How to Attract Money

in #money8 years ago

I hope you enjoy some spirituality tips for getting a good financial life, and success for all of us.

I'm sure you're wondering how to attract money ... can really be as easy as raise my vibration, you can think of? Well, that's right!

Have you ever noticed the way how you talk about money? You find yourself saying things like:
"I can not afford the luxury of doing that."
"I'm not good with money."
"Rich people are evil."
"Money changes people."
"There are not enough in the account."
These are statements that repel money! Each one of them! Each of these phrases carries a very negative energy. Moreover, your word is your command ...

In addition to becoming aware of your thoughts and talk about money, how you handle money?
You pay your bills with gratitude for having received a service, or resentful?

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You avoid paying your bills?
Do you worry about money?
You always acts with greed as to their money, believing that if you give someone or some organization, you will not have enough for yourself?
If this sounds familiar, it's time to raise your vibration about money. You will be amazed at the results!

Identify and eliminate all negative blocks that you have about money. They are really very silly anyway. Money is just a means to purchase goods and services, right? So if you feel that you are unworthy of having money, take the money out of the equation. Look beyond. You are not worthy of having things and experiences you want to buy with this money? You are worthy of having a home, clothes, food, transportation, leisure time, fun experiences ... right? Of course you are! So next time you find yourself worried that you can not afford something you really want, try the following:

Be grateful for what you have and be happy with what you have. Of course, the thing or experience that you want to be great, but you already have so much to be grateful! Gratitude opens you to receive!
Focus the energy of desire in what you want to do with money, and not about the money itself. You never know - you may not have to spend a dime to get what you want! It could be presented to you, or exchanged, or you can inherit it ... again, take the money out of the equation. And his "power of desire" must come from a place of gratitude - as in "I already have so much, and I welcome (what you want) in my life to improve it even more." Above all, do not ask from a place of lack, as its focus missing reduces its vibration and brings exactly what you're thinking - lack. Yuck!
Change your thoughts. It takes hard work and persistence, but in order to stop their habitual thought patterns about money, you have to be very diligent about stopping these unwanted thoughts in their tracks and immediately replace them with thoughts that have a higher vibration . For example, instead of "I'm not good with money. I spent everything faster than I receive and I never have enough! I would be happy with an extra thousand reais!" (RUIM) replace the statement "I'm learning to manage my money responsibly. I'm flooded with plenty, and I am grateful for what I have!" Which statement is happier? Which one has a higher vibration? You know what!

Money is a power, too. In this world of give and take, you have to give to get. You do not have to give money, obviously, but you have to give your time, energy, talent, wisdom, skills, hearing, understanding, help ... The ideal situation is to do what you love, but if you got there and yet you are currently in a job you do not like, change your attitude about it. Become grateful for what you are learning. Be glad you're making a contribution (even if you feel it is a little). Be happy with what you have, and that happiness will be transmitted to the world and attract money (or the things you want to get the money).

Imagine the many ways you will use your money. In particular, think about how you can make the world a better place with your money. No, you do not have to give it. How about using it to develop their talents and put to work doing what you love - your gift to the world will be the fruits of their talents. If that means going back to school, or another way to invest in yourself, do it! Imagine how pleasant it is to have money ... it makes you feel good and positive ... and infuse their imagination with plenty of positive emotions. Money can help you develop spiritually. If you are no longer focused on survival (for which money is almost essential in modern society), you can turn your attention to make the most of your life. So imagine yourself doing just that!

Consult your higher self! Do not be afraid to go inside for answers! If you ask, you get exactly what you need at the right time (orientation, awareness, opportunities, etc) to help you make your dreams come true!

Remember that your money will always be equal to its power. The higher your energy, the more money you will attract! So you see, know how to attract money means not learn to work harder, it just raise your vibration so you attract the media and the people to make money - or even cut out the middleman (money) and help you manifest your wishes directly without the need for money!


I have a Spiritual advice for You too:
Try next time at least to give credit to those who made those images in Your post.

i dunno who deserves credit for yhe post, but this is very real.

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