Why Some Men cannot grow Beard.
Hello Guys, Today Beard are very trending in mens style and it enhance the looks of men also.But some men can't grow beard which I will explain.
Beard is status symbol for some men and they link beard with manhood and disrespect men who don't have beard and I want to say those men that they are fool because beard is a part of our body and every body part are diffrent in everybody.
Some men think that beard growth depends upon testosterone and starts taking injections of testosterone which is very harmful to our body it can disturb the hormone production of body and body stop the production of testosterone due to external testosterone which can decrease the sexual desire because testosterone is secual hormone.
If you don't grow beard then you have DHT deficiency and it depends upon genetics. So font worry about it.
DHT(Dihydratosterone) is a hormone which synthesis from testosterone and on it beard growth depends and if you think that the men who have beard which have good DHT level or have beard then you are wrong you are lucky because DHT is also responsible for hair loss. So you are very lucky my friends.
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be different instead of diffrent.Thanks
आप हिंदी में लिखिए। हिंदी में लिखना आसान हे और समझना भी आसान हे ,साथ में आप इंग्लिश की ट्रांस्टलेट भी डालिये। (You write in Hindi It is easy to write in Hindi and it is also easy to understand, along with you also insert the English translation template)
Mere bhi nhi aate bhai. Lol. 😂😂
यदि इंग्लिश नहीं आती तो आप हिंदी में लिखिए (If you do not speak English, then you write in Hindi)
बिल्कुल गुरु। लेकिन हमें अंग्रेज़ी आती है। आप हमें फॉलो करके हमारे पोस्ट्स देख सकते हैं। सुझाव के लिए शुक्रिया।😂
Mere to a Gaye bhai😂😁
Sahi hai bhai.. follow kar liya hai maine.. aap bhi karde.. lol. 😂😂
Kar liya bhai sabhi comment karne walo ko follow kar liya.
What a good idea
Thank you bro
@yashkr0001, yeah!! Right said.. M one of them who shave on regualar basis :p what about u ??? ;)
Hahaha ..
I don't need to think about it ..
Becz in my religion .. we do grow our beards nd mustaches 😎
Poor guys. I thank my God daily that I can grow enough beard :P
You have a good beard.