There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. (Albert Schweitzer)

in #meditation4 years ago

I don't necessarily agree with Albert Schweitzer entirely on this one, but he has still caught an essence of something with which I truly agree. There are things in life that will help you escape a cruel reality, and that will bring peace and joy to your heart, even if everything feels like mess around you. Maybe listening to one of your favorite songs will have that effect on you, or maybe just sitting with a kitten in your lap will have that effect? Or maybe you have to go for a run in the forest, find an empty mountain on which you can scream and shout, or maybe watching a movie or just sitting in quietness with someone you love?

No matter what it is, you better find those methods and things that will help you flee life for some hours or days whenever you have a need for it. We are meant to be social creatures, but there are times at which we just need to calm down and relax and have a good time.

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. (Albert Schweitzer)

What do you do when you want to flee the miseries of life? What do you do to relax and just get inner peace on a day of trouble? It might be smart to think about it, because one day you will need it. If you have no clue, ask your parents or someone who knows you well, they might be able to give you insight and help that you haven't thought about before.