#personal Growth Hack Physical +Finance+ Relation = Fulfillment of your life

in #mind8 years ago

 Life is what you make of it. Many people tend to over complicate life because our society has brainwashed us into thinking that we need a variety of entertainment, fancy products, and global recognition in order to be happy with our lives. But do we really? Can life be simple?

When boiled down to the core, I like to summarize life into 3 main areas: Physical (physical, emotional, spiritual), Relationships (family, friends, love), and Finance (money, fame, passion). All 3 areas can be improved through these 3 very simple (yet very hard to maintain) life hacks:

  Now, I don't know if you want to be all of these things but let's just say you do. Let's say you want to increase your mental capacity as a whole, you want to increase your bottom line and you want to be more attractive. If these three things are what you're looking to accomplish when you talk about growth, I've got an answer for you. But first, you need to recognize that it all starts with you. It's starts with the person looking at this screen right now and reading these words. I'm not going to give you a silver bullet. The following concepts and suggestions will not take 24 hours to accomplish.  

 They'll take time.  

They'll take sacrifice.

 They'll take hustle.

 Financial Growth:


                            I've started with this one because it's typically the number one item on everyone's to-do list. Having your finances in check and having a stable income is one of lifes most underrated luxuries. I've gone from struggling to put $5 in my beaten down Honda Civic to the ability to day dream while filling up my Mini Cooper. I'm far from bringing in multi millions every year, but I've done well enough to see both sides of the coin. To grow financially, you need to make an investment. And that investment can be one of two things: Money or Time. If you've got extra cash lying around, you should invest in formal schooling, training and establish a skill set in high demand. If you already have that, you can invest in joining local clubs and attending or speaking at various events that will give you an opportunity to gain a bigger and broader network. You know what they say, your net worth is your network. For me, the investment of time was the biggest and greatest investment I could make. I invested in time in studying my craft by reading relentlessly from some of the best brains in the business. I still look to the top bloggers, journalists and researchers to keep me in the know on what's happening in my industry and what trends I need to be aware of. Beyond that, you need to be willing to invest time in the relationships that you've developed professionally. Don't be afraid to ask for coffee. Don't be afraid to ask for a Skype call. Don't be afraid to take the time to building meaningful relationships. You never know where your next opportunity will come from. I also recommend you learn from some of the greats like Ramit Sethi and spend some time on the following sites:zero to launch  in word i can say awesome.  

Physical Growth 


                           This one isn't exactly something I've come to master just yet but I know some people who have. A lot of people think that it's impossible to be successful in business, have a great relationship and keep your health in check but I know people who do it. I'm not exactly where I want to be healthwise but I'm doing alright... That said, here's some of the best pieces of advice I've seen on the topic: Start with this one from James clear  on habits. If you want to get in shape, it's not going to happen from a 3-second ab machine. It's going to come from building a habit and making it a part of your regular routine From there, it's time to take some tactical approaches and put them to the test. 

Relationship Growth :


                          Most people focus on the dollar without spending a single ounce of focus on their relationships. Whether it's with a love interest or with family - it's important that you don't ignore your personal relationships.  It's very easy to get caught up in the rat race and ignore some of the most important people in your life. But you can grow in this area the same way you can grow financially and physically. Here are some strategies for doing that: A lot of your friends will likely tell you that you're a great person and that you'll find the special someone someday. In fact, they might even tell you that you should just keep being you and that the right person will find you. Well, I'm not going to tell you that... Nope.Not even for a second.  Instead, I'm going to tell you that if you focus on improving yourself in as many ways possible. Goto the gym. Read more books. Become more interesting. Do interesting things. Travel more. Go to events. That all said, it's important that you also don't approach people thinking, "How can I make this person like me?" Unfortunately, this is exactly what will land you in the friendzone. You have to look at it as, "Are they right for me?" This small thought can change your approach from being desperate to being smart  

This week i going to post all about our fulfillment in life. I m not a life coaching guru but i would like to share what i learn bout this .If you know some thing don't hesitate comment below . In my point view every one had some uniqueness  even he know or unknown  . i love to learn those uniqueness 

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