Sosial Media dan Cemas Bersama
Waktu bagai terkunci oleh gembok-gembok bernama sosial media, ia bagaikan sesuatu yang tak bisa terlepas dari keseharian kita. Setiap harinya, kita terlena dengan berbagai posts, likes, share, comments, dan berbagai notifikasi lainnya. Dari sana pula muncul kebahagiaan-kebahagiaan semu, pengisi kosongnya ruang di dalam diri bernama hati.
When locked by locks called social media, it is like something that cannot be separated from our daily lives. Every day, we are lulled by various posts, likes, shares, comments, and various other notifications. From there also appear apparent bliss, filling the empty space within the self called the heart.
Novie O.M.