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RE: Your Brain on Drugs: Marijuana

in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)

Sounds Like A Great Clinical Description of

the effects of synthetic THC.

Full Plant Cannabis

produces vastly differing effects, depending on the strain and the person. These effects range from extremely debilitating/inebriating, where indeed the thought expansion effect can take place, to the extremely functional.

Cannabis Improves Memory, Focus, Mood-Control,

anxiety control and more. Functional cannabis strains produce this effect and more strains are becoming available each year. As people become familiar with the real facts of cannabis, they become aware of how wrong and destructive prohibition is to children and society as a whole.

Fortunately, the World is Waking Up. ;)

More people should try waking up and having original thoughts, the world will benefit. ;)

Go Be Awesome!


keep up the awesome stuff