Waking up Human Potential to achieve anything you want (part 2)

in #meditation7 years ago

Human beings are capable of utilizing a infinitely greater force than the one he utilizes in daily life. Being the expression of the Divine on the face of the Earth, we hold an inner potential still unknown, hidden deep in our Selves.
These potentialities should be awakened and used in order to get a happier and healthier life. However, due to ignorance or superstition this capabilities are only utilized instinctively, in an uncontrolled manner, in very special occasions, wasting this enormous reservoir of Power.

**One of the first steps** to awaken this immense dormant Power is **cultivation of a certainty that inside ourselves there is a Superior Self (Atma) more powerful and wiser than the Ego by which we are commonly known**. Moreover, it's necessary to understand that this Superior Self is our comfort, our help in difficult times. In order to surpass the adversities, Men should use the Power of his Superior Self, putting forward this inner force. To be able to move this force, it's very important to develop the regular practice of meditation, searching through it a deeper alignment with this Higher Self that inhabits our being, making our psychic senses used to our inner quietness and darkness, learning to explore this brief retirements where we can find unimaginable hidden treasures, aligning our Will with HIS who's wiser and pure consciousness. **Meditation will help to release this Divine Power, that lies within us** that ultimately will lead us to peace, happiness and to achieve anything we want.

Another important factor that should be taken in consideration is that we live in an ocean of astral and mental matter. Thus, considering the immutable **law of attraction** that determines that a certain quality tends to attract equal qualities, when Men thinks or feel, he attracts etheric forces from within and from his surrounding nature. This forces will interact and act upon him, accordingly with the level of reception from the qualities of his thoughts and feelings. In this way, if a person identifies with failure, he or she will attract for themselves situations of defeat and failure as well as similar people for their lives. Whoever is sad, feeling down, depressed, attracts similar qualities and situations that will finally bring him/her more down and more depressed. The ill, failed, unhappy, is firstly like this in his/her interior, in his/her thoughts and feelings. Only later on they come to manifest those qualities in a more visible fashion to their lives. According to your thoughts and feelings will depend the health of your body and the success of your endeavors. The medicine of the future will treat firstly the interior, teaching people NOT to think morbid thoughts of illness, fear or weaknesses, thus curing many of today's sicknesses even before they manifest. The Men who's always happy, driven and confident in his strength attracts conditions (physical and psychic) of success. Even so, eventually, because of the Law of Cycles, it's natural that in some moments during the course of his life, he finds some difficulties, being financially, in love life, family or health. However, when this cycles happens, if we let ourselves down, feeling self pity, we will be destroyed. **So, even in adversity, in this difficult cyclic moments, we should keep in our minds good thoughts and feel good feelings, being sure that this phase will pass. Meditating regularly seeking advise and inspiration on our Superior Self.** Only think and feel positive, however, won't suffice. Thought and feelings should be met by decisive and firm ACTION, in the desired outcome. Positive action, or decisive and firm action towards the desired outcome, this IS the success formulae. Men should learn from an early age to be confident in himself, in the immense power of his Superior Self, His only resource in difficult times. (end of part 2)

Very motivating. Thank you.

Thanks for reading. Follow up the next ones, it gets a lot better :)

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