Who Are We? Awakening To The True Power and Potential of Humanity

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)


Recent experiences have lead me to conclude there is more to humanity than what we’ve been told.

Ever since I started studying and practicing meditation, yoga and various breathing techniques 4-years ago, I have experienced several energetic events within my physical body and consciousness which I cannot explain. These events have been occurring more frequently lately, and are quickly awakening me to a new reality of who and what it means to be human.

The first of these events was when I was attending a meditation group just over four years ago that my journey really began. The concept of sitting for 20-minutes with about eighty strangers I didn’t know was daunting. However, when I meditated for the first time in a large group I felt myself connecting to something I did not fully understand, but yet was fully aware of. This unexplored level of awareness I was experiencing intrigued me, so I continued to go back to figure out why I was feeling a noticeable difference when meditating in a group vs. meditating alone.

During my third time meditating in a group I experienced some kind of dream or hallucination. My eyes were shut, but I could visually see in my consciousness what appeared to be a hysterical baby head floating around without a body. Usually in the past when something disturbing like this has entered my consciousness I would open my eyes and distract myself until those thoughts went away, but being in the middle of a group meditation forced me to be present with them. For the first time I sat and explored what the hell I was experiencing instead of running from it.

By the time the meditation was over I was nearly in tears and needed to step outside. What the hell did I just experience, and why?

I hadn’t taken any psychedelics, and I was awake through the entire experience so I wasn’t dreaming. I felt like I was on drugs.

Then it dawned on me; I was on drugs. In fact, I was on a lot of drugs to treat my IBS, anxiety, and insomnia. I realized in that moment that just because a doctor prescribes something, that doesn’t mean it should be considered as anything less than a drug that can alter how you think and feel. I was literally tripping on antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs.
I kept meditating and kept having strange experiences, none as intense or vivid as the floating baby head, but enough to be a cause for alarm. The more I kept meditating the more my intuition told me which drugs I needed to get off of, and thus began a year long process of getting off all my medications (with a doctors help). Each medication had different titration periods, and as I removed them it was like peeling the layers of an onion further expanding my consciousness each time. These drugs were literally blocking my awareness and perception of both myself, and the World around me. Meanwhile, I also began to take better care of myself and went on an all organic paleo diet, began practicing yoga several times per week, as well as starting a daily mediation practice which I still do every day.

This then lead to another experience I cannot explain. I had just come off benzodiazepines and was meditating when I felt a burst of energy between my eyebrows. I experienced a wave of red, purple, blue, and white lights swirling in my minds eye, and from that moment on I have been fully aware, connected, and conscious of this location in my brow just between my eyes. It was like my brain had been disconnected and was finally plugged back into a power source again.
At the time, I merely considered this to be progress or possibly even part of the withdrawals from the medications, but as time went on I realized this was something else. Since that moment I have been consistently aware of this spot in my brow and can easily place my focus there at any time now, and my connection has only grown stronger as I get healthier, meditate more, and detox.

I began to research further and now realize that I had activated my pineal gland and third eye which had been deactivated by eating an unhealthy processed food diet and from all the psychiatric medications. Even then, I still didn’t really believe or understand what was happening to me.

What is the third eye, and what does it have to do with the pineal gland?


According to my research, the third eye is an energy center, or chakra, that exists within every human being on this planet. It is both a physical gland, the pineal gland, and possibly some kind of quantum projector for human consciousness that enables us to dream. René Descartes, a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist described it to be the “principal seat of the soul.” I’ve also seen it referred to as the center of intuition and creativity. For most of my life, I considered such talk to be pseudoscience, and even after experiencing my own third eye awakening I remained skeptical.

When I began meditating, practicing yoga, and getting off all those medications I was on a quest to become healthier, and to figure out what the hell was actually going on with me (that’s a whole other story I hope to publish soon). I began to eat organic, got off processed food, stopped consuming alcohol and caffeine, stopped drinking tap water with fluoride in it, stopped getting fluoride treatments at the dentist (they always made me feel sick afterwards anyway), and stopped using aluminum based antiperspirants to help my body detox.

I also started using cannabis, mostly different ratios of THC to CBD, to treat inflammation and mood fluctuations from the withdrawal side effects of all the medications. I did this all intuitively after meditating on my health daily without even knowing what the pineal gland was, or how doing these things would ultimately lead me to further opening my third eye.
Years later, I’ve now come across dozens of articles and videos on Youtube discussing how to decalcify the pineal gland and activate the third eye. The formulas given are to remove fluoride from your water, reduce heavy metal exposure including aluminum, to eat an organic whole foods diet and to consume substances known to help detox the body and brain, and to avoid substances that essentially poison us.

After my third eye had awoken I somehow intuitively discovered many of these substances with other intentions when I started using them because at the time I didn’t know what the pineal gland even was. This includes:

Haritaki powder which I successfully used to break up biofilms and treat SIBO and my IBS, it is also effective against Lyme disease.
• Turmeric which is a powerful anti-inflamatiroy that I started taking for joint pain.
• Iodine, a powerful mineral with antibacterial and detox properties.
• NAC or N-acetyl Cysteine to help boost the body’s detox system (it helps produce glutathione).
• Spirulina which I started to help my body detox.
• Cannabis particularly CBD for pain and inflammation.
• MSM or methylsulfonylmethane which is essentially a form of sulfur that helps strengthen and heal the body.
• Baking soda with lemon to put my body into an alkaline state. I still do this daily when I wake up in the morning, and even add a little liquid oxygen to give my brain a boost in the mornings instead of drinking caffeine.

All of these various substances seem to activate that very same area in my brow between my eyes, and all of them have come up recently in my research as being able to decalcify the pineal gland and activate the third eye.

Did I seriously just decalcify my pineal gland using meditation and my own intuition?

Did my third eye awakening further lead me to discover new techniques and substances to further expand my consciousness?

Where my medications seriously blocking my conscious awareness and abilities?

I remained skeptical, but continued to explore the depths of my consciousness without judgement.

Kundalini Awakening


Most of my yoga practice for the first 3.5 years was either a variation of yin, hatha, and vinyasa. It wasn’t until 2017 that I discovered Kundalini yoga on Youtube, as well as the Wim Hof Method.

The first time I did Kundalini yoga I tried a class called “The 10 Bodies” by Shiv on Youtube, and experienced a burst of energy in my abdomen near my belly button. Unlike my third eye awakening, which was more visual and mental, this was physical energy that pulsed and tingeled. Just before I activated whatever I activated in my belly I could feel surges of energy move up and down my spine as I performed my first series of root locking (something I had never known to do before). While this experience was also something I cannot explain, I wrote it off initially as a one time thing.

Then it happened again, this time I was trying week 1 of the Wim Hof Method, which is a breathing technique somewhat similar to Kundalini breathing techniques. This time I was able to access my entire autonomic nervous system, and felt surges of energy traveling throughout my entire body. Everything was surging and tingling with energy from the tips of my fingers to each of my toes. It was like accessing an entirely new universe within my own body that I never knew existed. The energy center or chakra I had felt before during Kundalini fully activated this time, and I began laughing, and my entire body began to vibrate as I continued to giggle and laugh hysterically for the next 15-minutes. In those 15-minutes my consciousness expanded in way I had never experienced before.

In those moments I realized everything I thought I knew about humanity, my own body, science, and reality were complete and total bullshit. I was accessing my own nervous system, holding my breath for several minutes upon oxygenating my blood, and had just awakened energy centers in my body. These experiences completely defied everything I thought I knew about the world and universe we live in. I also realized these were not traits unique to me, but with enough practice any human can accomplish, including you.

Humanity is far more capable than we’ve been lead to believe.

What I have experienced is some kind of lost knowledge that potentially all of humanity once knew at some point. Humans can actually control our own nervous systems consciously, can hold and control the flow of oxygen through our bodies, and have a pineal gland that is capable of things I still am just scratching the surface of.

Our entire identity as a species, who, and what we are and the powers that we all have within ourselves have been hidden or even possibly stolen from us. I realized in those moments that we live in a quantum universe where everything is connected, all possibilities are equal, and that much like Tesla predicted we truly do live in a universe made of energy, frequency, and vibration. The human body is merely a receiver for consciousness, and there is some kind of source or collective consciousness we can connect to that can manifest itself within our bodies which is present in the universe that surrounds us.

Humans are far more capable of manifesting a desired reality than any religious belief system, government, or scientist will ever acknowledge.

Perhaps it was some kind of collective consciousness that raised my awareness of what those medications were doing to me? Or maybe it was my own intuition that lead me to improving my health, and discovering new techniques to further expand my consciousness. I don’t really know, and I’m not going to sit here and argue I’m some kind of guru because I had these experiences.

All I know is I can sense the energy of other people, especially when I am in a room full of people such as when I am seeing my favorite band, attending a group meditation, a yoga class, major sporting event, or other large gathering. I can even get a read on people 1-on-1 as well, and have been doing so intuitively since I was a child.

I have often been called an empath, an old soul, and recently a star seed or indigo child. By the time I was 5 years old I’ve been carrying out complex adult conversations with a depth of knowledge that I couldn’t have possibly experienced in a single lifetime. This has resulted in much of my life feeling like one giant mystery. As I grow older and experience further glimpses of universal truth, the more I realize how much and how little I actually know.

Much of what I have experienced has been without teachers or gurus, so I absolutely do not have or know all the answers. In fact, these experiences have been both enlightening and frightening at the same time as I’ve also been experiencing radical new shifts in how I view reality, and realize nothing will ever be the same for me again. The possibilities of metaphysics, quantum mechanics, multi-verse theory, and the likelihood of multiple dimensions are not only logical, but critical to our understanding of what is and is not possible in this reality.

At times I’ve questioned my experiences, and doubted myself and what I’ve been through only to have yet more Kundalini awakening experiences. This time I had an awakening in my solar plexus region, it felt like a balloon of energy popped and begun to tingle and reside for several minutes before fading. I do not believe these sensations are physical in nature, but rather some form of energy.

While practicing a heart chakra yoga class recently I intuitively started using the root lock during a yin yoga class and once again had another Kundalini awakening along my spine between my shoulders. This time I was literally able to practice specific poses with the intention of having a Kundalini awakening and manifested one. It was not as intense as some of the others, but whatever it did considerably helped open my chest and shoulders which are riddled with pain and stiffness from years of bad posture and computer use. All those places I have had pain, illness, or muscle tension are now opening and changing as I breath into them and consciousnessly bring new life and energy to them.

I am not doing anything extreme here. I am not even necessarily going deep into poses, or straining myself, or doing anything to cause pain or discomfort. I am merely building up and harnessing internal energy using breathing techniques and Kundalini body locks to send energy up and down my spine to specific energy points in the body. This absolutely should NOT be possible according to any Western medical belief system, and the only sources of information on I can find to make sense of any of this are rooted in ancient practices, and belief systems dating back to the Egyptians, Greeks, and ancient Eastern cultures.

I don’t really know why this is happening to me, but I do know that several of the health issues I’ve been struggling with are finally starting to improve and heal. I do not know if Kundalini can heal me completely, nor do I really know what I am doing exploring all of this, but my intuition is telling me that I am improving my health and to continue exploring the depths of my nervous system and body. I never could have imagined I would be writing anything like what I have written here even a year ago, but here I am talking about energy centers in the human body as if they’re a part of all of us (which given my experiences I now believe they are).

I have awoken to the possibility that there is more to this universe than what we’ve been told, and my experiences on this planet continue to defy what the powers that be claim are possible.

Who and what are we?

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