Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost; Perseverance Is the Key to Success in Life...

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)

The moment you fail is not when you face a defeat or come up against an obstacle. The moment you fail is the moment you give up. Success is measured by the perseverance of those that are willing to pass the darkest days and go through the deepest hells to achieve what they deserve.

Consider an ant that is pushing a pebble up a hill. It is a wearisome struggle, for the ant cannot see what lies in front of him or how much further it has to push to arrive on top. The ant loses his balance and falls for an indescribable amount of time.

Every time the ant decides to push the pebble up the hill, he doesn’t have the faintest idea of how high the climb is or how hard it is going to be, but he does this nonetheless. The ant is sometimes tempted to let go of the pebble and forsake this entire pursuit. But he never gives in to this temptation, for the ant always thinks and asks this question: What if I am merely seconds away from reaching the top and achieving my goal?

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You already know where I am going with this. In our lifetime, we walk many a path to achieve things that are of importance and meaning to us. In those journeys, there have always been moments of temptation to let go of the struggle in search of a pitiful convenience that might not even be what we want. Imagine the regret you would feel if someone were to tell you that you were merely a step away from achieving what you wanted, but just didn’t know it at that moment and decided to give in to that horrid temptation.

Facing the obstacles and the challenges that life throws at us every day is hard. No one should deny that. No one is ever in a position to deny that. And we shouldn’t lie to ourselves about what we have to face in order to succeed. Walking down this road is difficult, and it can be overwhelming.

What we need to understand is that the only obstacle between where we are now and where we want to be is the perseverance that is needed to stay on the path and wake up every day to face the challenges that life has prepared for us. To never give up, and never give in.

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Sometimes, you have been in a path for so long that you don’t even remember why you started in the first place. That should not strip you of your hopes and dreams. Always remember to have patience and perseverance. The future is in the hands of those that live with the light of faith and hope. As a wise man once said,

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

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My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?




Many times it also happens that we pay more attention to the things we are going to win or the prize we will get than to reach the proposed goal, and that is why we self-block easily, or suddenly we get things but we never finish reaching the goal just for being pending of the prize or of the money that we will win, without realizing that we are missing out on the experience of our process that is happening without stopping. On the other hand, many times when we focus on living the process, without realizing it, we are already stepping on the goal and taking away all the prizes.

Thanks @juanmanuellopez1, Your comments are every great!, I'm very glad to see almost all of you making enriching comments and voting on each other doing the same. Remember: My goal here is to see each of you with 80 upvotes. For this we need more people who really want to work better every day their positive Mindset and want to be part of this strong and generous community. Regards

eso esta bien

Imagine the regret you would feel if someone were to tell you that you were merely a step away from achieving what you wanted, but just didn’t know it at that moment and decided to give in to that horrid temptation.

I have been there. I carry the shame of being an ABD (all but dissertation). I was very close from achieving my goal, but financial restraints and personal issues forced me to return to my country before finishing my PhD. That decision brought lots of tragedies to my personal and professional life. In retrospect it always looks clear that you were not supposed to quit, that you had to go through hell and deep waters, but in the middle of the crisis it does not look that clear at all.
My family is facing a major crisis now in a country that is falling to peaces. Should we stay? should we leave? is leaving the county a form of quitting? is staying a form a suicide? How much should one fight? When is it wiser to quit and move on?

I think evading a danger is different from the pursuit of success. The are two different things. If you have the capacity to move your family to safety then I would suggest you do that, but you also need to plan for your living survival.

You're absolutely right. Thanks for commenting

Great! Thanks @hlezama, I'm very glad to see almost all of you making enriching comments and voting on each other doing the same. Remember: My goal here is to see each of you with 80 upvotes. For this we need more people who really want to work better every day their positive Mindset and want to be part of this strong and generous community. Regards

Buenas le digo que sí está completamente en lo cierto pero les daré una explicación totalmente personal de a la largo de 8 años que estoy trabajando y si la perseverancia es muy buena porque para mí es lo que no me ha dejado decaerme he perdido ha saqueado mi local he perdido pero siempre hay algo que me dice que vamos a seguir adelante y en estos últimos dos años he entendido todo y porque me pasaba, aparte de la perseverancia me faltaba la disciplina y por la falta de disciplina para lograr el éxito que necesitaba en ese momento y por eso muchas veces perdía ahora estoy tratando de encontrar y escribir las disciplinas del éxito que realmente necesita el hombre como especie en el mundo. Sobre todo siempre hay que tener una muy buena sonrisa y mantenerse alegre a pesar de todo no se dejen caer porque no todas las personas que emprenden el viaje para el exito lo consigue con la tranquilidad y el poder disfrutar dicho éxito así que lo inicial es siempre mantente motivado e intentemos mejorar el planeta que realmente nos necesita.

Good I tell you that it is completely right but I will give you a totally personal explanation of the 8 years that I am working and if perseverance is very good because for me it is what has not allowed me to fail I have lost it has plundered my local I have lost but there is always something that tells me that we are going to keep going and in the last two years I understood everything and because it happened to me, apart from perseverance I lacked discipline and lack of discipline to achieve the success I needed in that moment and that's why I lost many times now I'm trying to find and write the disciplines of success that man really needs as a species in the world. Above all you always have to have a very good smile and stay cheerful despite everything do not drop because not everyone who embarks on the journey for success achieves it with the tranquility and power to enjoy such success so the initial is always Stay motivated and try to improve the planet that really needs us.

Thank you for your great comment!

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Well said my friend
Perseverance and resilience are the characteristics one should have and develop

Thanks @moghul, I'm very glad to see almost all of you making enriching comments and voting on each other doing the same. Remember: My goal here is to see each of you with 80 upvotes. For this we need more people who really want to work better every day their positive Mindset and want to be part of this strong and generous community. Regards

Well said friend @chbartist that we are not fail when we face defeat instead we are failed when we give up and don't want to try again. Life is completely unpredictable and we never know what's going to be the next. We have to keep trying unless we get what we wanted. Nothing is impossible in life but it requires hardfork with full of dedication and there is no specific time period to get that. When we start something and after sometime if want to stop then we are half of the way and if we want to go back then again we have return back halfway to the begining point. I think we need to keep trying and working to reach the destination and that's the best way as we never know that the place where we are now is how far from the destination. May be we are too close to destination instead of begining point. Have a great day.

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Great comment friend! Thanks @alokkumar121, I'm very glad to see almost all of you making enriching comments and voting on each other doing the same. Remember: My goal here is to see each of you with 80 upvotes. For this we need more people who really want to work better every day their positive Mindset and want to be part of this strong and generous community. Regards

This post reminded me of the song High Hopes. Here are some of the words:

"Next time you're found, with your chin on the ground
There a lot to be learned, so look around

Just what makes that little old ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

But he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes

So any time you're gettin' low
'Stead of lettin' go
Just remember that ant
Oops, there goes another rubber tree plant
Oops, there goes another rubber tree plant
Oops, there goes another rubber tree plant"

"Sticktoittiveness" is an important component of being successful. Though the obstacles may be extremely challenging, our perseverance can push us forward to new heights. Just smile and keep plugging along.

Great! Regards

Very motivational. Now as a musician I see a lot of people heard themself into what people want. When you wander from your own path and take breaks you allow yourself to gain the inspiration needed to achieve your goal. On top of that you will have the biggest best Arsenal that comes right out of nowhere.

@chbartist, Yes, we never lose because we attain failure but we will lose when we lose motivation to continue and give up. It's easy to give up but we will going to understand our mistake soon. So we have to hold the strong mindset and have to continue our Dream Path to achieve our ultimate goal. And as you said we can learn so much from the ants for sure. Keep up brother and keep spreading the positivity.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Thanks @chireerocks, I'm very glad to see almost all of you making enriching comments and voting on each other doing the same. Remember: My goal here is to see each of you with 80 upvotes. For this we need more people who really want to work better every day their positive Mindset and want to be part of this strong and generous community. Regards

Welcome and thank you so much for your kind response and you have great thoughts towards the community. Have a great time ahead. 🙂

Dear @chbartist sir!
People who have strayed from the road are not those who do not get the goal, but there are people who go out of the house who do not get out of the house. Failure tells us that the effort to succeed was not done wholeheartedly. Evaluation of defeat does not come from the following obstacles, but how much we were determined to our success, it happens. What is the path of the traveler on the path? If there are no scattered bands in the streets. What is the test of the patience of the navigator? If the streams are not unfavorable. Our late and mental tenacity can be assessed by the difficulties in the way of success.

Thanks @certain, I'm very glad to see almost all of you making enriching comments and voting on each other doing the same. Remember: My goal here is to see each of you with 80 upvotes. For this we need more people who really want to work better every day their positive Mindset and want to be part of this strong and generous community. Regards