Write in micro size 05 | SLC S21W05

in #microwrite043 months ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, Microwriters

Welcome to week 05 of our short fiction workshop. In this workshop we will focus on creating versions of micro-stories using literary tools and resources. In addition to a special challenge just for extreme microwriters.

Write in micro size

Microwriter 's toolbox .


  • Follow the tag #microwrite05
  • 3 tasks | 2 posts | Comment assertively, leave suggestions.
  • New participants are welcome to join, help us promote.
  • Our TOP List of the week.
  • AN EXTRA CHALLENGE, (OPTIONAL). For Microwriters extremes. With special prizes. To be published on Monday NOV/25/24.


Let's get started

Microwriter 's toolbox .

Objectives: To embellish and give force to your micro-stories, using literary resources

  • Use narrative ellipsis, metaphors and multiple meanings to embellish and add surprising twists to your micro-stories.
  • Versioning micro-story authors.
  • Explore your creativity, flexibility and versatility in micro storytelling.

Access the theory lessons 05: -- Microwriter 's toolbox


Previous steps: Identify the following elements:

  • 1- Select a short story or tale from universal literature that you have read.
  • 2.-Check out the links below, select 1 micro story that has impacted you, no more than 50 words.
  • 3- Save the author's name and URL for use in references.
  • 4- Investigate the difference between “versioning” and “plagiarizing”
  • 5- Study the evaluation rubrics, where we detail how to use and cite micro-stories from other authors.
  • 6- Ask if you have any questions.
    NOTE: To version a micro-story involves taking an original text as a starting point to create a new interpretation. You must: Maintain the essence of the original story. Personalize it with original elements, products of your creativity. Cite the original text, clearly indicating which parts are your own and which parts are from the original author. (Remember, this is not paraphrasing.)





PUBLICATION 1. I write versions of micro stories.

Contains tasks 1, 2. See example post

Task 1: I version a history of universal literature.

  • Select a story that you have read, by a universal author. They can be stories, children's stories, novels, fables, among others,
  • Analyze: its structure, the narrator, the literary subgenre, style, its essence. (NOTE: it is not necessary to write this analysis in the task)
  • Consider what part of this story you could use, and how to adapt it while maintaining its essence.
  • Create three versions for said story, tale, or novel.
    • In version 1: you use narrative ellipsis.
    • In version 2: apply a metaphor.
    • In version 3: apply double meaning or ambiguity.
  • If possible, use less than 40 words for your version, and no more than 50.
  • NOTE: Giving your version a title is not necessary, only if you want.
  • Includes the name of the story, the original novel, its author and a brief summary of its plot and essence.
  • Save this (these) stories to publish with task 2.


Task 2: I version another author's micro-story

  • Have the micro story you previously selected on hand.

  • -
    NOTE: Follow the instructions for task 1, but this time apply it to another author's micro-story. You can also make three versions, using ellipsis, metaphor and ambiguity.
  • Create a post containing tasks 1 and 2.

  • Post on your blog or in a community, both in your native language and in English.

  • Use only one image for the cover.

  • Surprise us with your reflection for the two tasks: short and concise, focusing on the use of each resource

  • Title of the post: I write versions of micro stories

  • Tag @joslud and @solperez

  • Use the hashtags: #microwrite05 # learnwithsteem #story #shortstory #creativewriting #steemexclusive #country

  • Invite friends to comment on your versions.


PUBLICATION 2. Extreme makeover for a micro story

Contains task 3. See example post

Task 3: Re-edit one of your stories, with ellipses, metaphors and multiple meanings.

  • Select a recent story of your own to republish.
  • Analyze: its structure, the narrator, the literary subgenre, style, what errors do it have? What do you want to improve: the title, the beginning, the end, including creative twists.
  • Give it a title that uses double meaning or ambiguity in its meaning. (Less than 7 words)
  • Improve the beginning and make it direct and orient the reader.
  • Include at least one metaphor or comparison of elements that is surprising.
  • Use ellipsis to eliminate excess or suggest meanings.
  • Give it a final twist that leaves the reader shocked and curious.
  • Make sure the new version is 100 words or fewer.
  • You must use at least: one metaphor, one ellipsis, one word or phrase with a double meaning, in the new version.
  • Surprise us with your reflection: short, concise and focused on how you used literary resources and what you learned.
  • Includes the original story for comparison.
  • Post title: Extreme makeover for a micro story.
  • Use only one image for the cover.
  • Post on your blog or in a community, both in your native language and in English.
  • Tag @joslud and @solperez.
  • Use the hashtags: #microwrite05 # learnwithsteem #story #shortstory #creativewriting #steemexclusive #country
  • Comment on at least 4 posts: respectfully and assertively, acknowledging the resources I use. Ask questions?
  • Place the 4 links to the comments in the post.

Remember: HAVE FUN

Evaluation rubrics: Total 10 points.
Task 1: 2,5 points
Task 2: 2,5 pts
Task 3: 3 pts.
Comment: 2 pt.

Tasks 1 & 2.
TOTAL 5,0 pts: Task 1: 2,5 pts + Task 2: 2,5 pts.

- Definitely (0.2 pt) --- Pretty close (0.1 to 0.19 pts) --- Improvement. (0.001 to 0.09pts)


a. Choose a work of universal literature (In task 1) & Choose a MICROSTORY by another author to adapt.(In task 2) . (0.1 pts)
b. Name, author and link to for each task. (reference). (0.1 pts)
c. The version with narrative ellipsis is clearly visible. (0.2 pts)
d. The version with metaphor is identifiable. (0.2 pts)
e. The version with ambiguity is recognizable. (0.2 pts)
f. Excellent spelling and grammar throughout the text. (0.2 pts)


g. Shows originality in the use of language, form, and structure of each version. (0.2 pts)
h. The general proposal has a unique, unusual, interesting perspective. It proposes new things, goes outside your comfort zone. (0.3 pts)
i. Each version created stands out, draws attention, and makes a positive impression. (0.3)
j. Evidence of progress in the use of ellipses, metaphors, and ambiguity from one task to another. (0.2 pts)


k. Go beyond what is requested, including analysis of your creative process. (0.2 pts)
l. Concise and direct reflections focused on the learning achieved with each resource: ellipsis, metaphor, ambiguity. (0.3 pts)

Task 3. 3,0 pts. Checklist


a. Name and link of the micro-story to be improved. (0.2 pts)
b. Brief explanation of the problem or problems in the micro-story to be improved. (0.2 pts)
c. Proposal for improvement expressed concisely and clearly. (title, beginning, linguistic turns, end, others). (0.3 pts)
d. Includes an identifiable narrative ellipsis when reading. (0.2 pts)
e. Includes an identifiable metaphor when reading. (0.2 pts)
f. Includes recognizable ambiguity. (0.2 pts)
g. Excellent spelling and grammar throughout the text. (0.2 pts)


h. Shows originality in the use of language, form, and structure of the new version. (0.2 pts)
i. The overall proposal has a unique, unusual, interesting perspective. Proposes new things, steps outside of comfort zone. (0.3 pts)
j. Evidence of progress in the use of ellipsis, metaphors, and ambiguity from one task to another. (0.3 pts)
k. Notable improvements in the new version. (0.2 pts)


l. Goes beyond what was requested, including analysis of the creative process. (0.2 pts)
m. Concise and direct reflections focused on the learning achieved by using each resource: ellipsis, metaphor, ambiguity, in the overall improvement. (0.3 pts)


  • a. Use the hashtag #microwrite05 and mention the teaching team in all comments (0.3 pts)
  • b. Post at least four links to the comments you make to your classmates. (0.3 pts)
  • c. Comment assertively, leave suggestions. (0.7 pts)
  • d. Identify: ellipsis, metaphor and ambiguity in these posts. (0.7 pts)



Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

Posted using SteemPro


I don't really understand, you've been messing with the tags the whole season, like this one for example, this article is for week 5 but you included the 4th week tag and put it as the main tag. Why?

Hi, @aneukpineung78

In this case, there was an error when using the template for the post. I didn't want to delete it once it was published.
I really didn't know the level of monitoring you do for hashtags, now I see it.
I did it more to facilitate my search for new publications.

I will take your observation into account. Thanks for asking.

Escribir microrelatos es algo fascinante, sin embargo, la estructura, la edificación o construcción del mismo, se ve un poco compleja cunado se toman en cuenta tantos detalles.

La lengua castellana es una de las más difíciles de aprender y de usar correctamente, debido a la gran cantidad de alternativas para usar en diversas modalidades, demostrando emociones, contagiando sentimientos y recreando en el lector la historia.


Hola amigos, un gusto saludarlos, acá les dejo mis tareas 1 y 2:
Saludos y mucho éxito.

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