Eccentric Millionaire Mantra - Invest in Experiences, not stuff!

What would you do with a million dollars?

While I generally hate this kind of question (I think imagining 'what if' scenarios about your own life is a bit futile), I decided to take this challenge that has been going around the site lately, mainly because I felt stumped, when I tried to think of a simple answer.
I honestly don't know what I'd do with a million dollars, I guess I've never thought about it. My mom, @ladyrebecca, is the one who nominated me for this challenge and she already said she'd buy a private island with the money – she says I'm welcome to come with, so I guess that sorts out accommodation, at least part time.
Or is it just ONE million dollars that we're passing around, from person to person?

Nah, I think not. So, here I am, with a pretty cool place to crash, that kind of answers many of my problems – I love swimming, so that takes care of daily exercise, unplugged time, relaxation and some fun.
Pretty good in one single move, huh? It also would provide a good, quiet place to write, so that's taken care of, also.
Well, what else do I need?

Knowing me like I do, I'd probably spend an indecent amount of that million on books. I mean, really do you imagine how many stacks and piles and libraries you can buy for that price? It's awfully exciting, at least to me. So, I'd probably use it for that.

Also, concerts, I love concerts, as I guess is obvious, I love rock n roll. Tell me, what do you think Mick Jagger costs lately? How about Steven Tyler? There are quite a number of bands I haven't seen live or that I'd love to see again, so when I'm not on my mom's island, I'll probably be flying around the world, going to see the Stones and Shinedown and....
I'd see loads of new places and interesting cities while I was at it, what more could I want?
I guess I could buy some private shows as well, you know, I'd be like 'hey, I feel like listening to Bon Jovi tonight' and bam! There he is in my living room.
Yeah, we're going to stop with the living room scenario right there....Because we're nice, decent, respectable people. Definitely.

But seriously, I don't know, I doubt I'd actually buy a lot of stuff. Mainly because I have stuff. I have plenty of clothes. They're not Yves Saint Laurent, but who am I dealing here? I doubt Ozzy Osbourne's going to judge my clothing style at a concert that I paid for, so why care.
I don't think I'd go over 500 bucks, buying things like makeup, perfumes, clothes, shoes, whatever.

Oh, I would buy a typewriter, though. Definitely. I've always had a fascination for those, and have always wanted one. But since they aren't so used anymore, keeping one would be really expensive, which is why I never got one. But if I had a million bucks, sure, I'd buy one of those beauties.
If I had that kind of money, I'd probably invest it in experiences. Which is what I try to do in my life now, although with less money. I've never wanted to have expensive things. I don't care about that, it doesn't bring happiness and I doubt you're going to look back when you're eighty and go
'Mmmm, that Armani suit...'

No. You're going to remember the all-nighters, the times you got wasted with a couple of good friends, that night you spent singing along to your favorite songs at the rock show. Things like that. So, I'd invest in experiences, not random stuff.
Screw that.

Right, so we've got that sorted. Thank you @ladyrebecca for the nomination and for kindly allowing me on your island. I understand you have to nominate 3 other people too, so here are my nominees –

So, what would you guys do with a million dollars?

Thank you for reading,

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I hope I'm getting some concert tickets, too... otherwise I'll kick you out of my island!

I did it! Thank you for the nomination! I love challenges like these that get me out of my own head and let me escape reality for a bit!

Aaaaah that is sooo awesome, @byn! I can't wait to read it!! I saw that you voted on it (thank you :* )and I was actually wondering if you'd do it! <3
Heading over there right now! And thanks for taking the challenge, I'm glad you had fun ;)