The Shaman’s Door: a Poeticized Precis of ‘Invisible Landscapes’, by Terence & Dennis McKenna

in #mckenna6 years ago

 There is a disconnected set of assumptions we call “science”, “materialism”.
Both forget that entities’ fundamental identities are not the same as their material components.
We are more mind, consciousness, than physical beings;
a gestalt that begs the evolutionary question:
whose tadpole brain switched with the salamander’s?
Third eye pineal is not leftover reptilian effluvient,
But the seat of hallucinogens, melatonin, and light.
Pineal wants to know how much light – when, where and at what intensity –
Perhaps it seeks to determine characteristics of light of which we are not even aware.

Pineal’s melatonin dances many medleys:
one lightens skin,
one creates pheromones as external chemical messengers,
subtle smells to draw you toward or push you away from another meant or not meant for you.
Which other neurotransmitters transmit data between organisms, between environs?
From a body to another body,
from a body to the environment,
from the environment to a body?

Environment has provided us halides, tryptamines, and harmines – hallucinogenically.
These nuerotransmitters bond to double helix structures,
intercalating between base pairs,
a partial unwinding,
strong electric interaction holds above and below the intercalation,
as above, so below.Intoxicant interaction gives and takes,
electrons shared or stolen at whim,
effects to both excite and dampen;
But, we seem to know, there are no accidents, evolutionarily or otherwise:
Nature developed the interaction of electron transfer, all its effects, for a reason.

Nucleoproteins blare into transmission-
transmit a broad Electron Spin Resonance signal
Mimicking metals, a density of unpaired electrons, a state of conductivity:
our grey matter specifically structured to receive the transmission,
built directly for it.Hallucinogens intercalate with DNA – unzipping and re-zipping again…
If thought, consciousness, is a quantum and nonlocal phenomenon,
the assumptive and materialistic science may have room to admit that hallucinogenic inebriation may allow access to our genetic past –
A genetic memory of incalculable proportions:
an informal gestalt of mind.As a mechanistic mind would want, consider:
macromolecular substrates oscillating from electron transfers emit shortwave radio bursts
picked up by the sensitive pineal gland –
Pineal interprets and then divulges:
impulses along neural pathways perceived as memory, thought, visuals, ideas.
Pineal: a receptor for the biotic strum of the intercalated, oscillatory, humming data;
overlapping resonances dream big, have the potential to
create spatiotemporal, crystalline, standing wave forms,
forms which behave like, are structured like, holograms.
As is in one part, so as is in all.When all learning, all memory, induces microcellular changes,
physical changes in neuronal pathways, hallucinogenically engendered,
might permanently alter,
might decide the new structure for behaviors, might remake a consciousness indelibly
for those who journey.Transcribed DNA, with amines bound to sections, prohibits further transcription,
a restructuring of base pairs occurs,
The result of this DNA plasticity is “accidental” evolution;
harmine travelers may gain evolutionary superiority, access to holographic memory –
synthesizing with hallucinogens endogenously;
superconductivity in intercalation could give permanent bonding, eternal holographic access.

However, this collection of materialist explanations remains incapable,
cannot reduce the whole to its relative parts,
And likely we cannot understand the whole in physical ways at all.
Mind is still a mystery overall,
consciousness the great absence in our attempts at mechanistic science,
gestalt.In the midst of tryptamine trips,
Shamans perceive violet substance emanating from minds,
audile intracranial humming –
buzzing, humming: the sounds of vibration are tryptamine and harmine specific.
Is it the song of metabolizing tryptamines, the Electron Spin Resonance itself?
Is it our consciousness that affects the physiochemical state of our bodies and DNA,
or is it the other way around?
Saying that consciousness cannot affect physical reality is
just as unwarranted as saying that it absolutely does.

Harmines and all beta carbolines, found in the pineal gland,
increase as one ascends the primate phylogeny,
and as we ascend we also see an increase in consciousness and mindfulness.
Causal or coincidental?
We share these traits which may transfigure enough neural pathways to
shift mass consciousness – the hundredth monkey multiplied indefinitely,
the noosphere alit, anew.When we become hyperdimensionally active,
we heretically know that what is here is everywhere and what is not here is nowhere.
Consciousness is primary and nonlocal.
The subjectivity and the materialist psychological must go hand in hand
down the path of experimentation
or else nothing will be learned –
what can we gain in knowledge that is powerful and new
unless we admit
mind, by nature, is impossible to disentangle from the subjective.

On a La Chorrerra trip, hallucinations become transformations.
One alien ally in the form of a fistic insect anthropologist came
to share the secrets of galactic culture:
a journey from the edge of space and time,
a journey to the consciousness of just one on Earth.
He spoke of souls,
souls moving from planet to planet, from incarnation to incarnation,
with a final eye toward return to the galactic center.
He spoke of hyperspatial configuration,
of celestial, mathematical relationships
of Jupiter as the reflection of Earth,
of Jupiter teeming with bizarre life,
of mankind’s dire need to create an escape from Earth catastrophe,
of Jupiter’s waiting bosom.

Hallucinogenic experience resembles schizophrenia, resemble Shamanism,
but when hallucinations are shared,
when the ideas transmitted within are novel and nonlocal,
when visions are objectively tuned to the material changes of mind and DNA,
the resemblance ends.
And, then, the hyperspatial nature to superconductive harmine bonds with DNA remind us:
As above, so below.It’s not we who are doing anything,
experience happens to us.
The understanding exists to give for our benefit.
Ego and transference are pitfalls of temptation,
sins to be avoided.
Once one has connected to the subconscious, the metaconscious state,
hallucinogenic compounds become irrelevant.
Now the way is known,
Access is neither forgotten nor denied.

That seemingly alien dimension of consciousness
of thought and form that is all around us at all times, ideal,
seems the origin of all mind:
ancient shamans and modern travelers both
come to the same door
and beyond it is the otherwise invisible landscape.

Is the world beyond that doorway
to become a part of mature consideration of the scientific culture?
Or is it destined to remain on the fringes of the liminal?
For, these psychical experiences allude to the most pure logos –
not requiring sign, symbol, word, or sound –
knowledge is simply sublimated into knowing.In any route, time rules the material world and
the nature of time is the necessary condition
for the experience of archetypal manifestations, en masse.
The ancient I-Ching, with 64 hexagrams of three tiered hierarchal structure,
originating from 8th century BC or earlier,
seems a calendrical system, guided by stars,
seems a map of cyclical recurrence,
describing event characteristics that repeat on nested levels for varying durations.
Even materialists know:
Something from afar is able to affect what is near
through resonance;
if time is I-Ching cyclical,
that which is far away in perceived time may resonate through the ages
Calendrical properties of the I-Ching relate to lunar years,
to sunspot cycles
and to the precession of the equinoxes:
as above, so below.
Sunspots and solar flares align with mental ward patient aggravation and outburst:
as above, so below.
The precession of the equinoxes is connected in thought to the rise and fall of world ages:
as above, so below.

Swarzschild Limit tells us that the macrogalactic structure mimics the subatomic,
as above, so below.
Conditions exist that constrain macro and micro, including biological entities,
as above, so below.
Likewise, consciousness is a quantized flux phenomena.
ancient Chinese scholars intuited the organization that roots
both consciousness and all things
and bore the I-Ching, reflecting that structure.
Hexagrams are inverted pairs, reflecting one another,
yin yang.The I-Ching was intentionally ordered in Neolithic times
but possesses mathematical prowess that faces
forward, mirroring backwards,
yin yang,
Like a roadmap of consciousness and progression.
You must know where you are to know where you are going;
if we can determine our location on the I-Ching wave form,
what could we know of the future?

Systems properties of DNA in vitro remain entirely mysterious,
we only grasp the single strand coding functions for transcription,
we only see 10% of DNA for protein coding –
what is the function of the remainder?
Perhaps neural DNA regulates our internal experience of reality.
Because memory and reflection are hologrammatic,
and just like our bodies are new every seven years,
we might actually live again,
maybe in the same bodies,
the rapture made relevant, tangible.
We may be at the end of history and living through chaos before the transformation of all.

Break it down: 64 hexagrams, 64 codons to specify amino acids for protein synthesis in DNA.
At various levels of time – lunar cycle, atomic, planck constant –
all are scales of 64 to one another,
a harmonic scale, humming and buzzing like a harmine vibration,
intracranially and extradimensionally, from Earth to Jupiter,
As above, so below.
The calendrical wave function graphed onto linear space time
uses 64 units of I-Ching in order to map novel ingression
or moments of great import historically-
points of divergence, congruence, and overlap.
Within each of the 64 modular hierarchies,
when the waveform approaches a state of zero,
the end of an epoch is indicated:
an entirely new period of time marked by fundamental changes
whether in the world or social organization.
New world consciousness, new paradigm, noosphere alit.
Vedic conceptualization of cyclical world ages
knows that time grows shorter as a limit is approached,
as we transition into a new cycle.

The universe is a collection of forces contained within and subsidiary to the main force.
Concrescence: the growing together of many into one.
A loss, the old paradigm,
A gain, a new mass consciousness;
construction + destruction = transformation.
We can hope, we know we desperately need transformative emergence.

“In the beginning, for unknowable reasons, the ground of being gave itself over
to the endless risk of becoming and ceasing…
god held back nothing of himself and so
there was nothing left with which to foresee directly
or guarantee
the fate of the experimental experiment.”
But the timewave function accurately portrays the evolution
of historical patterns of change,
the fractal nature of time.
The one hundred years before the termination of the Mayan calendar
exactly mimic and reflect the thousands of years preceding it:
the patterns repeating in macro and micro, yin and yang.
Models of timewave functions garner collective access
of hope,
hope that is necessary to reverse our monumental alienation
and ecocidal mania.

Massively not novel is our time,
but the chance remains for dominant structures to cease or reverse
as the timewave approaches zero.
Gnostics know that energy is the divine light,
light trapped in matter,
light which subtly begins to refine itself into a self reflecting awareness
until whence it can free itself and all energy from its reduced state:
liberation of the soul.
Concrescent satisfaction includes a notion
of energy inbound by space and time
and so too does the waveform,
which suggests quantum leaps at points of zero state;
the universe has a zero net physical state,
all particles balance anti-particles, so that all that remains is energy:
Yin yang.
So, too, could time have equal and opposite directions.
But if the matter and antimatter, the universe and the anti universe,
were actually two distinct time space continuums
and if each were the antithesis of the other,
then their meeting or combination would be perhaps not a simple annihilation,
but a massive new beginning,
liberation of the mass soul.

In the hologrammatic spatio-temporal organization,
the annihilation would leave behind pure energy
that nonetheless retained its structure or memory,
as a hologram does;
the energy left in the absence of matter
supports the archetypal prophecies
of the paradise found at the end of time:

Poetically, photonic form here seems analogous to Platonic form.
The universe and every entity in it meets its antimatter opposite and joins with it,
ultimately freeing itself:
liberation of the soul.
This discovery of and exposition of our opposites, our dark sides,
is psychologically rooted, conscious to subconscious, alchemical,
Yin yang.
Some spiritualists posit that our living selves are doubles
of our higher dimensional light bodies
and, if so, the use of entheogens may give us access to the self eternal.
The end of the epoch foreseen through the timewave experiments
could be a warning of the coming changes,
but also an enlightenment of the role of choice:
our sacred free will’s final test and judgment.

The quantified definition of concrescence
is the zero point of all wave forms.
The concrescence of humanity could be imagined as
the literal apocalypse of the universe physically
or could be seen in the
obtaining of the alchemical dream of the union of spirit and matter absolutely,
of the achievement of a hyperdimensional existence,
of the ultimate union between the yin and the yang, the light and the dark,
an end to duality.
Liberation of the mass soul.

Cycles condense and intensify
such that in the 72 billion year cycle of the concrescence of the universe,
the last .3 seconds would contain half of the unfoldment
of the totality of its laws or its becoming.
Trying to imagine going through this space time barrier is impossible,
but we can imagine that junctures
just such as this allowed miracles to occur;
here there is no knowledge to sublimate into knowing.
Besides, natural laws only apply in the time and space for which they are observed
if the observer creates, as the quantum theorists say.

Configuration of the waveform indicates free will
as does the I-Ching,
which reminds us that the focus given it by a unique personality
is its own final fulfillment, destiny,
and reminds us of the supernatural connection between the elect of all ages.

Experience and memory are stored in DNA,
accessible through tryptamines for everyday consciousness
and through harmines for consciousness of a sort that
we may be evolving toward utilizing more constantly.
When in these states, sound and speaking
make the word manifest
through hologrammatic features of information.

 A non-ego agency communicates a source of all information
as well as an ever more clarified route to concrescence.

 Individuals are free within the boundaries of their time and space
to choose their own fulfillment toward their own concrescence,
while no individual can choose the when of the concrescence of humanity as a whole…
but we can be ready for it.The human mind is the measure and leading edge of all things,
the ultimate observer creating the observed.

Time grows short in the cosmic year
and the concrescence of apocalypse and rebirth is nigh –
the choice of the individual is solely on them to present themselves
in any chosen light
at that moment of dawn.  

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