What is success? What is happiness? How to find them?

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)


Like you and me, many of us ask ourselves the same questions that is success? How did you get it? What HAPPINESS do you have? How to get it? What is the path I should follow? Here we present this small reflection so that you can do more than what you are looking for.


The disciple asks his teacher:

Master, I am eager to learn your teachings and reach the peak of my personal development. But I still have two unsolved questions: What is success? What is happiness? How to find them?

The Master replied:

If you want to know, you will have to make a trip with me to the Monastery of the Snow Mountains. It's 10 days of travel on foot. Are you willing?

Yes sir.

I'll wait for you tomorrow at dawn, at the Puerta del Sol Naciente.

The disciple and the monk left at the scheduled time. Reaching the destination monastery had its difficulties, since they had to cross rivers and cross some dangerous mountains.

Just after 10 days of traveling, they began to see the Monastery of the Snowy Mountains, so the disciple asked his Master:

Master, we are about to arrive at the Monastery, and my two questions remain unanswered.

To what the teacher said:

Chico, have we reached our destination, our goal?

Yes sir.

That is the success: reach your goals.

Chico, have you enjoyed the trip? Have you noticed and have you felt and breathed the pure air? Have you let your cheeks bathe in the sun's rays? Have you made friends and laughed with the people we've met? Have you learned from the conversations we have had? Did you renew when the rain came and we had no shelter ...?

Yes master, it has been a delicious trip ...

That's happiness: enjoy what you have on your way on this Earth.

Then, the young disciple attained enlightenment about his questions.

Teacher, thank you for revealing to me what happiness and success are!

Well, and also keep in mind that enjoyment is an internal and subjective act.

And the teacher continued:

On this same trip, other disciples did not enjoy this trip simply because they decided to focus their attention on some of the negative aspects that were encountered during it, and in a trip and in life there are always negative and uncomfortable aspects ...

And it is that happiness does not depend on who one is, on the path he or she goes through or on the riches that he possesses or stops possessing; It depends exclusively on what you think, on the meaning you want to give it.

And the disciple got a second light on what it is and what to do to be happier ...

We can compare our life with a trip we have to make ...

And it really is that: there is a beginning as in all trips, there is also an end, fortunately we have people who accompany us on this vital path, we can enjoy the road or not, and reach our destination or others not originally planned .. .

How to walk correctly on this vital journey? For this I am going to give you 3 steps so that you do not lose sight of what success and happiness are and where they are:



And in the journey of his life, success is reaching the personal, professional and family goals he proposes.

What happens is that the vast majority of people do not know how to set goals (they are not taught in school or at university) and, therefore, only spend time on it and do not know what to do to achieve them.



Happiness is enjoying the trip, a way to travel, regardless of whether we have reached the goals you have set.

Remember that it is important to be flexible, you can always modify your goals and go, with more experience, towards new objectives.

But we could also reach our goals and not have enjoyed the trip ... bad business, I do not recommend it.

And if only to enjoy and enjoy, we do not reach our goals ... it is also a bad business, I do not recommend it either.



And that's what I pretend I found. Success and happiness are not opposite paths, they are not incompatible destinations, you can find them in the same itinerary.

Spanish version

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Me emociona ver la calidad de los post de muchos de los vene.steemianos. Muy optimista tu escrito y eso es algo que se agradece en estos tiempos... Y muy acertada la selección de imágenes. Que viva la comunidad #help-venezuela !!!

Ya te resteemeo y te sigo ;-)

gracias ya somos muchos los venezolanos que seguimos luchando para salir adelante

en mi opinión la clave esta en disfrutar el viaje sin quejas a pesar de lo difícil del camino y aunque no se hayan alcanzado las metas convertir el fracaso en un aprendizaje...

Así es mi amigo

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