How To Create Passive Income

in #money7 years ago


Passive income is a great way to plan for the future and retire earlier then one might have hoped for. Below is a list of ideas on how you can create passive income for yourself.

P2P Lending


P2P Lending or Peer or Peer Lending is a great way place to put disposable income you might have and lead it to others for a nice return. The two sites that come to mind for me when I think about this are Lending Club and Prosper. These are great programs but depending on where you live and your laws per state you may or may not be able to take part.

P2P Lending is where you put some of your money into the system and delicate it out to others looking for loans for smaller type projects such as paying off high debt, home improvements, sheds or any number of things. They then pay you back in the form of a monthly payment based on a interest rate. This rate depends on their credit score so a higher risk bad credit report person has a higher chance of not paying and declaring bankruptcy thus they pay a higher percent then someone with a good credit. On average though with a well diversified portfolio you could see rates at about 3%-5% or a bit higher.

REIT Stock or high Dividend Stocks


Dividend stocks are always nice, every 3 months or quarter you get a check on stocks you own. This check is a percentage paid out to all share holders. It is a great incentive for holding stock in a company and some pay out as high as 10% (These would be your REIT stocks which have a higher fluctation in stock prices.

For example if you where to buy stock in the company ConocoPhillips (COP) at the price of $43 per share as of me writing this right now. You would get a payout of 2.47% or 0.26 per share each year or 6 and a half cents per share per quarter (Unless the company raises or lowers their dividend payout)

Dividend stocks such as this help reduce the losses you could suffer and help create a more balanced portfolio

Cash Back


This one I am going to split into two sub categories of pay of your debts but get cash back.

If you have any type of debt be it credit card, student loan, home loan or car loan I would say pay those off as quickly as possible. You almost will never see a higher return on the percent you are paying for these loans and it is a great way to get yourself above water.

Many credit card companies and even savings accounts offer incentives such as APY (Annual Percentage Yield) or sign up bonuses. Some credit cards even offer cash back of up to 5% I always look on or to find great deals for such programs and put my money into areas where it works for me the most. Important things to look out for are yearly fees, transaction fees or any other type of hidden fees these will quickly eat away your gain and even put you into negative territory!

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Great informative post, @bitcoinflood. I've been reading about passive income lately and this was a good read!

Passive income is awesomeeeee money coming in no matter what makes life easier lol

thanks for information!

Interesting bit on the ConocoPhillips stock. I was not aware that is how things worked. No wonder "rich" people carry stock across many companies, dividends could bring in quite a bit of residual income.

Yup, also most companies allow you to reinvest those dividends if you want without paying any type of fee. Normally you would collect the money and then buy other stocks but you end up paying a fee for the transaction. By reinvesting the options (if the company provides this I know fidelity does) you can save big on these fees.

Thanks for the information. Learning new stuff here.

🆔 @haji

Glad you enjoyed it

Very informative post! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for checking it out :)

Excellent post bitcoinflood :)

Thank you very much Sandara I hope you enjoyed :)

Great post @bitcoinflood. My main goal for 2017 is to create another line of income outside of my usual job and investments. You've given me some food for thought

Glad I could help I wish you much success!

I've recently become a big believer in REITs. Of course they have their downsides, but I added one to my investment portfolio and another to my retirement portfolio and they've been very strong performers.

Not only have they each gained around 10% since last year, they also each pay about an 11% dividend that is distributed quarterly. Though I do fear that if we enter another economic downturn, these may get hit harder than regular stocks and mutual funds.

Those dividends are amazinggggg as long as the housing market stays in a good demand we should be in pretty safe territory.

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