Lead Generation Marketing Tips For Your Online Home Business!

in #marketing7 years ago

Having done any research into working for yourself in a home based business, I’m sure that you have come to realize that a lot of it has to deal with getting as many people as you possibly can into your organization. Easily said perhaps, but, it can be a very tedious and unfriendly task if you are not sure how to get results. Here are some lead generation marketing tips that you can use:

1. First and foremost, don’t chase useless leads! The mass bulk of leads that lead generation marketing agencies will give you (even if they suck a crap load of cash out of you) will be completely useless. I tried this in the past when getting started. I tested out what was supposed to be the most respected lead generation site on the net. Man, what a pile of crap that was! I was getting over 5,000 leads delivered per month.

Heck, I sent out at least a dozen different emails, I don’t think I recieved more than 3 clicks period, in the whole lot. Now, I’m to polite to mention this shisty company on my blog, but let’s just say EJ will never get another cent out of me! When I read others experiences later on as well…not pretty.

The right way to go about it is to bring targeted leads to you. Hey, there are people out there who are really interested in your online network marketing opportunity and there is huge possibility that they will get started with your network, if you go about it the right way.

2. Cold calling will only drown your dreams into oblivion. It seriously bites. There really isn’t any other way to say it. Cold calling for the most part only pisses people off, and most likely won’t be worth the embarassment, even if you whole hearted believe in your opportunity. You don’t want your dream so shot down, that you give up and just settle for your same old day job for the rest of your life. Eventually, I’m sure you want every day to be Saturday…which means, you have the time to do what you want, when you want. If you get to down and quit, you’ll never get there. Enough said, don’t waste your time cold calling people from some list you got “somewhere”.

3. While this may not be for everybody, it does have to be mentioned, and certain could help generate lead for in your marketing plan. That is, tapping into your immediate social circle of friends, and perhaps family. In some cases, your network might get off the ground with these people. Now you could, hold a meeting for family and friends where you explain to them what you are doing and why you are doing it, in the hopes that they see your vision to. Lead generation marketing like this is tough, if you are a little apprenensive about every thing at the start. But, there certainly can be a better chance that they might be willing to join your network, and give it a shot. This method may be very uncomfortable for some people. Personally, after bad experiences with it, I wouldn’t use this method again. With the Internet  lead generation marketing can be a WAY more comfortable place to be.

4. Definitely, the highest number of leads (and an amazingly high number at that) will be generated through online marketing methods. One of the strategies to use is creating blogs based around your business model and opportunity. Then, you can create interesting and thought provoking articles, submit them to directories, and lead them back to your blog. There are a ton of article directories. But, don’t waste your time with most. I’ve only found perhaps a handful that ever produce any real traffic. Most are just a bunch of wasted space on the Internet!


To get twice the value of using this method, you should always provide a link directly to one of your squeeze pages from every article as well. By using “anchor text” in your article bio with a link, you can help boost your blogs search engine ranking, and by linking directly to your squeeze page you can get an opt-in. It kills two birds with one stone. Even if people just click the link back to your blog, you will of course have the opportunity to capture thier name and email address back on your blog. You do have a lead capture form, link to a squeeze page, or both on your blog….don’t you?

As you move along, you will learn about other fantastic methods such as video marketing, bookmarking, social networking, email marketing, affiliate marketing, etc.

5. Do not downplay any online strategy of lead generation marketing. Of course, some physical methods should to be pursued, but the biggest volume of business will come from the Internet. Continually educate yourself about the new strategies that are invented and use them to benefit you most.


With me being in real estate this provided a lot of great tips. Thank you for your time writing this!

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