Cashless Society?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

That bastion of mainstream propaganda, Bloomberg, were once again this month calling for the eradication of cash ‘in the interest of the common man’.

Their argument in favour of disposing of banknotes is as flawed as the rest of their one-sided journalism.

They reason that only by moving to a cashless system will the market ever be truly free. How did they reach this breathtakingly inane view? They have prayed upon the anger of the public and twisted the outcome to be even more bias towards the top 1% than the current rigged system.

In their article they stated, 'If you believe that government meddling in financial markets was responsible for the last recession and the lacklustre recovery, you might be right.’

So far so good, but then they propose, ‘The right answer is to abolish currency and move completely to electronic cash…’.

Of course, they are not brave enough to admit the agenda behind this but instead put forward that it is an idea suggested at various times by Marvin Goodfriend of Carnegie-Mellon University, Miles Kimball of the University of Colorado and Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England.

Another ‘widely respected’ academic, Harvard professor and former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund Ken Rogoff, trotted out the usual cry in his recent propaganda-fuelled book, The Curse of Cash, that cashless banking would protect the individual from crime and hamper the likes of the drug cartels. With documentation and testimony highlighting elements of the CIA and US Government have been involved in narcotics running for decades, the drug trade is hardly likely to be the area of concern for the elites. 

Proposals for a cashless society from the bastions of the Academia and Financial circles, two of the very institutions that have served to enslave the world’s population in debt and unquestioning obedience. What can possibly go wrong?

The only way to protect yourself from bank bail-ins, bail-outs, wealth confiscation and the like is to hold assets outside of the banking system. As will be seen in the coming financial collapse, even unfunded liabilities such as pensions can be eradicated at the tap of a keyboard.

With a cashless system, without personal financial independence, even without the shadow of freedom-of-choice we have now, the trap will be sprung. The circle between banking and state will be complete and there will be no escape.

Perhaps this is what George Orwell, the author not the blogger, foresaw when he described his vision of the future of mankind: 

‘Imagine a boot stamping down on a human face - forever.’


Interesting article and happy to upvote. Following and looking forward to reading more of your posts. Made an interesting post earlier on about the future of Social Media. You may like to see it. Catch us also on Twitter Twitter✔. Cheers. Stephen

Thanks Stephen - for the upvote and heads up about your latest article. Like you, I can see cryptocurrencies are the future... I just pray that it can be kept out of the hands of the current cabal of central bankers and their high street puppets or else I fear we're all in serious trouble. Look forward to reading through your back catalogue of articles and the ones to come! All the best, George.

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