How Did the Universe Come To Be?

in #metaphysics7 years ago (edited)

Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding. They have measured the rate of expansion and calculated when the starting point began and what it must have been. These calculations show that the entire universe began about 13.7 billion years ago where everything there is was compressed into an infinitesimally small point, smaller than an atom. They call this a singularity.

For some unexplainable reason this singularity exploded with unimaginable force, which created atoms and other particles in perfect balance. How that balance occurred they know not. They only know that it happened.

If you think creation by an Intelligent Designer is fantastic consider that this theory has it beat. Let us pick just one part of the theory, that everything began with a very very small point of compressed matter. To understand how fantastic this is, consider the difficulty in reversing the Big Bang.

First you could take your body and compress it into a particle as big as a grain of sand. Then you could take the 7 billion other people and compress them into 7 billion grains of sand. Then you could take all those pieces of sand, which could create a good portion of a beach and compress all them into a single grain. If you think that is a good trick then look at the work we still have to do. We have all the people of earth compressed into a grain of sand sitting on planet Earth, which is a pretty huge place.

Now we have to take the entire planet and compress it. This would take some serious energy expenditure, but let us imagine it could be done. Voila! The earth and humanity are now compressed together into a piece of matter the size of a grain of sand, but the amazing thing is the mass is still there. Lifting that grain of sand would be like Atlas lifting the Earth.

Even though we have now accomplished the impossible we are just getting started. Now we need to compress the planets in our solar system. We might as well start with Jupiter. Wow, we are in for some serious compression here for Jupiter is 1330 times the volume of the earth and 318 times as heavy and that’s not counting its many moons.

Let us now compress Jupiter and its moons. Uuugggh. What a job. It is now the size of a grain of sand. Now we move on to Saturn, Neptune and Uranus which are also much larger than Earth. We do the impossible and compress them. Finally we move on to Mercury, Venus, Mars, the asteroids, Pluto and the rest of the dwarf planets and compress them.

Now we have that done we tackle the sun, which has more mass than all the planets put together, somewhere around the mass of 1,000,000 Earths. To reduce this to the size of a grain of sand is a real miracle, but somehow we do it.

We still have the other stars to reduce. Let us start with a big one, the Eta Carinae system. We have our work cut out for us, for this sun is 250 times the size of our sun and a million times as bright. Imagine, though, we get the job done and it is compressed to the size of a grain of sand.

Hold on, we are just getting started. There are around 300 billion suns, just in our galaxy and 100 billion known galaxies and who knows how many unknown. Now really strain your imagination and see each of these stars reduced to the size of a grain of sand and gathered together into one place.

What do we have before us? Amazingly we have more sand than would fit in all the beaches and deserts on the whole of planet Earth. In fact, there would be enough sand for five or more planet Earths.

That is one heck of a lot of sand.

We still have our work cut out for us. Now we have to take these trillions of grains and compress them to one individual grain. Okay, really stretch your imagination here. There, it is done. The whole known universe is now reduced to a single grain of sand.

So… have we reproduced the original singularity that Big Bang theory tells us originated the universe? Not really. Believe it or not, we still have a long way to go. The grain of sand is still much larger than the singularity.

Let’s get to work and compress more, but the mass of the universe is so huge this is getting difficult. Grunt, grunt, there, the grain of sand is reduced to a piece of dust. Is that the right size now?

No. Still a long way to go. The Singularity is smaller than an atom and do you know how many atoms there are in a speck of dust?

About four times as many as there are stars in the entire known universe.


So now imagine these trillions of atoms being compressed into the size of one atom. How far away are we now from the size of the Singularity? Are we are now getting close?

Some say yes, some say no, but most say it was as small or smaller than an atom.

If you think of what we have done so far is fantastic, now consider this.

Take away the factor of some intelligence like us doing the work and imagine that all by itself this tiny Singularity, for some reason that defies explanation and imagination, just explodes and creates the whole universe with you and me in it.

The amazing thing is that scientists are not using their wild imaginations in visualizing this, but say it really happened.

So which is the wilder thought?

(1) The singularity as small as an atom exploded for no understandable reason and created all there is, or,

(2) Some type of Intelligence made it all happen.

Putting it this way doesn’t make Intelligent Design seem too difficult to believe, does it?

Hopefully, this dialog prepares the reader’s mind to consider something new. Here it is.

Science is correct that the universe began with a Singularity which was an infinitesimally small point, but the point was smaller and much different than any of them supposed.

The point was not one of unbelievable condensed matter, but a point of pure Intelligence. The matter that created the universe did not yet exist except in the mind of this Intelligence, for the current matter of the universe is not created from anything that is solid, as evidenced from the fact that regardless of how small we go into matter, solid mass cannot be found. All that can be found for sure are wavelengths.

And of what are the wavelengths composed? If they are not composed of anything solid then what creates them?

Answer: Thought.

And what originates the thought?


And where did the Intelligence come from?

The interplay of opposites.

This interplay and Intelligence co-exist and have always been.

Intelligence created matter out of Itself, and thus we have Intelligence within matter all throughout the universe. This Intelligence moves the evolution of all things forward toward an end unimaginable to us at this time.

“There is no such thing as intelligence in matter,” says the skeptic.

To this we respond: “Are you intelligent?”

He answers, “Yes, of course.”

“Do you exist in matter, of which your body is composed, or are you some phantom?”

He has no intelligent response.

Copyright by J J Dewey

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.


Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding
why do you think they are correct? Suppose they are not?
You disbelieve other things that they say...what makes this special?

I (dis)agree with some scientists on some things based on what makes sense to me. Isn't that what reasoning beings do?

I don't particularly agree that the universe is expanding.

for example...just about everytime a new and more powerful telescope goes online it finds something that's impossible. There are structures that are SO big...and SO faraway that they can not exist according to the standard model.

First experimental evidence of an expanding universe was Hubble in the 1920's. He thought he would see some galaxies moving closer together and others farther and found that instead all galaxies are moving apart. AFAIK all subsequent observations have verified that.

Red Shift has GOT to be an indication that they are moving away from us...right?
nothing could ever, ever, ever approach...
Tired Light Can't possible be true
and just ignore

  • There are more almost 7000 blue-shifted galaxies listed in the NED1 web site. Being blue-shifted means that they are approaching the earth. The velocities ranges from just-above-zero to 8000 km/sec. The vast majority of velocities is less than 200 km/sec.

ignore this too

  • Astronomers have discovered a clump of 73 quasars that spans four billion light years at its widest point—that's like 40,000 Milky Way galaxies lined end-to-end. The only problem? Theory says the quasar cluster is too big to exist

Most of those blue-shifted 7000 objects are stars not galaxies. And I think all the actual galaxies are part of our local system which means they may overcome the redshift of expansion by local movement towards us.
I don't think your NPR link addresses expanding universe.
Observational red/blue-shift is relative to the viewer so closer systems can overcome expansional red-shift effects due to their motion relative to the viewer (in other words they are moving towards us, relatively speaking, faster than universal expansion is taking them away from us because of their proximity). Or so the explanations I've seen go.
The long and short of it is the observational evidence points that way and their is ZERO observational evidence evidencing alternative theories AFAIK.

you think very clearly states that they are galaxies.
lookie're defending scientists...the very same people who claim your god doesn't exist.
image that.

As I mentioned I agree with some things some scientists say depending upon what seems to make sense to me.
Some scientists, maybe even most, see evidence of intelligent action/consciousness in the very nature of the universe itself - which agrees with my conception of "god".

Can you give me a link where to where it "very clearly states that they are galaxies", I can't seem to find it.

um...lemme think.
OH...the link right over the paragraph...did you try that?
in which it says.

(note: blue means it's a link)

There are more almost 7000 blue-shifted galaxies listed in the NED1 web site. Being blue-shifted means that they are approaching the earth. The velocities ranges from just-above-zero to 8000 km/sec. The vast majority of velocities is less than 200 km/sec.

more fun links

I repeat...why are you so invested in something proposed by scientists when you say that the scientists are wrong?

is there anything else I can find for you? a tutorial on how to use google perhaps?

That link is to an article by a guy saying he did a search of NED1 but if you look at his ACTUAL search query down toward the end of that article, you can see it looks like he may have mistakenly included "object type = ANY" (ot_include=ANY).
And as I said the first time you asked mr. snippypants :-) I (dis)agree with some scientists some of the time depending upon what makes sense to me.

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