Money? Whose Got Money?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

When is a dollar not a dollar? A major clue to this riddle is found in the following graphic...

As the above image graphically shows, a paper dollar is "worth" only a small fraction of a silver dollar (still minted by the U.S. Treasury, but no longer circulated by banks, as they were up until the 1980s).

And that "worth" is increasingly shrinking all the time, due to inflation, which is really caused by the government printing and circulating an ever-growing amount of these fraudulent bills.

How Are They Fraudulent?

FED notes are fraudulent by claiming on their face to be a denomination of "dollar" they clearly are not, in comparison with a constitutional gold or silver coin (real) dollar.

They also bear on their face the following inscription: "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE."

There's something vital missing here. Where are the words "THE PAYMENT OF" in this statement, which ought to be found between the words "FOR" and "ALL"?

Why are those words missing? Simply because a "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE" supposed "dollar" is really nothing more than a debt instrument (a fraudulent one at that), and basic economics teaches us that you cannot repay any debt with another debt, or IOU for instance.

Which is just what FED notes are, IOUs in which the United States is a debtor to the creditor whose name appears superior to its own on such notes (the FEDERAL RESERVE).

Down With The FED!

All of which means that everything you think you own, "paid" for with such "dollars," actually belongs to the anti-American private group of bankers called the FEDERAL RESERVE (to fool Americans into thinking this private institution is a government agency; proof: it has never once been audited by the federal government).

What America needs now, more than ever before, is a return to real, honest money!

Which means the "FED" has to go, and America's real money (or notes redeemable for real specie coin dollars) circulated once again, or America will soon cease to be a "first world" nation a lot quicker than any of its befuddled peoples realize or believe possible.

Aren't you "fed" up with all this presidential, congress and court-supported fraud yet?

Steemit and Steem dollars can never be worth more than the "real" currencies they are convertible into, so this subject should be of vital, primary interest to everyone who is seeking to improve their financial situation by investing your time, energy and mental efforts through these means.


That's okay, until you try to use them as a substitute currency...which is why crypto-currencies are a good medium of exchange, until governments inevitably figure a way to worm their way into a controlling/corrupting position of influence.

Which brings us back to specie (gold and silver coin, or certificates redeemable in same), as the only valid valuable form of currency for the nation as a whole.

Any so-called "legal tender" law is void due to fraud, which proposes a corrupted "legal" substitute for real lawful money (about which see my other post here:

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