Bank Accounts SEIZED In Greece As System Comes CRASHING Down!

in #money7 years ago

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent development which has remained largely uncovered by any media regarding the seizure and "clearing" of 500,000 bank accounts in Greece.

According to Proto Thema,

"Only in January-April this year the tax offices "cleared" the bank accounts of 428,465 debtors. According to information, if the seizures of May are taken into account, then they total more than 500,000. Within approximately 100 business days, account seizures grew by about 100,000, compared with 333,776 in the same period last year. The data from the Directorate-General for Public Revenue, which reveals business stories, show that on average each working day on their eighth day of duty, the tax offices proceed to about 4,300 seizures. "

This is a massive development and sign of the times in Greece as central planning reaches its inevitable end and market rigging by banks and government plunder a country.

People are leaving the country as places like Athens becomes overwhelmed with slum problems, slowly turning the ancient city into a third world environment.

We've reported on this madness before and one has to wonder why people are continuing to keep their money in the bank and not putting money into assets after everything Greece has already been through. From bail in regimes to bailouts, from central planning to inflation, from derivatives markets to crazy levels of debt, people need to heed our warnings and take action! Assets, that which is tangible must be in one's diverse portfolio in our opinion. One can ride out this storm but it takes financial responsibility and self sustainability.

See the FULL video report here:

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Greece is so done it's not even funny. You have a dwindling flow of tourist to the country, migrants flooding in from Africa, and a cash-strapped, desperate government looking to fleece the taxpayers/businesses any way they can.

Thee Grecian shit-show will end in tears for a lot of people. I can't believe cryptos haven't been embraced en mass by the Greeks.

Hi ,
Nice work sir

old video


There are 3 çonstants in life debt +death+stupidity, Give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser and to God what belongs to him

The Greece crisis is a real sad story. If they hadn't joined the Euro they wouldn't be in this mess. The EU member states demand that there money is returned, after they bought the debt from their nationals banks. That was another mistake, they should had let the banks crash, because they shouldn't had borrowed to Greece in the first place. Now the debt is on the sheets of governments, and they want the debt being paid. So Greece have to increase the taxes, the citizens can't afford it and leaving Greece. It will only become worse. We live in a globalist world and if a country levies to many taxes, we can go to another place (except US citizens..).

I don't like the video! The article they found is from 2 October 2016, is old that's why nobody talks about ! I live in Greece, and is not so bad. They exaggerated. This summer was one of the best years in tourism, mostly due to the Turkey situation and the low prices we had.

Wow man that's crazy! In the US that type of thing (freezing to collect taxes) is usually reserved for the most extreme circumstances, known as a jeopardy assessment:

It's for illicit activities usually, not for common citizens who in the US get plenty of chances to catch up their payments; and sometimes, a free reduction "offer in compromise." Sometimes they may lien assets/accounts or garnish wages, but it's not as common as you get many late bills and chances as long as you respond to the IRS. Great article, I followed.

Edit: to mbg11's point, the IRS can/will prevent future refunds from going out when there is a delinquent balance, they use refunds to apply against the delinquency.

If anything, in the US, if individuals don't pay their tax bill from prior years, their tax refunds are simply seized by the IRS to pay off any remaining balances.

Source: Me and the many experiences of trying to explain to people why they didn't get a refund this year...

It really is a shame what the banksters did to Greece. No matter, it is a playbook they use over and over. A country gets in trouble here comes the IMF (banksters) to bail them out. Loans are given to the country which the politicians squander and leave the populous left to pay the extortion. Of course, when they cannot, the banksters go in and seize everything not tied down.

They are such scumbags.

I am a transplant from YouTube. I came to Steemit looking for you, several times, but today I found you, through good timing. I'm big on the #WarOnCash and the changes that are coming our way. Thank you and John for your work!

good job guys

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