Warning, if you move to Mexico you might end up with a COKE habit!

in #mexico8 years ago

Warning, if you move to Mexico you might end up with a COKE habit

One thing I didn't expect to end up with when I moved to Mexico was a COKE habit.  The thing is, Mexican Coke is just better than the stuff you find in America.  From the packaging, to the cost, to how it's made, it's better in just about every way. Its so good for the first time in my life I have a tab running to keep up with consumption through the times that are tough.  This is coming from people who didn't even like Coke when they lived in the states. Tried it but it just wasn't our thing, to each their own.

Mexican coke is best in thick glass bottles, called medio litro botellas(bo-tey-as) here. It's made with real sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, or any corn syrup for that matter.  The combination of the real sugar in glass bottles makes it taste completely different.  At this point, we've had many friends confirming our theory, the only one who didn't is a native mexican that drinks coke all day long, out of plastic. 

The other appeal to Mexican coke compared to American coke is the fact that its just cheaper here.  One medio litro of the delicious coke nectar is only 7 pesos at your local miscelanea, or 7.50 at Oxxo. That works out to like 40 cents American or something ridiculous like that.  When I found glass coke bottles for sale in the states, they were always at least a dollar and they weren't half liters.  They also weren't made with real sugar, or in a thick bottle and only taste slightly better. 

If your local miscelanea likes you, they won't make you pay the bottle deposit, so long as you bring it back when you're done. The stores have to buy the bottles upfront, so when you don't take it back(unless you paid your deposit, then do with it what you will) it costs them money.  If your local miscelanea really likes you, or trusts you, they'll let you take out cokes on credit, to pay when you have the cash.  I know the only place I've ever held a tab is here in Mexico, at my local miscelanea for cokes primarily.  Getting the cokes we drink also gives me a chance to interact with really nice mexican people, which can brighten most bad days. It's also a small way for me to add value to the barrio, by supporting my local businesses.  So it's not just a drink, its an experience, one I've only had in Mexico. COKE for better or worse is a big part of Mexican culture.


I've always enjoyed a coke with a bag of chips while watching hockey. It's just how I grew up. I CANNOT stand coke in a plastic bottle though (in Mexico or the US)... I don't know what it is about the plastic but it changes the taste dramatically. But, yes, Mexican coke from a glass bottle, ice cold, with tacos or chips, is like nectar from the gods! And while clearly not very healthy, is much healthier than they have in third world countries like the USSA with HFC. I now live near the beach in Acapulco, watching hockey via NHL.com which streams HD quality to my 65" flat screen while enjoying a coke with real sugar from a glass bottle. The best of both worlds!

I read this and thought, hey, sounds like a Canadian! Hit your bio and sure enough, fellow Canuck. Seemed like every arena had those hot chocolate machines and styrafoam cups that burnt your tongue no matter how long you waited, and the chewy hot dogs. Hockey card vending machines and little skate shops that sold overpriced tape... I miss those days.

Agree on the Coke too, btw. Have the good stuff in a lot of SE asia and I can't get enough of it, but won't drink Coke in North America cause it's awful.

Yup. The "land of the free" with its sugar lobby.

So true. My grandma always used to scream about it when she would come visit us in the states. "Esta no es coca!" She would say. We thought she was just being annoying cause she wanted to go back to Durango. We were wrong. You should still avoid it as much as posible though.

Psst - I think you just got red-flagged by someone from Pepsi.

Lol yeah of all the articles of ours to get flagged

Muy bueno el materia que publicas, quien no se muere por una Coca, yo de niño vendía huesos, para comprar una botella de coca. Gracias por compartir la información. Te invito a que conozca mi blogg. y si te gusta vota, si queres me podes seguir Gracias

I see what u did there. Good article as I long term think I will expatriate there

I have few bottles in the fridge. It is a lot better than the coke in the plastic bottles.

If it ain't Vanilla Coke though, I ain't touchin' it.
Well, maybe just a sip.

WARNING! Now this is REALLY IMPORTANT! According to Wikipedia - which, of course, is never wrong ;-) - not ALL Coke in Mexico uses real sugar! Apparently they're stiffing Mexicans like they do Americans by using HFCS so if you're automatically expecting MexiCoke south of the border be careful as some of it may be AmeriCoke in disguise, whereas the "Mexican Coke" sold north of the border always has real sugar. What kind of world are we living in?

Nice. I don't think I've drank Coca-Cola for years... never really liked the taste. so I might have to try it again now that I live in Mexico. Unfortunately, I believe Jarritos use HFCS. Tonicol is the best soft drink in Mexico though. Even better, a nice big cup of agua de tamarindo from the taquería.

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