How to generate a currency more valuable than STEEM...

in #money8 years ago (edited)

I don't know if there is much point in writing this article. Because you probably already know it, or you don't. And it's tricky to explain.

The most valuable currency in the world right now is recognition.

There is a massive shortage of it. Whenever I'm around other people, it's what I sense, what I feel, what I feel that everyone is looking for, gasping for but never really gets. They want to be seen, heard, understood and acknowledged.

They want to loved for who they really are - without the need to wear the mask of social acceptability.

This is a desperate hungry need that is totally misunderstood, uncatered for and very rare to find in our current society. For the majority of the population (and more prominently men) - survival/ social acceptability depends on holding down a job. In the vast majority of cases this requires the suppression of emotions.

Emotion is energy in motion. And when you can't emote, energy becomes stuck and stagnant.

How our economic system zaps life force

The rewards in capitalism have been typically skewed in favour of those who are insensitive and insincere. The boss who takes shortcuts, at the expense of the environment. The psycho workaholic executive who flogs her young worker bees into spending all night at the office. The salesperson who misinforms to get you to like them and get the bigger commission.

The problem is that this environment, this ecosystem, these "communities" - can be terribly false and insincere. You're not allowed to have feelings or emote. You're not allowed to veer away from the pack. You're not allowed to criticise the powerful. You're not allowed to point out the elephant in the room. You can't easily criticise this broken system either. If you do... you risk losing your income, your house and ability to buy food.

This work-driven environment makes people shut down. It suppresses their life force, emotions and their zest for life. Any passions are shunted into the evenings and weekends. And they're eventually forgotten as work zaps the rest of their energy from them.

When emotions are shut down, the body's survival strategy is numbness. It can come in the form of addictions. Food, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, porn, whatever. Typically these people settle in groups or with partners who have the same issues and cope in the same way.

Understanding energy

I see and sense and feel people's energy strongly. I know that sounds very "woo-woo" but I can feel things. It's like some kind of extra-sensory perception, or high sensitivity, I'm not sure.

Around the majority of people - all I can see is this kind of black energetic sludge. Like tar oozing out of them. Sludgey messy sludge, bogging them all down. They're literally full of crud.

I can't communicate with them. Not as my normal open honest self anyway. I actually need to change myself and my energy and the person I am around them to avoid being attacked or put down. The naturally light dancey, tellytubby-like energy, I have to hide that.

Getting to the core of the energy

Instead I tune in. I look for their centre of gravity. I can't really explain it, if you don't understand it already. But most people have an energy that they give off. That energy tends to operate from a certain nexus, a certain hub, a certain chakra if you use that method. Certain parts of their body have certain blockages and issues.

The majority of people are acting from their base chakra, or below that. It's a big dark energy - a kind of deep angry shame. It's a base base instinct of survival. Many people feel they don't have the right to exist

That's their core. That's their everyday emotional reality. That's where the majority of their energy is. Everything they say and think originates from that point.

Once I can sense where their thoughts, ideas, energy is coming from, I can start to see them - really see them

. Certain things and intuitive words will come into my head. I'll sense "very unsure of himself", "very warm hearted", "doesn't trust himself", "chronic worrier", "loves the attention", "used to being queen bee", "big body shame", "unable to cope with XYZ". Although this seems like people's flaws. They're not really flaws. I don't judge it. These are the things which are the core of everything they say and do.

Then I think to myself why? Why are they like this? Why do they behave like this?

They often feel a huge sense of shame and unacceptability about having these thoughts/ideas/feelings/limitations. This grows a shadow and festers. Only once there's light and kindness can they relieve their burdens and feelings.

Because once you really listen, really see someone, really understand someone - and give them recognition - you can shine a light on things.

They are really engaged with you. They trust you. You can see where they're coming from. You can give them space and recognition to say what needs to be said. Their energy opens up and they transform into butterflies. Their worldview changes. They become more expansive, magnanimous people. They emote again. Their energy flows through them again.

How our community can elevate consciousness

Eventually with things such as #steemit and the community it creates, we won't live in such a fear-driven paradigm. People will be less concerned about money and survival, and be able to create higher things, express more, love more, be more open and have an expansion of energy within their bodies and beings. We'll reward high-energy, magnificent creations - which are undervalued in the traditional capitalistic system of scarcity.

Robots will do the jobs nobody wants to do any more. We'll be creating gorgeous art, games, food and we'll bring the highest form of human creations to earth.

In the meantime we need to give the most we can. Listen to people. Really listen to them. Remove yourself from the equation. Just listen, listen to where that energy comes from. Wonder why - in your head? Be kind, generous, warm. And give. Give give give. Give that recognition because it's the most valuable currency in the world right now. You'll get your dividends in many many forms. We all will.


You are a very good writer and if a whale had upvoted you all of steemit would be singing your praises, but since they didn't this article is falling through the cracks and that is a real shame for the community, Upvoted!

Thank you very much. It's unfortunate no whale upvoted this but I have faith that something I write will resonate. As long as it mattered to at least one person it was worth doing. The payment is a bonus.

May I say I love your articles too. I find your hypnotism articles very fascinating. Let's try and cross-pollinate our work if possible. I'll link into your previous articles in my future work.

That is a great idea, I am very new to blogging and I would have never even thought of cross-pollinating. Thank you for the kind words and it would be my pleasure to link your articles too.

Hey, Alex! Writing true and important things again. I really enjoyed this article and feel like a lot of people would benefit from reading it. If everyone could look outside themselves a little more and approach life with curiosity rather than fear, we would all be better for it. Your writing always seems to hit a chord with me - either expressing something I've felt myself and thought nobody else felt, or making me look at something in a different way.

Like @hypno said, I think it's such a shame that this didn't gain more traction. I wonder whether a different first line would have brought more attention - this one doesn't really do justice to the core of the article. What you say in it is totally true, though: this is something you know intuitively or you don't. But you're being too modest here when you say "I don't know if there is much point"; lucky I didn't believe you and clicked through, or else I'd miss it.

"Give that recognition because it's the most valuable currency in the world right now."

Ain't that the truth. Society is so focused on receiving recognition these days that we forget to give it. If we really look at those around us, we see we have a lot to thank them for.

Thanks for your comment Jen. Some "average" things here will do absurdly well. Some excellent pieces will languish on $2 like this. I think it's best to see it as a lottery when you write.

Yeah I think that first line could have been better - that could be more attention grabbing. You're right. Anyway glad to see you here!

I still do not understand what is the essence of this article ... in fact what we have to do here to make it better ???

that's alot of effort here

Yeah,that's a lot of effort indeed.
People should give you more votes,it is a good article.

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