In my Eyes - Feast of God
Here in the Philippines people celebrate feasts dedicated to many patron saints but none dedicates a feast for the Creator God so here in in our church(MCGI) we have celebrated a feast dedicated to the Creator..
from left going right, going up.. Blessy, Ranzell, Laizel, Chai, Nicole, Pau, Daniel, Remiel, Angeline, Princess, Aia, Kenneth(violet), Sheryll, Aura fe, Lita, Yolly, Anabelle, Steve, Au, Baby.. up up.. Lorena and Jomarie..Happy Fiesta..
Lechong Baboy(Roasted Pig) is a traditional food for a fiesta, first on the line, this one is a kid..
getting ready to slice the little piggy (a small price to pay)
unique blending voices by the local choir..
stage performers.. our little dancers..
Pau, Chai.. Blessy, Jericho, Daniel, Princess & Ashley..
left to right going down.. Aia, Blessy, Princess.. Angeline.. Remiel, Ashley.. Daniel & Jericho..
Sorbetes(ice cream) cold treat for the enthusiastic dancers..
Princess, Laizel, Kenneth, Nicole.. Ranzell.. Jericho busy..
Angeline, Daniel, Ashley & Remiel..
Princess, Laizel, Nicole & Ranzell..
Let the Games begin!!
cheng chong chogo cheng chong chogo cheng chong..
Game of Thrones (Trip to Jerusalem)
the players will dance while walking around the chairs and once the music stops, they must find a chair to sit on.. the chairs will be 1 short for the players and 1 will be ejected every time the music stops..
last three players battling for the last two chairs.. I forgot who won this game..
this game is called Hula Bira, the player is given a message and she have to pass it to her teamates thru acting.. on the spot is Leofe ganda..
Marwin doing the cha cha, I wonder what's his message..
Leofe ganda's teamates.. Laizel ganda, Princess mas maganda & Ranzell pinaka maganda..
blessy want's a solo exposure..
event after event, Chai preparing the background for the next event exclusive for the youth..
Nicole, Laizel & Kenneth enjoying the events and their cold treats..
Every success we say one thing.. To God be the Glory!!
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