Market Friday

in #marketfriday7 years ago

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (That is me! Denise)

Come join us as we share wonderful markets from all over the world. I find it simply fascinating and would love to see yours! So don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery, antiquing, art galleries. wherever! Don't forget to use the hashtag #marketfriday and @dswigle.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found. They will all be in one place!! Thank you!

I had fun last week, going to Dick's Sporting Goods Store, but, this week, I really needed food, so we are off to my local Harris Teeter (Hey! Don't judge! At least it doesn't have a name like Piggly Wiggly, right?) So, off we go, to the Teeter, as I always call it.

First up! We need to stop and get coffee, which, lucky for me is available right inside the door. Grande Skinny Latte, extra shot, no foam please.


My barista's name is Pat. She knows what I like. She also asks if I want it extra hot, like usual. Gosh. Thanks, Pat.


Here it comes. I am ready to go! Thank you so much, Pat!


Oh! Where to begin? I usually am a little more organized than this, but, I have my coffee and I am meandering through, creating recipes in my head. Nope. Not this aisle.


I am grateful that I went early in the morning. The people are few and far between. Is she eyeballing my chips? Oh, I think I just need to get her a coffee. She is sleeping at the wheel there.


It's not my birthday, but, there is so much happy going on here... All sorts of fun to keep me from making my way out of this aisle. Wait! Look what I see.


Oh! Cards! I don't really need one because I make my own, but, I still like to stand in the aisle and read them. Especially the funny ones. Me, the card and the sound of my own laughter echoing in the aisle. Remember, we are not here to judge

And yes, her hair is Easter egg pink. Grannie gets points for being cool.


I know what you are thinking... Isn't this a grocery store? Produce, milk, eggs, bread? But, instead, let's buy a gift card to another store. This is getting to be a one stop shopping.


And then there was forgiveness. There were flowers. Flowers and flowers. Sigh Up close and personal ones. How could I resist?



Okay! Party is over and coffee is gone. Now, it is time for a high speed pass! Or get more coffee. Making my way to the peanut butter. A staple food in my house. Nothing says love more than a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :) Kidding. But, it really is a lifesaver some days!

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And a little honey for my honeys. I know Very corny. :) But, it's true! And a little sunflower butter. Yummy delicious! Yes! I know my hands look like I raked my yard with my nails, but honestly, it is just a little guy named Henry that makes my hands look abused.


He plays hard. But, I love him anyway. I was there before grocery shopping. He gets up early and expects to be fed and groomed before the sun shines. Okay! Back to shopping!


There is a salad bar there too. The Volunteer Fire Department comes in every day for lunch. Didn't they used to make their own? Maybe there is no budget for that. Hmmm. That would be a pretty nice Random Act of Kindness if you have a Volunteer Fire Department. Right?


Oh, olives, how I love thee! One of lifes biggest downfalls for me. I love them. They love me. So, why shouldn't we be together? Sigh Is it the fat? The sodium? But, I love them.


Food Allergy Awareness. Food with nuts. Peanuts and all kinds of tree nuts.


Now, my veggie run! My most favorite of all the aisles. I will not bore you will all that I bought! Just rest assured, I have gotten enough!


Oops! Ran back for the cheese! Now - back to the vegetables and fruits!


Grab a few while we pass by, would you? Summer squash!








There they were, all my leafy good for you greens. Kale, spinach to name a few.

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Now perhaps would be a good time to grab some apples! They are in season and taste so delicious! You know what they say? An apple a day.... fill in the blank. I don't want that cheeta bot to slam me or plagurizing. Right???


And we are done, done, done! Checking out! Step away from the drinks. Checking out. No magazines. Hello?? Checking out!



Checked out and wave to the Customer Service people. They make life so easy when you have a problem.


Took it home, unloaded it and now! The refrigerator check! Refrigerator check! What's in yours????


Thanks for shopping with me today! It made it go by much faster. Next time, try to get to the barn first. :) I hope you have a wonderful #MarketFriday and don't forget to peruse around some of the other markets here. They are from all over the world and I must say, quite interesting in so many ways. Enjoy!!


Oh you little spammer, you. Going for the old double dip, I see! No, just playing with you. I know it's a glitch. But I still had to upvote this one as well. Market Friday and your post are definitely doing great. Very popular and lots of interaction. Always your biggest fan.

Oh, this is almost funny. Spammer. You trying to get the cheetah bots attention???

Double dip......good one lol

When you kept saying market friday i just assumed financial market, but this is much cooler.

Ha ha, that was my first thought also @gniksivart ! 😀

Oh, I can see your misunderstanding. LOL Well, I am still learning the ropes on the financial markets of crypto. Huge learning curve for me.

But, this is so much tastier! LOL Perhaps someday I will see some kind of shopping that you do, even if it is crypto! That would make a pretty cool one. ;) Thanks for stopping by and supporting #MarketFriday! tip!

Wow! I am tired! I read the whole post believe it or not! And I never shop! We live in a valley and while Lady Marian is inside the mall, I climb about at the back in the rocks with my camera searching for scorpions, snakes or any other. But, this professional shoppers post deserve an Upvote!

That post is more of a challenge than I meant it to be. I wanted it to be worth reading. Know what I mean? But, it was 4am by the time I got it to post, so I wasn't looking at it again. Well! When I did, I couldn't believe how long I had made it. Wow! You need to be a power walker/reader to keep up.

I hope I didn't tire you out? Lucky you that Lady Marion allows you to film nature while she fights the masses! :)

Thank you for taking the generous amount of time it take s to get through it all and for leaving me with an awesome upvote and nice comment! Thank you! tip!

You are always worth reading and I would like to go shopping with you, as I will have much time to scrounge in the bushes for photos. Lol Thank you for the kind tip! Blessings!

Hehehe! You clever man! Actually, I am pretty quick. I had to slow down to take the pictures!

I wanna slither in that ssstore and feed meself!
OOhh my my! OOh and I love this post! Its such a cool idea!
The next time I go shopping I shall take some picsssss...
Does online shop count asssss well? Maybe? No? Ooh...

LOL! Of course, it does! Last week I went to a sporting goods store! A fair that sold things. Get creative. Online sounds awesome! I have never seen it done here, so yes! That would be fun!

I look forward to it! @poeticsnake :)

Looks like a really nice store, Denise! Great job with all the photos. And I could use some coffee too, right about now! LOL

Happy #MarketFriday! :)

I was on the short side of time, so I used my phone (I usually don't) The store is convenient and open 24 hours a day, so I went there after I fed and groomed my horse. It was 6am, so it was empty! Yay!

I agree. Coffee sounds good anytime! Thanks for stopping by! Appreciate it! I need to catch up on the rest of the Steemfest!

Happy #MarketFriday!

Thank you. Have a great day!

wow your fridge looks so organized

It has to be! Otherwise, I would never find anything! :)

Thanks so much!

Thank you so much, Isabel! I just love your post and don't want anyone to miss out on it! Thank you for your ongoing support and love! tip!

Thanks, my dear Denise!

Thank YOU!

You're welcome, dear Denise!

OK I actually found somehting for today, a bit of a strecth but an upscale market :)

Oh, there was no stretch involved there! That got my motor running! tip!

Well, thank you! This looks delicious! Fruit cups look like you bought the at the market! Let's get over there! I am a little hungry! tip!

Thanks for the participation!

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