Meme challenge #104
Hello Memearmy!!

Winners of last Memechallenge
(Judge: @gingergeorge)
First place: @onefatindian

Second place: @thetimetravelerz
Third place: @steeminati

Congratulations to all the winners!!
NEW Meme challenge
Judge will be @gymbuddy
For this challenge you have to make a meme of this photo:

Winner - 6 STEEM
Second place - 3 STEEM
Third place - 2 STEEM
- Title of every entry must contain "Meme challenge # - Entry #"
- First tag of post must be #memechallenge
- Your meme must contain text
- You can add/remove something from the original photo but again photo without text isn't a meme
- End of challenge will be on Friday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- Each user can have up to 2 entries that will be considered in challenge
How to support challenge:
- Vote on this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you have an picture for next meme challenge contact me at or send me on email:
- If you have some extra money donate it to make new challenge possible
Big thanks to people who donated for #memechallenge :
@blocktrades, @dumar022 , @papa-pepper , @onceuponatime, @moon32walker, @tmntzara, @the-future , @ned , @ebryans, @fulltimegeek, @karenmckersie, @kus-knee, @inphiknit, @gonzo, @thecryptofiend, @good-karma, @donkeypong, @giftedgaia, @hanshotfirst, @felixxx, @taskmanager, @son-of-satire, @runridefly, @karenb54, @sykochica, @buzzbeergeek, @tincho, @chuckypita, @reseller, @blueorgy, @thedonfreeman, @tamaralovelace, @cosminblaga, @nicolaepavelean, @kingscrown, @antminer, @gymbuddy
#memechallenge has it's room at so feel free to join the room to promote your entries and communicate with other participants. You are all welcome!!

Good luck everyone!
Support #memechallenge with your upvote!
Payout of meme posts are filling memechallenge reward pool!

Greetings from @fibra59

entry #2
@payoutbot is not a program I'm just a founding member of the Steeminati who pays out the worthy, by following the bretherns good deeds on the blockchain, by paying out like a robot!
Need a good plumber? I'm your guy!
With a few great employees (all Licensed),
we do both residential and corporate,
For quick response,
Reach out to me through any of my recent posts
or Contacting any member of the Steeminati.
Thank you for using CryptoSicko!
Well done and thank you for joining and supporting my subscription based upvoting bot that provides you with daily upvotes in exchange for your spare STEEM POWER.
Delegation links for CryptoSicko
100SP 250SP500SP
Entry #1
entry #2

Want a console, game or accessory...

How about an unlocked iPhone or Galaxy?
Check me out on eBay, Amazon and NewEgg.
entry #1
@payoutbot is not a program I'm just a founding member of the Steeminati who pays out the worthy, by following the bretherns good deeds on the blockchain, by paying out like a robot!
entry #1
Entry #1 in this week's Meme Challenge from @fibra59
Check out the SteemDecathlon's MemeDay Contest
I'm your guy! With a few great employees (all Licensed), we
do both residential and corporate, For quick response,
reach out to me through any of my recent posts or
contacting any member of the Steeminati.
Entry #2 for Meme Challenge fron @fibra59
Need a good plumber? I'm your guy!
With a few great employees (all Licensed),
we do both residential and corporate,
For quick response,
Reach out to me through any of my recent posts
or Contacting any member of the Steeminati.
Entry #1
Want a console, game or accessory...

How about an unlocked iPhone or Galaxy?
Check me out on eBay, Amazon and NewEgg.
entry #2 - commentary from the peanut gallery
entry #2 trying this joke again!!!!
I'm going to do a variation of this joke every week till you guys get sick of it...
and I'm going to have other members of the steeminati do it to!!!!
Entry #1 for Meme Challenge from @fibra59

here goes my entry 1
My Entry 1
Here is my entry for this week -
Also congrats to my homie @onefatindian for the win man, top stuff your meme skills are getting you paid, doesn't get much better than that does it?
Thanks, Count @chekohler!
Entry 2
entry 1
Congratulations to the winners!!
These are my entrys for this week:
Entry #1

Entry #2

My entries:
Entry 1
Entry 2
My Entries:
Entry #1

wow i'm guessing based on the same stupid high school joke being picked every week these will be 1 and 2....
Haha. My thoughts exactly