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RE: How to Get Rid of #Marijuana’s Negative Side Effects - by Emily Earlenbaugh, PhD - Steem's First Cannabis Loving Doctor

in #marijuana8 years ago

Very informative stuff Doctor, thanks.
I feel like newer smokers need to take it easy with the potency of modern strains. They should absolutely start with lower THC and higher CBD levels, with a focus on pain and inflammation relief.
I see a day very soon when opioids will be (mostly)replaced by CBD rich tinctures.
I am looking into combining: CBD
Moringa oleifera
and any other you may suggest to form a natural anti inflammatory pain reliever. A tincture I suppose. Any ideas? Thanks#kushsmokers


Many of the terpenes also have anti inflammatory effects - so it's great to use high terpene cannabis concentrates for tinctures with that purpose

then you need to ingest black pepper which increases the uptake.

Thanks for the link!

And cacao which triggers the same receptors.

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