It's Community Building. NOT Community Raping

in #meetup7 years ago

Don't you just hate it when someone comes along, announcing to the world that they are making tremendous impact and putting themselves up on the pedestal? But because of your experience, you could easily see through the fluff and puff, for the BS that they really are?

Yeah, over the years of running community events with KICKSTART.MY, Project Renaissance, Fuckupnights KL and now Steemit Malaysia, I see these so-called community builders come and go. Quite easy to spot, because they are usually loud.

Frankly, when we started with KICKSTART.MY, we didn't even know it was community building. We just wanted to have a meet up where people can meet and learn from each other. Sure, along the way the events grew bigger, and before I knew it, we were given the label "community builders".

It's a glamorous title, really, with only a few who knows how to leverage from it and make a fortune. Sadly, I wasn't the few. I sucked at partnerships, sponsorships and ticket sales in general, so we just decided to do it for free, and earn our living from other sources.

When we got traction, trust me, vultures do come around. You can see them hovering above, eyeing for the right opportunity to strike. Some wanted to duplicate our work, which is fine, but that's before they sold the idea to some corporations or government bodies, making good money and lining their pockets at the same time. Bitter, but happy knowing that at least the concept of the community events were validated, I took it as a lesson that I just wasn't good enough in the sales department. Yeap, despite having proven results, I just couldn't sell the idea as well as they did. I didn't hustle smart.

But the bitter taste ultimately sank in when I found out that after taking the clients' money, they couldn't deliver the results promised. Nor do they try. Corporates sponsors lost their money, but we can say it's ok because they can just write it off. But when some of those projects were taken from government agencies, now I have an issue, mainly because it's the people's money, and it's the people they are disappointing.

So these vultures, in the name of community builders, are more like community rapers. They would organise over-the-top events, charge the community for attending it, and in the process milk the cows from both sides of the field. They use the altruistic vision of fluff and BS to make people feel good about parting with their hard earn money, in the name of community building.

That sickens me. Really.

Call me naive, but when a community event is organised to support a cause, then the organisers shouldn't exploit it as a profit making attempt. A few examples I can think of, because it comes in different covers and shades you see, are:

  • Single mother empowerment drives, but charges the single moms to learn how to empower themselves.
  • Social enterprises who preaches philanthropy, but fails to "donate" the promised percentage of profits because there were no profits recorded. Interestingly, if you scrutinise the P&L, you'll realise there are some overpaid directors, heavy expense accounts and a company sports car.
  • Education for the underprivileged, but requires the underprivileged to purchase learning materials from their companies. Somehow the money from the sponsors just couldn't cover the additional learning materials.
  • Or simple charging poor communities for knowledge that's is available free elsewhere, just because the people were not aware of it.

And the vultures, I see them hovering over us now, because of the Steemit events and bootcamps we are organising. As far as @bitrocker2020 and myself are concerned, our events will always be free, or at cost price. We both understand that our profits can come from the contents we create on the event, or simply by supporting the contents created by the participants. Because that's the gift of the Steemit platform. It's win-win by design.

If someone do come around claiming to run Steemit programs/workshops and charging a bomb for it, beware. They may be using our program contents, which is fine because it's open-sourced anyway, but be suspicious of their intentions.

Over the years, I hardly chance upon anything that's as good as the Steemit platform and community. It has a strong win-win-win element, and it rewards those who participated on it. Sadly, whenever there is money, vultures would pick up the scent.

So hold your wallet, perk up your senses, and listen to your gut. Together, we can identify and mark these community rapers.

Wait, why's Mav posting on Steemit nowadays?

Well, unlike other blogging and social media platform, Steemit is the only platform that allows me to earn cryptocurrency when I engage with it. Yup, one Steem is about USD7, and you, too, can earn Steem Dollars every time you:

  • Create content (articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, photos)
  • Upvote (like) other people contents
  • Comment on other people's posts
  • Have discussions, share opinions etc!

Yup, basically it's the very same thing you're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc all along!

The only difference? For once you can earn a nice income on the side!

Sign up for a free Steemit account, and you can thank me by coming back and upvoting this article. And guess what, you will earn Steem too for doing that! #awesome



Really good read , easy to tell you have been around the block a few times .. Thanks jkenny

Yeah, around the same block too many times! Gotta learn my lesson! :)

You've articulated well @maverickfoo what I've felt many times but couldn't put into such a coherent and cohesive way. Great post

Thanks for the kind words, @natureofbeing. :)

Fighting a losing fight, though. As @bitrocker2020 and I started doing more Steemit events here in Malaysia, more and more people are looking at ways to profit from the platform, rather than leveraging from it.

Still keeping the faith, so no worries. And we meet amazing people supporting the platform as well.

Have a great week ahead!

Is it ok that I am loudly telling people to join Steemit? lol
Mostly just want all my friends who make great longboard content to start getting paid for it. So far i think i got about 3 people to join. It's small, but it's a start!

Hey, 1 gets 3, 3 gets 9, 9 gets 27, and that's how it will spread like wild fire.

Hey! I really admire what you do on this platform, socially and other community events. While I don't quite believe in karma (I do feel the same bitter taste when you detailed on community rapers); I do believe that when you give more in value than what you get monetarily.

Naturally the universe has it's way to come back and reward you!
I believe when you do quality work! People will notice and appreciate so kudos to you man!

Thanks man! Yeah, made good friends, learned a lot along the way, and I like to think I've created some small impact too.

Hope you had a great weekend!

all the work you're doing is so awesome!! It' amazing to see more and more people standing up for what is just and fair. The way you call out those who are misusing the system is brave but more importantly you are raising awareness for people who may otherwise be deceived by the "crapilustic" American dream.
I think what you are doing is groundbreaking with the open-source content and information sharing. This is the direction the future should be going in and you're leading by example. Round of applause for you and your team!

Thanks for the kind words, @amariespeaks.

Last time when I was less connected and skilled, I just stood in silence when I see others use their power to oppress and exploit the weak.

Now, though I'm not all powerful (but who is, right), I have some influence, and I wish to stand up for those injustice. Sure, I'll make enemies along the way, but at least when I look in the mirror, I can almost feel a gentle pat on the back. For a job well done.

exactly :)
each of us can stand up for what's right and fair in our own corner of the world and before we know it we're gonna out shine the fakes. Right now it seems like there's an influx of fake "mentors" and "teachers" out there making money off people. Why should knowledge be expensive? - It should be free to anyone who has the nerve to apply themselves.

I bet they will be out pretty soon 😆

When there's no more money to leech? Haha.

@maverickfoo Interesting article. Yeah, seen those too "community" programs. In fact there's one large M'sian group in FB, that started well but seems to be turning to the dark side.

IMHO, I think it is okay to charge for "training, networking, etc" as long as the community organizer is up front about it. Use of own material off course, a no no. Or must be optional/no obligation kind of thing.

If there is any profit generated, then for transparency and full disclosure, if a large percentage is donated to the cause, it is still okay. Maybe say 80% to 90%.

Usually, that's not the case-lah. Anyway kudos to what you & @bitrocker2020 is doing if it is free or at cost.

A lot of people forget greater income can come from the back end resulting from good will generated, but many are too short sighted, so go for the fast buck.

Thanks for the kind words. Actually taking advice from @carolfung, we will be charging a minimal commitment fee, usually less than RM100, up to 5 Steem for those that are more resource intensive. That's because we always get high dropoffs and low commitments when the event is free, causing the venue sponsors wastage too.

Like the upcoming Bootcamp for ladies (, after reimbursement of the petrol and tol and some admin charges, we'll probably donate the rest.

Both @bitrocker2020 and I knew from early on that we can earn our income from the event off the posts we do, and to be true advocates of Steemit, we have to walk the talk. Thanks for the reminder.

In the end of the day, it falls back to the values that were added (or supposed to be added). If organizers were to really add value to their participants and sponsors, I'm sure no one bothers how much profit they make off it because they deserve it. But if they don't, then it's just a rip-off and dedicated community builders like yourself @maverickfoo really feel the anger from within...

Oh well, we can't decide for others how they want to do it but certainly we ourselves can push ourselves to deliver the values that we promised!

Thanks for the kind words, brother. A constant check I used, is to ask "Will my Ma be proud of me doing this?"

Bitter is the feeling, when I see these community rapers, and I'm left sometimes with a heavy heart. Sometimes because of their backers, I just silence myself.

Well, one day, the silenced will speak up, and loud will be the roar of the lion, still will be the beating of the heart.

I know the type you speak about. In my country we have them as NGOs, civil service organisations and the likes. They are loud with their disclaimers and fantastic projections then they are gifted by politicians and suddenly they are quiet.
I know them too as inspirational and self-help gurus who will charge you to set you free from poverty.
I know them as market leaders, youth leaders, community development association presidents, who are willing to sell their community for money.
I love it that the Steemit community is free and open. Knowledge is available all over the place for free. No one has the monopoly to control people's lives or wallets.
Lovely words @maverickfoo. Keep doing the good work

Hi @warpedpoetic, looks like they come in all sizes, colors and shapes!

I once complained to a business partner before, "How can these liars are still leeching money under the guise of doing good, but the cause they are supporting gets nothing? Why can they give to people to do good honest work, like us?"

My partner told me, "Well, because they are willing to do what you're not willing to."

Sad truth, but now with Steemit, I feel empowered. I don't need to bend on my principles, and still, it's a win-win-win for all.

I never really give a thought about this. Your sharing has made me think twice about all those so-called community builders. Its ironic to charge single mothers or those underprivileged with programs so-called to empower them so that they can live on their own. Thanks for the reminder, i will be extra cautious on those community rapers out there!

Now that you're aware, please do me a favour?

Remind me too, if I had swayed off course. Since this is gonna be logged in the Steemit blockchain, it's gonna be a harsh reminder for me.

I admit, I too, can sometimes loose sight of the grander vision, usually due to desperation. But I'm lucky to always have people around me to remind me.

Sure! U did a great job there, no worries and keep it up!

Thank you @maverickfoo, You are a great gift to this community and I have been a dogged follower of your posts since I followed you.
You see, I have had series of encounters with these community rapers that will organize conferences with very nice themes, deceiving the helpless masses with fake promises and very high charges but the end up under delivering and wasting people's time. I once had to travel miles to attend a meeting with so much HYIP and CHARGE that I didn't learn anything new. I sure know that Karma will catch up with them soon!

Karma, yes. Their time will come.

In the mean time, my Master always reminded me to still my heart too. For if I let their action fill my heart with anger, rage and frustration, they would have won, and I would have lost. To brave through with a peace of mind, sometimes we need to be reminded of what's just and fair, and pick our fights.

Agree? High-five, brother!