What’s the other function of the ear ?
Hearing is not the only function of the ear . An interesting point to note is that the ear not only helps in hearing but also helps us to maintain the balance and equilibrium of our body. Without the ear, we would not be able to balance our body with respect to the gravitational pull of the earth .
How does the inner ear help to maintain balance and equilibrium?
Two structures of the inner ear help to maintain balance and equilibrium -
the three semicircular canals that are interconnected and positioned at right angles to each other just like a gyroscope.
the vestibule (has the saccule and utricle) that connects the semicircular canals to the cochlea
The semicircular canals and the vestibule of the inner ear together help to maintain the balance and equilibrium of the body .
السمع ليست الوظيفة الوحيدة للأذن .. (( الإتزان )) هي وظيفة هامـة للأذن .. بدونها يشعر الإنسان بالدوار و الغثيان و إختلال الجسم و فقدان الإتزان
الجزء المختص بالإتزان يقع في الأذن الداخلية يسمي الدهليز و القنوات الهلالية و العصب الدهليزي
الأذن هي العضو الوحيد للسمع , لكن بالنسبة للإتزان هناك أعضاء أخري تتشارك مع الأذن هذه الوظيفة مثل العين
Thanks a lot my friend
So informative piece!, thanks for sharing this kind of info., and waiting for more sharings from you doctor.
You’re very welcome Asmaa & thanks a lot for your support
Thanks a lot Said
You you look a lot like one of my great American friends!
I’m really glad to hear that my friend , really appreciate this and you’re very welcome
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