How Banks Create Money And Enslave Humanity

in #money7 years ago

The Secret Science Of Money Creation

The Process Can Be Broken Down In To 4 Stages.

1.The Counterfeit Mechanism.

Money is the accepted medium of exchange within a given society.There are three types of money.

A.commodity money.

Uses a commodity with intrinsic value that people want for itself eg Gold offers unique storage and barter qualities make it acceptable as "commodity Money".

B.Promisory money.

Is a promise to give someone real money ie commodity money it is an IOU and as the benefit of ease of use.

It is not easy to move commodity money eg Gold around,so its a promise to pay typicaly a paper note and it is basicly an extension of commodity money,without commodity money cannot have promissory money.


C.Fiat Money.

This is the money used today worldwide.Importantly it does not carry a promise to be redeemed in anything and as no intrinsic value (only paper and ink).

It is based soley on governments saying this is money and you will use it."LEGALISED COUNTERFIAT".

Why would anyone accept fiat money?


-Faith that others will accept it as well.

-Fear government legal tender laws.Must use it or "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD OR OFF TO PRISON"etc.

Interesting to note in the final stages of a fiat money system historicaly even fear will not stop the public no longer accepting doomed fiat paper money.


When men have the ability to create money out of thin air its like an heady wine and ALWAYS ends in disaster for ordinary people.

2.The Dillinger Mechanism.

The transfer of wealth through INFLATION from the lower/middle classes to a tiny elite upper class (BANKSTERS AND THEIR FINANCIAL BACKERS AND THEIR PUPPETS CORRUPT POLITICIANS).Hence called the Dillinger Mechanism named after the USA Gangster.

The BANKSTERS literally steal wealth through inflation and consolidate their wealth and power.People end up renting the property they were trying to own and become SERVS to the BANKSTER ELITES.

Remember nothing happens by chance this is a well thought out method of stealing wealth from the majority and giving it to a few and has been done on numerous occasions by the small BANKING CABAL.

  1. The Duck Dinner Mechanism.

The Banksters and their Puppet Governments make things EASY for people in the form of Government hand outs and EASY loans/Mortgages and Business loans that make it EASY for people to prosper with low interest rates and the ability to borrow large sums of money usually with little deposit down.


Everyone is able to prosper through EAAAASY CREDIT.

Create Materialism by watching your neighbours prosper and creating a "KEEPING UP WITH THE JONE'S EFFECT".

THE LURE/TRAP IS BEING SET you have to hand it to these clever ELITE BANKSTERS.

The "Ducks"(Lower/Middle Classes) increase their debt/wealth and then become SITTING DUCKS once the banksters have set them up all ready for THE COLLAPSE.

Are you beginning to see what a clever game the Banksters play over and over again to the unsuspecting SHEEPLE who are FLEECED over and over again.

The Collapse occurs by a "CREDIT CRUNCH" sound familiar?

Instigated deliberately to cause the lower and middle classes to be unable to pay their DEBT/MORTGAGE causing defaults enabling the Banksters to pick REAL ASSETS up with money created from nothing basicly out of thin air.


The Banksters Literaly steal the hard work of the majority of the people.

Then THROUGH THEIR ENGINEERED CRASH make those losing their homes in to SERVS(slaves) again when the people have to rent or start at the bottom again.

THIS IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL they create money OUT OF THIN AIR but now they have become powerful whilst the people become weak financially.

Ready for the whole cycle to repeat so the masses work hard ready for the next FLEECING.

4.The Mandrake Mechanism.

How does money actually come in to being?

Money creation is shrouded in mystery like a disappearing/reappearing dove by"Mandrake the magician" money magically is created from nothing literally out of thin air.

Central Bank Creation/Destruction Of Money.

-The Government Does Not Simply Print It.People imagine wrongly that the government simply prints it.

-Partnership between the privately controled Banking Cabal and the Government.

Firstly the elite banksters create a PRIVATELY OWNED (with shareholders) central bank.The central bank is not a bank but a privately owned company that as the franchise to print that nations money and allowed to print the governments money and money for the people and businesses through loans and collect interest on this printed money created out of thin air.

-This privately owned Central Bank is also given the power and authority to regulate all banks in that country.The Central Bank becomes like the Government because the government allows it to print the nations money (given a franchise to print money from nothing).

-This Central Bank acts independently of government and as the power to regulate banks and control the issuance/supply of money without government intervention.They are not subject to scrutiny by the people and by the government.

The United States central bank the Federal Reserve(private Corporation) set up in 1913 has NEVER been audited once in its entire 100 years.All other companies are audited yearly.

Do you see how powerful the elite banksters are they operate outside of public and government accountability.

-The central bank creates a budget deficit for the government to spend.In honest borrowing this would come from savings but this budget deficit comes from dishonest borrowing.

-Dishonest borrowing by the government is when it does not borrow the money from savings either individual or corporate but obtains the money direct from the central bank.

-The government gives the central bank a IOU or a bond and agrees to pay interest on the bond payable by taxing its citizens.

The central bank creates this new money for the government not from saving deposits but simply from nothing by writing a cheque to the government.The central bank had no deposits or assets to back the cheque up.No savers,No Gold in the vault it was simply created from nothing out of thin air.

-The government now deposits this cheque in to an ordinary bank and can now spend against the value of the cheque whether a million or whatever created by the central bank out of thin air.

This system then impoverishes the people to repay the debt PLUS INTEREST by AUSTERITY sound familiar? Worse still more debt as to be created every year to repay the debt plus the interest no wonder banksters love war.

Now you know how banksters create money out of thin air stop playing in their rigged game become your own central bank by buying crypto currencies and gold and silver and stop these evil bankster's and their puppet governments enslaving you and your children.


Do you still play the Game?

No. I lost my business and everything to these parasites in 2009 so i try to show others their schemes and trap, i try not to use banks anymore cryptos hopefully will free humanity but they won't disappear without a fight.

Steem on my friend! It is almost the same story I hear from people everywhere. I truly don't think we need to fight those actors as much as we need to understand it is just a game that we must stop playing so it will end. I've come to the realization that the only fight we need is to stop ourselves from continuing to play the game. Wars have only killed People not the actors whom perpetrate the slavery system game. I fighting every moment of every day to not play and it is a fight because their thugs are everywhere and most sheeple thugs don't even know they are the actors that cause the game to continue. But that is just my opinion and my thinking out of the box fight. Will the game end I don't know but...

Yes spot on in your analysis.Once you understand and do not play the game you are free. I will be doing a post soon showing people how to clear their debts and my experiences in writing off the majority of my debt . As i didn't have anything more to lose it was one hell of a ride taking the banksters down was sooo much fun in the end. lol.

Great Post- I'm impressed.

Thank you. lessons learned through hard knocks now thy enemy.

This is an excellent report @kevinace3 - I was already enlightened as to the dangers of debt and from whence it stemmed - but you have broken it down it portrayed it in a highly readable format - thank you. Will resteem. SirKnight.

Thank you Sir Knight. My business collapsed in 2009 and i lost everything could not understand what had happened.Once i realized i had been fleeced i have tried to show others how these evil banksters operate to hopefully stop others falling in to the same trap i fell in to. Thanks for resteeming.

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