Putin Prepares for Nuclear War Just Week After Germany Prepares for Attack

in #money8 years ago

We have recently written about how Angela Merkel in Germany has encouraged her citizens to begin stockpiling food and provisions to protect themselves in the event of an “attack”.

Since, in the last week, the US State Department has issued an updated travel warning for Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip as well as Turkey.

And now, just this week, Russians are being awakened by the deafening noise of emergency war sirens as a simultaneous "military combat readiness check" took place for Russian soldiers from August 25th-31st according to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Vladimir Putin ordered these readiness checks in the Southern, Western, and Central military districts.

He is also moving naval vessels into key spots within the Black and Caspian Seas and has "combat alert" troops as well as aviation equipment positioned at strategic, tactical, airfields along the Ukrainian border, ready for the "containment of a crisis situation" to use his words.

A Unian.info article highlights these moves by saying, "Fighter and bomber aircraft, as well as military transport and attack helicopters will carry out flights of between 500 to 2,500 kilometers" the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

On the other side of the Ukrainian border, globalist puppet "Porky" Petro Poroshenko has also been putting his troops on high alert after Vladimir Putin recently accused Kiev of "using terrorist tactics to try to provoke a new conflict to destabilize Crimea".

As Poroshenko amassed $850 million in 2015 and became the only Ukrainian businessman to see his net worth increase that year, he promised the people of Ukraine he would "embed new traditions" and "sell his assets immediately after occupying the post". He obviously never fulfilled this promise and the people have continued to suffer as they always do after the US and NATO bring "freedom" and "democracy" to a country.

Putin knows that with NATO and the globalist elites propping up Ukraine, subverting Syria, and putting pressure on him, they are trying to back him and his allies into a corner in an effort to incite retaliation and chaos. In fact, prospects of a nuclear war are probable enough in Putin's mind for him to start constructing scores of "nuclear proof" subterranean bunkers capable of withstanding atomic blasts.

That Russia has been building these asylums under Moscow and the Ural Mountains since the cold war, shows longstanding preparation, but recent construction of more bunkers in conjunction with Russian air defense missiles being moved into Crimea, show that we could be on the precipice of a massive escalation of violence.

Putin says that Russia needs to "strengthen its defenses as an aggressive NATO approaches". Just what sort of "crisis" or "aggression" is the Russian President expecting? Does he really expect things to escalate into a nuclear war? This pattern of conflagration and war across eastern Europe and the Caucasus region is nothing new to us.

We have watched as the Central Banking elites have used these incendiary war game tactics in an attempt to provoke armed conflict to further their agenda to consolidate global power and move toward world government.

And, they have been using their mainstream media programming to deceive Westerners into thinking that Syrian president Bashar Al-assad has been using chemical weapons on his own people when in actuality it has been their globalist arbiters of war like Killary Clinton and Barack O'bomber undermining Assad's regime by supplying these noxious weapons to the so called "Free Syrian Army".

While we don't always agree with Donald Trump, one thing he said that we think is pretty accurate is "Obama is the founder of ISIS". If by founder, Donald means supplier of weapons and materials then he is correct. We find it interesting that the terror group Al-Nusra formerly known as Al- Qaeda in Syria, works shoulder to shoulder with the US funded "Free Syrian Army" .

In war, the first thing to die is the truth. (Just look at this actual State Department briefing... they aren't even trying to hide that it is obviously lies and propaganda anymore)

And what is occurring in Syria is no exception.

And perhaps the most glaring untruth out there is a statement of omission. Your average American has NO idea that any of this is even going on. In fact, for the last week, all they’ve been upset about is that a football player didn’t stand up to their special song.

As we near the end day of the Jubilee Year on October 2nd, most of the world’s major armies appear to be positioned. Even inside the US, Jade Helm never ended, it was just renamed UWEX and people have just gotten used to seeing tanks and other major military equipment being transported across the country.

Russia is preparing for an attack. Germany, too. It makes sense for you to also.

And the best preparation are the investments we have been recommending at TDV: gold, silver, cryptocurrencies (we have even featured Steem in our last two issues) and other hard assets. Our portfolio has been the best performing portfolio we know of in the financial newsletter space over the last year, gaining 200%.

And it’s because most aren’t paying attention to the big picture. Most have no idea what is going on. And, most certainly are not prepared.

Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter to make sure you aren’t one of them.


As a native Russian I can't say that I agree with everything that our government is doing, as more or less people live good mostly in big cities (Moscow, st. Petersburg) that accumulate all the money. If you would go 150 km away from Moscow you'll be probably surprised how live people of the most resource-rich country. The average pension is $120-150, the average salary in the provinces is $250-300.
Even my scholarship, as of Ph.D. student of the best Russian university, is $ 110 per month. (My average post at Steemit made more :D).

But you'll be really surprised how adaptive Russian people are. They passed through the Great Patriotic War and they will not cry, if there'll be no money or there is something wrong, but rather they'll stock up on firewood, grow up potatoes and vegetables in the garden (that they will obviously preserve and stock up too). Basically, people in the provinces lives by the fact that ground is feeding them

The problem is that In Russia we have the same issue as Steemit has. 80%+ of all national funds are owned by ~50 people.

Despite everything aforementioned I support Putin in his intentions to defence country, as he is pretty smart and strong guy who can use its power wisely. And all these modern nuclear missiles and air defense systems are defence, not attacking. And as one of the commenters said, Russian doctrine is defensive but not offensive!

I'm sorry if I wrote something that goes beyond the topic

The problem is that In Russia we have the same issue as Steemit has. 80%+ of all national funds are owned by ~50 people.

And you are ok with the fact that 100% of the country is under control of one single person for as long as 17 years?

I'm okay with that if this person is doing well. There is plenty of examples in business when one person successfully leads big corporation for years. IMO leading country is like leading extremely huge corporation.

Nowadays I think we just don't have any feasible candidates who could substitute him that's why he still rules and who knows how long it gonna last.

And why you don't any feasible candidates out of 140 million population?

Because either they don't have a chance do get there or they just don't want to meddle in politics. Same is US, there could be much better candidates for the presidency out of 318.9 million people.

I don't understand what's wrong with 50 people controlling 80% of wealth of the country? And btw most of them are Putin's close friends.

This money is gained from selling natural resources (that btw belong to population) or from some other sources that I'm not gonna touch here. And it's spent for their own need when could be invested to industry and high-tech development.

Just check this and all questions will drop out

Given how well a job Putin has done for Russia, I would hope he's ok. Have you looked at what that guy has achieved?

@phenom NATO has made hard to cheer against Russia. They place more and more military at Russia's border, The Western media spread nonsense bias lies constantly example ( Russian jet fighter spotted flying by US war ship in the Black sea) and they demonize Russia for this? What the hell is the US WAR SHIP doing at the Black sea? hell of a lot closer to Russia than the US.

I feel sorry for Russians living in the West having to listen to this constant propaganda.

There is bullshit propaganda on both sides, but I agree that the U.S. government(!) is seeing themselves too much as a world police

I'm russian too and do not agree with you.
You can describe every country like that.
Just compare life level in Russia now and in 2000s or 1990s

What exactly do you not agree? it would be great if you expressed your thoughts or disagreements in a more descriptive way.

You can describe every country like that.
Like what?

My country - the land of opportunity.
Here, everyone can be anyone.
But no one wants) It was created a terrifying culture of consumption.
Nobody wants to work, to create. Only consume.
Only envy around. Generally - envy is one of the main Slavic features.
And laziness.
And when I once again hear "The blame Putin," I find it funny.
All are guilty.

wtf are you talking about? It seems that you didn't get what I said at all. Ask someone to translate my comment for you

I said that main promblem in Russia is laziness and envy.
All these words about "just defence programms" are just words. And nothin more.
This is the main problem of Russia.

По поводу провинции ты трижды не прав - у меня бабушка живёт в Краснодаре.
Конечно у всех садовые участки, коровы и так далее.
Но ещё и пенсии есть и больницы и дороги и свет и куча разной помощи.
Поезди по провинции - ты увидишь множество огромных домов и не огромных, но добротных.
Кучу машин новых и так далее. Не бедно люди живут в общем) Было бы желание)
Так что не надо ляля)

@dollarvigilante, what if you were wrong and nothing happens by the end day of the Jubilee Year on October 2nd?
Blockchain is very good in timestamping things, I think this might be very helpful to track predictions and proving them right or wrong.
So I think it would be a nice practice if someone who posts a prediction on this platform also puts some criteria that proves it right or wrong - what events need to happen or not happen and by what date.

Augur is to launch soon, which will hopefully provide some good ways to assess predictions ;)

He already said that the world economy would collapse last September. He just keeps kicking the can down the road, pretending that everything's gonna go to shit "tomorrow." Reminds me of that old cartoon Asterix where the villagers believed that the sky would fall on their heads tomorrow. The chief would calm people by reminding them that "tomorrow never comes."

I think that by posting criterea people would never have their predictions come true and would go out of buisness (just watch bitva extransensov on youtube) =)

Its easier to post a vague prediction, so it can be interpreted in different ways when time comes

There is a solution for that dilemma (of not knowing the future): Plan for the worst, but hedge it so that if the worst doesn't happen, you still have no regrets. Examples:

  1. Kill your TV: spend more time with God, friends, family, neighbors.
  2. Invest in yourself: learn how to build, make, hunt, cook, heal, pray, and think.
  3. Become more self sufficient: be able to make your own water, food, power, tools, clothes.

You profit either way: if no collapse happens you have a more meaningful life. If things do collapse, you "just" have harder times, you aren't completely devastated. You also get to be a part of the solution on the other side of the bang.

Upon reading this I can only think "WTF?".
The recommendation to be prepared for catastrophies is twice as old as I am. The plans that were presented to the German public were worked upon for several years.
You are abusing the people's fears to sell your products, nothing more.
Do you really believe that in case of a nuclear war we could use our investments in crptocurrencies and other virtual stuff to survive? Do you really think gold and silver will help us survive in case of a disaster?
Come on. This article is a disaster itself.

This is a textbook example of how to use alarmist fear mongering for personal profit. Every time I see these posts reach the front page I cringe. This kind of sensational con-artistry is not going to help Steemit grow and gain mass adoption.

Putin almost single-handedly opposed the world government the globalists!

Lol single handedly? He got the support of China/Iran/israel/turkey cut the bs already trying to portrait this genocidal character as a super hero. Hes destroying Ukraine for asking their independence/he's invaded Georgia for over 8 years now and took over 20% of they country, his pretending to fighting Isis just like he was pretending to fight these Chechen "terrorist" and ended killing over 40 000 children. The fuckin shee of the pro Putin movement are as much brainwashed as those radical Islamists are with the coran.

That's why the central bank of Russia is owned by the Rothschild...
There is no nuclear war happening, Russia, USA and Europe are all in the same bed and have been for a very long time. Mainstream media wants everyone to believe that there is a threat of nuclear war and that Russia is the enemy. They want people to think that there is a big threat of WW3 so that they can pass new laws to further globalization, their end goal being a world army and government. WW1 and WW2 were possible because people were ignorant they were getting fed state propaganda to believe their country was in the right, you can't start a war on a large scale like this in this day and age there is way too much flow of information. However you can create fear to achieve your goal. Fear is the ultimate weapon.

That's why the central bank of Russia is owned by the Rothschild...

What? Can you please be so kind to resource this (with an apporpriate link, not to a 15 year old boy from somehwere blog)

pass new laws to further globalization, their end goal being a world army and government.

What are you talking about? Which laws?

What? Can you please be so kind to resource this (with an apporpriate link, not to a 15 year old boy from somehwere blog)

Just google " List of Banks owned by the Rothschild family "

What are you talking about? Which laws?

I meant to say treaties or unions which have their own new set of rules. If the risk of war is "real" they will pass new international agreement, organization and possibly create new unions to "prevent" it that will further globalization.

Ok, i just did, here is the first link from google


So, basiclly if someone wrote something on a wall, would you believe it?
It plainly lists 30 banks, wihtout.... nothing.... Eh?
Why am I meant to trust this information?

Whats wrong with preventing war?

Sorry mate, Im just really not getting your point


There is pages and pages with the same information, this is common knowledge man.
That link you mentionned has over 100 countries, all owned by the Rothschild that's right. If you have any info that proves the contrary I'm all ears.

Why am I meant to trust this information?

You are not meant to trust it, you are meant to do your own research

Whats wrong with preventing war?

The goal is not to prevent war, it is to advance globalization. War is a manufactured threat to achieve this goal.

@snowflake what you say was true for the Cold War, but not for WW3.
it is alternative independent media which is warning of WW3, while the mainstream media irresponsibly just encourages confrontation with Russia like there'd be no serious consequences.
They still use Fear to pass their laws but they are using "terrorism" now, not WW3.
mainstream media even kept quiet about this recent Nuclear War warning Putin made directly to the international press :

did you see CNN, FOX , BBC or any mainstream media report it? should have been headline news worldwide but only some small independent media reported it.

They are hitting peak profit margins now and unfortunately that family and allies are setting up the chessboard for another round against humanity. This is a time to seriously think about the future and prepare and make contingency plans for what could be coming. Truthfully this looks really bad for America where there may be less than 5% of the total currency left in the country. It is likely that Trump will win the election because the democrats have a history of turning the presidency over to the republicans in this type of cycle.

Trump is going to build a wall and put people to work, what he is not saying is that the wall will be to keep people in and he will crash the USD via domestic value/asset audit of the Federal reserve corporation. By doing this he will easily turn america into a slave labor state thats able to beat out all other countries in world trade, and this is what has more potential to start ww3; economics. The propaganda has been sustained for too long, and they are always ready to send the orders to start the war. They are just waiting for the opportune moment... They are like children. Take away the tit they are sucking on and they will throw a big temper-tantrum. The media is not a 3rd party to this; They are the media. The media has the power to start war, to elect leaders, to decide what is taught in education, and they are in power in most countries. Follow the money back to its source like veins to an old heart, its a starting point. Your mind can be your worst enemy or your greatest ally. If you define your goals with fear you are likely limiting your possibilities.

How about financial and economic sanctions, anti-Russian hysteria in the media, arrogant and unsubstantiated dismissal of the Russian Paralympic athletes from the Olympics, sponsorship of the U.S. non-system opposition in Russia, aimed at the violent overthrow of the government. So do those who are in the same bed? Why countries need nuclear weapons if they in the same bed. Your point of view is not tenable.

This is all part of the propaganda. Without it, people would not believe that Putin is the bad guy. Do you understand what owning a central bank means? The western elite owns the Russian banking system, in other words they already own the country. Putin is just a puppet. Have you ever wondered why Russia is host to the 2018 football world cup? If they are the enemy why is the biggest sports events organized by western country taking place in Russia? I thought we were at war with them...

You contradict yourself, if they want to create the image of Putin the evil that would not give the host the world Cup. FIFA was an independent organization and that is why Russia got the world Cup and FIFA leadership paid with allegations of corruption and the FIFA President Joseph Blatter, resigned

Not sure why I can't answer to your comment so i'll answer here.

I do not contradict myself, they do. The world in which we live in today is one giant contradiction. Mainstream media only tells you one part of the story so for most people it seems logical when in fact it is totally paradoxical.

Please do not take me offensivle mate, but after reading this comment, it kinda of seems that im talking to a zombie tv =)

Is this your own opinion or is the information you are sharing backed up by facts?

they infact tried stopping the World Cup in Russia. thats what they tried and do with the whole FBI sting at FIFA's headquarers in Switzerland calling for Blatter to resign immediately and trying to delegitimize Russia's appointment as it was due to corruption (like all world cups).

Jeff, all this reminds me of a recent joke:

2 New Youk jews (of course they are of Slavic background) talk about the "war" in Ukraine.
The first says - "Moshe, have you heard whats going on? The Ukra inians are at war with the Russians!"
Second - "Oi vey, and whats going on there, Itzik?"
Itzik - "Well so far the Ukranians lost 5 military planes, 10 helicopters, 30 tanks, 1000 soldiers, 2 mil sqaure km of land and 3.5 mil popualtion"
Moshe - "And the Russians?"
Itzik - "The Russians still havent turned up!"

All this is to point out that saying out loudly that countries like Russia prepare for an attack is a bit funny.

Russians are being awakened by the deafening noise of emergency war sirens

Thats funny too =) I mean its ok to paint a picture, but where do you take this information from?

Yes, historically our country is an agressor (like the US, GB, Germany, France). Bu ti think we should all stand up and thank loudly to Putin for bieng clever enough to turn the other cheek for the last 2 years to all that the West has been doing.

Its redicoulos to see Russia as an agressor in this situation.

A point of view, from a person born in the Crimea, who spend 20 years in the west (inlcuding time in the Israeli army) and who lives in Russia today.

Its redicoulos to see Russia as an agressor in this situation.

Not to the average American if he heard it on TV. If it's on the news it must be true.

I am assuming that steem is not full of averages Americans =)

Well the same applies to Russia! We have poeple watching our first chanell just to become TV and propoganda zombies...

In the restaurnat field we say - "if you had a craft burger and a craft beer, but didnt post to instagram.. it NEVER happened!" )))

"There's no truth in The News and no news in The Truth" - I tried to find out how old that saying was but Google failed me. I always thought Russians were ahead of the rest of the world when it came to distrust of their mainstream media. US distrust of mainstream news has grown but its credibility is still disturbingly high. I don't know about the overall steem demographics but I'd definitely agree that people reading an article like this, whatever their country, aren't average.
Где мороженое? – I know very little Russian but that might come in handy one day.

I always thought Russians were ahead of the rest of the world when it came to distrust of their mainstream media

That might well be true. It all started about 50 years ago in Russia, people ceasing to care about what the government-run media of that time had to say. So it's a tradition that spans several generations now.

And in the US, when has the distrust arisen? Is it a post-Iraqi war thing?

I also liked the passage about awakening by emergency war sirens:)
Probably Jeff didn't invent this so I'm curious what media have such a great imagination!

The future is bright guys. Don't worry things are getting better weather the average guy can see it or not. Soon everyone will see the truth. The truth is bright and its right in front of us. We are observing the ultimate battle soon it will be over.

hope this is not true. but we need to be alert and prepare what ever happen

WOW @dollarvigilante and many people voting on this post. What The F. Please read before you upvote. Or do you all vote Trump or what?

With pleasure I have read some of your posts but this one and the previous one about Merkel is just too much. Come on... Instead of shining light on potential devastating issues with fear drowned headlines, why not focus a bit more on how we could change the world for the better? How about reading @dantheman's latest post. Come to think about it, you guys are complete opponents :)


here is an even better headline suggestion for this article:



You say there's about to be a nuclear war and tell people to invest in gold and silver? What are they going to do with their "precious" metals after a nuclear war? What's the point of being "rich" after a nuclear war?
I don't agree with your analysis. It sounds like FUD to me. Contrary to big media I think the Russians love their children too. Go Sting.

Image credit weknowmemes.com

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