
Could be because of the Paris Agreement. Reduce carbon footprint agreements means reduce fossil fuel use and therefore can't mine. Mining is not really possible without fossil fuels. This could help drive the price of physical gold and silver even higher. Demand is going to sky rocket and there isn't much of a way to increase the supply with the mines sucking

Could be, just wish I wasn't so heavily invested in mining companies. I guess this is why Physical is always better because I do think Gold and silver will trade much higher later this year

I had some in mining stocks too but most of my money is in gold, silver and crypto!

I would (have) diversify 20% Gold, 75% Silver and only 5% Crypto,
Im not sure Crypto will survive at all a few years from now?!

What makes you think crypto won't survive?

First of all its a competitive FIAT currency to todays used FIAT such as Dollar Etc.
And if you know how the financial system work.. You'll know that these guys just print their money (product) in any amount they want ... Its a product they have monopoly on and control the entire world with .... Do you really think they will lose all that power without a fight when Btc start to become a REAL threat / competitor?!
I can tell you that they will use any way possible .. And this is the guys who own all governments, Armies, businesses.. Law enforcement.. They own everything .. Just because they own the dollar... i.e no dollar= no power.
So they will just ban all crypto when it become too big or start a competitive one and ban all the rest.
How ... lawmakers claiming cryptocurrencies are heavily sought after by terrorists and criminals, global cyber attacks and potential for solar flares or an EMP to knock out sections (or all of) the electrical grid at any given moment... The list goes on and on ........
Connect the dots ....

I get what you are saying and i am too afraid that is all too real of a possibility. They have tried to ban crypto already and countries are starting to adopt them (e.g. Japan). Once there is such wide adoption the elite at the top won't be able to stop it. I just hope we reach the point of no return before the flip of a kill switch. If the elite would go as far as an EMP the world would go into survival mode at that point and it won't matter what you hold at that point. I tend to be too optimistic but I believe cryptos are here to stay and by the time the elites wise up to that truth it'll be too late. They can't ban them all without banning real business here soon. The blockchain technology will be so intertwined with everyday life.

But investing in precious metals mining companies worked until 2011, when "the gloves came off" in the Obama administration under the guidance of the Silver Users Group, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan et al when they started using the Plunge Protection Team to absolutely crush precious metal companies by way of the COMEX daily prices.

That was my own personal "big mistake", when I thought foolishly that the "free" market would win over geopolitics. Instead, we saw the covert and overt power of the US/UK/Cabal rise to strike down the oldest threat to the petro-dollar and narco-dollar. We've been living with "mortar shelling" of the gold & silver prices ever since April 2011. The precious metal miner CEOs have betrayed their shareholders as well, because they live in fear of nationalization of their mines & equipment, and refused, Ayn Rand style, to stand up to the governments controlling their commodity prices and merely decided to play games with their stock prices until they could retire.

It will now take a paradigm shift to break the power of the US/UK/Cabal, as well as those profiting from the Cabal's prices, such as China.

I Think First Majestic Silver Corp is a good buy.
I was at it when it was at 2.60 (Jan 2016) but missed that boat because in April it was already at 18$ .. And then went down again.. Its now at 8 ish,
But will wait for it to tank shortly when all margin calls happen.. Then its maybe down to half that.. For a few days.. Then its up towards the moon after that.
Was at 50+ in 2011 before Copter Ben crashed these markets.
But i believe in First Majestic.. Good economic, smart management.. And pure silver prod.. Having several mines in mexico.