Miracle Dreams: The Mysterious Power of Life Exchange, Mother and Daughter Love Conquers Illness!

in #miracle2 months ago

A few days ago, I came across a touching little story online, which reminded me of a similar case I had dealt with before. It's still unbelievable when I think about it now. However, before telling this story, we must emphasize that a story is just a story. If you're sick, you should see a doctor first. This is very important. You can dabble in the mystical during the treatment process, but don't pin your hopes on mysticism; medicine should be the main approach.

I've handled many cases where people sought blessings and rituals after falling ill, and there were effects indeed. But I always feel that the doctors who save lives and heal the injured play a significant role. The more work I do, the blurrier my memories of certain things become, but there are always one or two that I remember clearly.

You might have noticed that I rarely tell the same type of story twice because I usually only remember the most typical one.

I've had many jobs before, including online customer service, gastroenterology hospital, urology hospital, and gynecology hospital, so I've come into contact with all kinds of people. I've said in my articles more than once not to have abortions casually, as it's no different from murder. Every life deserves respect.

Those little children might have waited for decades, even hundreds or thousands of years for the chance to be reborn. Just as they see the hope of life, they are ruthlessly strangled. The resentment torments their parents and siblings, but let's not talk about that for now. Such acts of killing are already a big taboo and inhumane. If there's something abnormal with the fetus or it's fate that cannot be changed, that's another matter. But for normal, healthy pregnancies, some even abort just to have a boy. Let me tell you, not only is it unlikely to have a boy, but even if the child is born, they will face many more hardships. What good comes from ending someone else's path to life?

Either take proper contraceptive measures and don't give them the hope of life, or have the child and raise them well. For the sake of momentary pleasure, giving life only to snatch it away, do you think being the biological parent gives you the right to decide their life and death? Don't use accidents or youthful ignorance as excuses. I've been promiscuous for over a decade and have never left such a sin. Accidents, my foot, I slipped up, bah, it's all nonsense.

Every child that comes is a fate. They chose you among tens of millions of parents for a reason. Isn't there something about you that attracted them? Perhaps there's a shining quality about you that this little child likes. Maybe you yourself haven't even noticed.

That year, I remember a good friend came to me, hoping I could contact a few Taoist priests to perform a blessing and disaster-removing ritual for his wife. She had just been diagnosed with cancer shortly after marrying him and had managed to get pregnant. The doctor said she only had five months to live, and the child was unlikely to survive.

After hearing his description, I couldn't help but sigh. I had known this friend for many years. The couple had been dating since high school and got married right after graduation. They were each other's first love, truly from school uniforms to wedding dresses. To this day, I still remember crying at their wedding. Damn it, because the girl he married was the one I had pursued so hard back in the day.

At that time, I contacted a diviner who was good at fortune-telling and did a reading for his wife, saying there was still a glimmer of hope. I contacted several Taoist priests and found a local Taoist temple to perform a ritual for them. For some reasons, I also wore a Taoist robe and personally participated in the ritual. As you know, I usually don't get involved because it's troublesome.

The ritual went smoothly, and indeed there was some improvement after it ended, but it didn't last long. That night, he invited me to his home for a drink, and we talked about the past. He teased me about how I had pursued her for so long, only to be beaten by him.

He cried and said, "I know, I know. She's desperately trying to keep the baby in her womb, refusing chemotherapy, just to leave me with a memory. Old Xu, you know, if you had caught up with her back then instead of me, do you have some trick to save her life? Haha, come on, you're holding back, aren't you? Jealous of me so you didn't use it? Or can you exchange my life for hers?"

Do you understand? We had just gotten married, and we've been living frugally for many years. My career was just starting to take off, and now that I'm wealthy, she's about to be gone. Old Xu, you must have some other tricks, right? Tell me, don't you like money? I'll give it to you, how much do you want? One million? Ten million? Tell me."

He grabbed my shoulders with both hands and shook me violently, while she sat beside him, gently stroking her belly, looking at him tenderly. I was somewhat at a loss for words and carried the drunken him into the room.

I lit a cigarette, thought about it, and then put it out. She said, "It's okay, smoke. After all, I don't have much longer to live. Heh, I'm open about it. I just want to give birth to the child before I die, to leave him with a memory. Maybe I'm being a bit selfish, but he can't even take care of himself."

I took a deep breath and said, "Have you ever thought about having an abortion, chemotherapy? You could live longer."

She looked at me and said word for word, "You don't need to persuade me. Since this child has come, I want to give birth to him. I don't want to suffer that pain. I'll hold on as long as I can. Five months, after five months, the baby will be eight months old and have a chance of survival. He will definitely find a way to keep the baby alive, right? After all, he has money, and plus you, the 'godly' guy, always have a way."

"And this is a life, after all. I'm a mother, and I want to give it my all. Besides, what's the point of lingering on in agony? If my son or daughter is strong, then their life will also be wonderful. What's the point of me suffering and living for another year or two? So I don't want to deprive him of the hope of life."

I looked at her without saying anything because I didn't know what to say. Who can really clarify such matters of life and death? I'm just a "godly" guy; what can I do?

I walked to the guest room feeling somewhat melancholic, lit a cigarette, and smoked. To be honest, whether as a doctor or a Taoist priest, I'm very indifferent to life and death, but I deeply understand the phrase "powerless." I kept asking the diviner who was good at fortune-telling where that glimmer of hope came from, but the stubborn old man insisted that I should go to sleep and wouldn't say more.

I knew that when this old Taoist priest decides not to speak, no matter how much I ask, it's useless, so I gave up. Looking at the wedding photo of the two of them placed in the guest room, I sighed at the unfairness of fate.

I cast many divinations, frantically shaking the divination stick in my hand, trying to figure out where that glimmer of hope came from. Later, I fell asleep in a daze.

In my dream, a beautiful little girl stood at the head of my bed, with two ponytails, smiling at me and saying, "Uncle, you're different, huh."

I smiled and said, "How am I different, Uncle?"

The little girl jumped onto the bed, imitating me by resting her hands behind her head and said, "The aura on you is different from other guests who come to our house. Actually, I don't know what I'll look like in the future, but I think I'll probably be this cute."

"Uncle, do you have a way to save my mom? She tells me stories every day and tells me to be strong. But I don't want to lose my mom. I don't remember my past life, but the other kids who came down with me all have moms. I don't want to be without a mom."

I turned to look at this little child and suddenly understood something, but I didn't speak because I didn't know how to explain it. After struggling for a long time, I just said, "Yes, your mom loves you very much."

She smiled and said, "Uncle, I'm asking if you can save her. Why aren't you answering me? Haha, is it because you can't? I know, Mom has seen many doctors in white coats, and they all say there's no way, but I have a way."

I looked at her in disbelief and asked, "What's your way?"

She played with her little braid, crossed her legs, and swung her little feet in the air, saying, "Swap my life for hers. After all, I haven't been born yet. Although I really want to be born, I'm afraid my mom won't see me born. Maybe I won't even get the chance to be born, so I want my mom to live on. Maybe I'll have another chance to be reborn, maybe even with this family."

I suddenly woke up from my dream in a startle, hastily put on my clothes, and rushed to the couple's room without caring about propriety, urging them to go to the hospital quickly. Although my friend kept asking me what was wrong, he still quickly got dressed and woke her up.

My friend drove fast all the way. Although I didn't say why because I wasn't sure if what I dreamed was wishful thinking, halfway there, she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach and started bleeding. I was shocked, and my friend looked back at me, then stepped on the gas and rushed to the hospital.

After they got out of the car, I didn't follow them but quietly sat in the car and lit a cigarette. In the rearview mirror, the beautiful little girl from my dream waved at me with a smile. I exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "You remember to come back, okay? Don't forget, Uncle will give you a treasure when you do."

Later, I fell asleep in the car, not knowing how long I had been asleep. My friend, looking tired, threw a bun at me and sat in the driver's seat, somewhat dazed. I glanced at him, handed him a cigarette, and lit one for myself, saying, "Didn't you keep it? Your friend looked dejected and scratched his head, nodding.

Then he asked me, "How did you know?" I shook my head and said, "I divined it. Although I didn't know what the disaster was, she was sick, so it's better to be in the hospital no matter what the disaster is."

My friend said, "Ah, it's good we came in time. The doctor said if we were a bit later, there would be no saving her. Although the child didn't survive, at least she's still alive. It's beyond recovery now, you do a memorial service for the child for me, I owe her. It's my fault for not taking good care of them."

I took a puff of smoke, looked at the little girl who gradually disappeared in the rearview mirror, and said, "It's a daughter, huh. Well, don't ask, I divined it. I'll remember this matter. Live well with your wife for the rest of your life."

My friend looked at me puzzled for a while, then seemed to understand and nodded heavily, saying, "Hmm, she has some days left, and I want to be with her all the time, not leaving her side for a step. I've heard you say before that after reincarnation, we can continue our past relationship. Do you think there's a chance she'll come back if I wait for her for twenty years? Do you have a way?"

I patted his head and said, "What are you thinking about? Oh, the old bull eating tender grass. You have a long life ahead of you, and you need to make money. Just live well, you two still have a long time."

After saying that, I left my somewhat astonished friend and took a taxi to the local City God Temple to perform a memorial service for the lovely little girl. That day, the sky was overcast, but the moment the altar was opened, the clouds dispersed, and sunlight shone on the divine altar. Looking at the golden City God in front of me, I said, "You must let her come back. She promised me."

About half a month later, my friend excitedly called me to say that his wife had recovered miraculously and kept praising me for having some divine power.

Later, perhaps because they had survived a calamity, the couple has been doing what they can to do good deeds locally, committed to the rescue work of orphans.

A few days ago, he sent me a photo of his daughter, a chubby little baby smiling happily. I told him about the child, and he said, "I know, this child is the one who was aborted before. She appeared in my dream and said that the City God Grandpa sent her back and told me to ask you for the treasure. You promised her, so why haven't you given it yet? It's been almost a hundred days, and I haven't seen any sign of it."

I reluctantly parted with a piece of fish-shocked stone, thinking about it always feels very beautiful.

Well, that's all for this little story. Remember, every child is a precious gift from heaven, please treat them kindly.

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