us get too it. I am going to explain what Mike Maloney does in his member only hour long video that I have access too.

okay so here we go!

Ask yourself this what if you could buy apple 80% off how much money are you going to make on that long term? what if you could know when the Market is going to collapse and Start Shorting stocks to make unimaginable profits! what if America woke up and their money is only worth 50 percent of what it was. But you have earned 40% more. Well, you may be saying that's all so impossible.
However, I'm going to show and tell you how it's all very possible! You are about to discover the best investment opportunity in history (according to Mike Maloney).

Part one, Let's Talk Shamita.

This is going to be Hard for most to grasp but every 7 years the world's economy cycles. What do I mean by that well look back 7 or so years ago at the housing bubble, or even back in 1929 at the great depression? what if you could know about when those things were going to happen? how would you have prepared yourself differently? Well, I'll tell you what I would do. Short Stocks, invest in gold, silver etc. (why gold you ask? well if you asked that you probably didn't watch the video, if you did watch episode one of the hidden secrets of money and come back) But we live in a different world now, am I saying gold, Silver investing is bad? no definitely not. However look at our world. everything is electronic! did you know that 95% percent of all money is created electronically! or that 70-80% percent of all paper money resides outside the U.S. this next collapse or cycle as I call it will be VERY different from any others! and you need to prepare yourself right! So knowing this info would help you learn how to use the Shamita (7-year Cycles) to your advantage. surprisingly there is a bible reference to the Shamita Cycles. but I'll leave that info to my buddy at the Dollar Vigilante. check out his site: for more on that. but regardless of what you believe these cycles can and do happen!


Okay, so you've watched a couple video's, heard some rumors, maybe even seen some stuff on the news, what now?
well, don't fear I have the solution to all of your financial problems (at least if you have some capital and an open mind) Let's start off with why you are on this site in the first place crypto Currency. As I mentioned in part one we live in a very different world than we did in 1929. back than transactions took longer to go through (checks) and paper money was kept around and used more. Today the banks only have a small percentage of dollars for each electronic dollar in your account. did you know that in three years Walmart makes more revenue than paper money exists? but how is this possible if 70-80% of US dollars are outside the US? it's debt. and this debt bubble is huge! (but more on that later). you wanna know what to do about it right? Well based on my extensive research of the past year, I'd say there are only a few key things that will save you in this collapse.

Number one: Invest GOLD! (gold has always held it's value in 1929 a man could buy his nice custom suit with one ounce of gold ($20) today the same is true with gold at around $1300)

Number Two: Buy bitcoin and hold! It does not matter if bitcoin truly has value or not. in the people's eyes it does. When the dollar begins to fail or even change value as it has been people will flock to another currency. All crypto Currencies will go into a massive bubble when this happens especially well-known ones like bitcoin and etherium. most predict bitcoin going to $3000 some say upwards to $10,000 dollars per coin! be careful though!! know there is a top and sell when you get there. think of it as a stock you have to sell before it stabilizes. but even when it does stabilize it will be worth much more than it's measly $550 today.

Number Three: Buy Silver: You might be thinking why on earth would I do this? silver is worthless. Actually it's not! in fact, the only reason why silver is so low is because like money it can be printed!, well not really you see paper silver (silver stocks etc) essentially have no limit to how much is created and sold therefore lowering the price. this is why you should never buy gold or silver online only buy physical! once people realize the actual price of silver or do a run on the paper silver market than the price will skyrocket in fact on it shows the real amount silver should be around $300 per oz last I checked.

Number Four: Short Stocks.
Every time there is a financial cycle the stock market falls! why? people panic that's why. and when they do stock prices simply fall. this October stock prices will fall according to many financial analysts like dollar vigilante, Truth never told etc.

Number five: wait for stocks to fall and buy.
When stock prices fall (and they will) buy a larger company Apple, Microsoft, Hell the S&P 500 works (although be careful with the S&P they are manipulating the price right now to make it higher) But you know these companies won't go out of business. invest in them as they go back up in the bull market!

Part three: What are the big guys doing?
As you are reading all of this you may be saying "well if this is true why aren't the big guys preparing" they actually are! For example, the CEO of chase bought 350 thousand OZ (some sources say 500 thousand) of 1 oz silver eagles. The largest stockpile of silver in history!!
Not impressed yet? how about the CEO of Merrill Lynch saying to sell your IRA's and invest in gold! that's crazy advice why get tax penalties? and why would these big company's warn you to invest in gold and silver and not invest in them? It's because they DO NOT CARE they are huge! Chase is the biggest bank, and Merrill Lynch well they are massive too! they will get business no matter what. they will make money no matter what. They are simply trying to warn and help the few listening.

Part Four: Real Estate
okay so based on this you kept hearing me say invest gold, invest silver, invest bitcoin etc. so what about real estate, auto market etc? Well, ask yourself remember the last bubble in 2006 houses were dirt cheap! you could buy them for almost nothing! Why is this? well, ask yourself this. If you were selling cars and you set the price at $5,000 for all your cars, a guy named john comes in and wants to buy a car. you say well john its $5,000 john says I don't have it, but my credit is great. so you head over to the computer and ask the bank for a loan for john, you ask john what payments he can afford and he says $150 a month. To your surprise, the bank offers john 10,000 dollars at 150 a month. However, john only needs $5,000 so john leaves paying $70 for his nice ride! john is happy and so are others. you get some new cars in that cost $10,000 however they are overpriced you think I must lower the price but don't get around to it. by the end of the day, all the 10,000 cars are gone and the 5,000 cars are still there. you ask why and your team explains "more commission boss" you say but why would they buy that when the other one is the same price?! they reply "the customers don't care about the price boss only the payments" soon you get an idea if all the customers care about is payments why not raise my price to $10,000 on all my cars and make more profit. so you do and you sell more and make more. Now here's the best part! interest rates go way down and now you can sell your cars at $20,000 a pop and still get everyone the payments they need!! The banks are lending more because they know with interest rates this low they expect customers will pay, they loan more and customers can still afford the payments based on the interest. this is called a debt bubble! and it's what's happening in the housing market as well as pretty much any collateral debt including auto, store credit, and even student loans.
So that being said when the FED raises interest rates (like they always have) the bubble will pop because all the sudden people are upside down on their house and cars so they walk, file bankruptcy. or simply can't afford the payments and get foreclosed. and house prices plummet! along with auto, and all other secured collateral debts.

So in conclusion. You need to prepare yourself! read the crash of 2016, read rich dad poor dad. just READ! the best investment you can make is in your financial education!
I wish you all the best of luck I will provide more info in future posts.

Thank you all!


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