The World Around You Is A Projection of Your State of Mind

in #metaphysics7 years ago (edited)

Think back to a few years ago. Who were you two, three or even five years ago? If you are anything like me you might be thinking back to a completely different person. You might have had completely different views or attitudes towards a whole bunch of topics. Your opinions might be stronger on certain issues than before and you might think of yourself in a completely different light.

I can safely say for myself, the world is completely different. I am not only different in my attitudes or opinions but in my overall goals and desires. Three years ago I might have been looking forward to finishing my degree to land a dream job in the city I was living. These days I want nothing more than to travel the world and experience unhindered freedom. Now here is where it gets interesting. When I think back to who I was back then I can picture a completely different person with different friends and spending my time with different hobbies. Of course back then that was all I wanted to do and I was happy to spend my time partying or playing video games. I didn't quite see the big picture or didn't particularly care for it. Instead expecting my life to just lead me to wherever it was I wanted to go. This is great and all but sooner or later the person I thought I was would start changing.

This is where I came to the realisation that I could become anything I wanted to be and live whatever life I choose as long as I kept it in my head that this is where I wanted to go. Sure enough as I started shifting towards a life of travel and adventure, the world around me started to change. I didn't enjoy my job as much, being locked down in a corporate cubicle. The people interacted with each day became symbols of a life I soon wanted to escape and I started seeing more and more the avenues I could take to finally start living my dreams. The world around me started tuning itself towards what I desired most and my reality shifted from one which I once saw as my life to something could be influenced by what I thought about the most.

The more you start to see what you want in life the more you have to take what comes your way. As you notice the projections of your inner most thoughts coming further and further into your reality, you need to take the chances and follow the inspiration. Otherwise you are just proving to yourself that you don't want it THAT much.

The world around doesn't just respond to what you want the most. As a projection of your state of mind, it can be a challenging and frightening beast to master. If you lost a job you desperately needed to keep. You might find things slowly start unraveling for you. Bills start flooding in, debt piles up and everything might seem to be going wrong for you. You might find yourself late to every appointment, the car needs constant repair and you just can't catch a break. My advice in this situation, start fresh and reset. The world is full of infinite opportunities and you just need to start focusing on what you gained not what you lost. The sooner you start patching up your mindset the sooner you can jump on the frequency of optimism and abundance.

Have you ever noticed those people who just can't seem to lose no matter what life throws at them? They just always seem to be showered with luck and money just flows. They are often times larger than life people who in most cases are always in a great mood. Their life is a projection of these attitudes. They love life and life gives them a reason for it to be loved. They focus on the good things, the gratitude, the good times and how easy luck comes to them. It can take some heavy practice to get to this state. Since blocking the negative aspects of life is not something that comes naturally to so many people. But once acheived life can literally be heaven on Earth. You can project the world of your dreams and have people sitting around wondering how the hell you got so damn lucky.


Law of Emergence
Manifestations emerge according to ur attitude (resonating frequency)

Very true. We underestimate how much power we truly have.

Awesone and inspirational read. It can be tough deciding if you're on the right path when things don't seem to be working out. Having the idea that you're following your dreams can be little consolation, howevet, positivity is key!

Exactly right! This is a topic I am strongly passionate about and I'm looking forward to writing continuously on the subject over time. I have a lot to learn myself but also have plenty to share. Thanks for your comment, hope you stick around :)

you have a new follower.. yay! nice to meet you my friend..

Awesome Rebecca, thanks for the support!

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