Trump's Firing of FBI Director Comey Meant To Divide and Distract

in #money7 years ago

In the most interesting season of The Apprentice yet, reality television programming star Donald Trump said “You’re fired,” to the director of the FBI, James Comey.

The storyline that is played out on the mainstream Fake News media is that Comey was investigating Trump’s Russian connections and this caused his dismissal.

This, of course, is complete and total BS. The whole Russian meme has been shown to be a joke since back when Killary Clinton put the card into play.

Trump supporters… and yes, there are still some even after Trump didn’t put Killary in jail, didn’t make Mexico pay for a wall, isn’t building a wall and refilled the swamp with Goldman Sachs executives… shouted, “Ya see! He is draining the swamp!”

No, he isn’t.

He’s just refilling the swamp with his own people. And, I can almost guarantee you, that whoever it is will not be investigating the biggest crime done on American soil, 9/11. Nor will that person be investigating how the FBI has been behind or involved in nearly every so-called “terrorist attack” dating back to before the Oklahoma City Bombing.

The FBI only falls behind the CIA as one of the most evil and nefarious terrorist organizations in the world. It has been responsible for the kidnapping (arrest) and torture (jail) of millions who hurt no one. But Trump won’t put a stop to any of that.

And, the FBI certainly won’t arrest the heads of the IRS and Federal Reserve for conducting extortion and counterfeiting rackets that are unconstitutional, and therefore criminal, under the laws that the FBI is supposed to enforce.

So, Trump firing Comey is just what we said would happen. The US government will continue to have scandals, wars and other events to keep the public’s minds occupied and concerned so they don’t have time to think about how enslaved they are.

And that is just what this has done. Just look at the front page of the Clinton News Network, CNN:

There are 25 “stories”, and they are called stories for a reason… because they are fabricated fairy tales… And of those 25 “breaking” stories, 21 of them are government related.

The only stories that aren’t related to government or politicians are about unimportant things like how “Japan’s comfort women deal questioned”, fear based stories like how a wall collapsed at a wedding and one talking about the HIV hoax which is also fear based to make you believe if you have sex with someone you could die.

Other than that every single story which is thrust into the consciousness of Americans is about government and what a shocking scandal it was that a man was fired.

They have most dumbed down, fluoridated Americans so brainwashed that there are even thousands of people out protesting that the man who heads a terrorist organization was fired!

You see, that is the plan. To keep people constantly alarmed and divided. This is being posed as a “left versus right” issue, as almost all issues in the US are.

But there is no “left versus right” issue… there is only an “authoritarianism versus liberty” issue going on and as long as people believe in the false left-right paradigm they’ll continue supporting authoritarianism.

If one day everyone realized that the true enemy is Washington D.C. itself, then almost all of the problems in the US today would go away nearly overnight.

That’s why they keep your mind occupied with unimportant information like who is or isn’t the head of the FBI crime organization. People who care about this are no different than inmates in a prison who care which violent prison guard the Warden hired or fired this week.

Here’s a tip. As long as you are in prison, it really doesn’t matter much. Let’s focus instead on shutting the prison down.

And, besides, in the meantime, while many Trump supporters were cheering that Comey’s firing meant Trump was draining the swamp of the corrupt, criminal, globalist establishment… look which corrupt, criminal, globalist establishment figure skulked into the White House for an “unscheduled meeting.”

Strange that wasn’t mentioned on the front page of I wonder why that is?


I have a dream that one day, we will talk about important things that help us rather than these goons.

Gotta upvote this reply.

Lately, the further I've moved away from politics, the better I've felt. The election is over. It's time to focus on ourselves and what we can control.

I stopped caring about politics a few years ago. We have no control over these goons or what they do. We do however have control of our own lives. I feel much better than when I stressed out the nonsense they spewed.

but I feel that we have to keep track of what nasty surprises they may have in store for us, so we gotta keep one eye on them

#opensourceeverything I love this hashtag. This is basically the goal for all innovation moving forward. Glad to see a community of people who agree.

well said!!!

"People who care about this are no different than inmates in a prison who care which violent prison guard the Warden hired or fired this week.

Here’s a tip. As long as you are in prison, it really doesn’t matter much. Let’s focus instead on shutting the prison down."

Thank you for questioning government @dollarvigilante .

What is your favorite book?

Right. Left. Both are criminals. Both are fake. The people of the US are definetly still asleep. It is sickening to talk about the issues with most because consumerism has the majority of US people so distracted with thier possessions and status symbols. They can't see past the hood of thier excessively priced car to realize that all of our very basic rights are being stripped away. What is it going to take for America to realize we don't need a centralized government? Who are the millions to let a few hundred dirt bags control in such a way? Divide and conquer is the game. The only way to win is to stay unified as a people!

It is a truly shocking and desperate move that throws law enforcement institutions of the country into serious question.

All of these are acting!

totally agree it's a divide and distract move, it came just as the global economies are starting to slow down and the debt is starting to unravel.

Great article. Thanks for the info. All we need is freedom!

Jeff, how about you take a minute to process the refund I'm owed by TDV Immigration? Here's my allegations:

Wow. Great video. "Let's bring the system down." So many are awake. I think we are about to surpass critical mass. Then game over.

What next we ask.

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