
N of 1 anecdote/meme to "improve the quality of science" on Steemit. Not a single peer reviewed reference to back up the case other than a Jobs Meme and a blog. We should make your appeal to authority argument part of the algo for steemit!

But seriously, you can't rein in quackery with half supported quackery. 25% of the pharmaceutical repertoire comes from plants but lets just "leave it to the experts" and bring in the anti-vaxxer parade to cement your case. Load it up with more flat earther guilt by association fallacy and everyone will follow your lead.

The flower of this plant seems to be a counter argument to your case.

There are dozens to hundreds of peer reviewed articles on cannabinoids and cancer, yet there is little acceptance from "the experts"....yet. These same experts used to claim cannabis is bad for you and cigarettes were good for you.
There is no one more vested in a cancer outcome than the patient. Do your own research. Your physician will be lucky to have 10 minutes to hear your case. You'll have the rest of your life. People who advocate an appeal to authority on cancer treatment could be considered just as irresponsible as those digging for more answers. Follow orders hoping others will think for you when its most important to think for yourself is dangerous. There is a reason many oncologists wont take the same medicine they prescribe but this critique is very circumstantial and cannot be applied generally.

Without knowing the precise molecular defect in a given tumor, you cannot provide anything other than collectivist chest pumping opinion. Get your tumor sequenced so you know what you have.

You should also know that Jobs got a liver transplant. Hardly a fruit diet. This liver transplant required tumor flaring immunosuppressants which in light of the recent success with immuno therapy, the western medicine may have been what actually killed him.

He needed mTOR inhibitors and there is ample evidence of these in plants like cannabis.

uhm im not a scientist or a doctor but i have to disagree with you here you might have heard of the famous G. Edward Griffin who wrote the book on the federal reserve..? "The creature from jekyll island" he also wrote a book called "World without Cancer" in which he talks about cures for cancer ..:)
and there are also other alternative ways for healing cancer e.g. the great Dr. Royal Rife whos results got actually recreated recently there is even a TED talk about it

and if you want to learn about why there is so much resistence in the pharmaceutical industry id encourage you to watch this :)

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