in #mind5 years ago

Mindset is the foundation that freedom in its widest possible sense comes from. In short, you are the product of your mind. Every thought and belief you have stored inside, or that transitions, even fleetingly, through your mind shapes your experience of life. Your values and beliefs shape your perception of reality and as a result your ability to achieve anything in life. So if you are wishing to achieve financial freedom which is core to being truly free in life then getting your mind right is vital.
The way you think and feel, the way your thoughts lead you to act and behave causes the results you experience in the world. If you have thoughts that are negative or limited then you will experience challenges and likely find success and freedom almost impossible to achieve. This is the realm of the Fixed Mindset and something well worth changing if you wish to truly enjoy life and get the best of it.
Once you are in a positive frame, rising to challenges and genuinely being happy to receive feedback due to the opportunity it brings you for growth then you come to a point where you can achieve a great deal and things can happen with greater ease for you. This is the realm of the Growth Mindset or Positive Mindset.
For anyone wishing to achieve freedom in the truest sense changing the way your mind works, the way you think and process information is the basic foundation. Unless your mind is in the right place and your thought processes both the conscious and unconscious are properly aligned then achieving financial freedom will be impossible. You may well get close, and you may continually get close, though the final steps will allude you and advancing to the goals you have set and dreamed of will be beset with frustration.
There is a wealth of sources that describe things like the millionaire mindset, wealth mindset, warrior mindset and a vast amount more, yet unless you fully understand the steps to creating them which are often left out as few people truly understand they exist then you will only have partial success.
Creating a mindset for success and freedom can be incredibly simple and one of the initial steps is taking yourself through the process of developing what has become known as a growth mindset. That is just an element of what is worth doing. A further element is getting rid of the unconscious stuff that limits you and holds you back, that is where things like coaching along with meditation.

Your mindset and your thoughts are basically the absolute only thing you can control – though at times it might not seem like it.
You can’t control:
• the douche bag who decides to step right out in front of you in the bike lane.
• or your stupid colleague who keeps repeating the same stupid clichés over and over again.
• or the boss who asks you to sharpen up.
• or rain making you soaked on your way to an important meeting.
• or your children spilling milk.
• or that client, who decides not to pay, even though you’ve gone above and beyond for them.
• or whether that guy or that girl loves you.

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