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RE: What to do if someone don't want to give back borrowed money?

in #money6 years ago

Unfortunately borrowing and not paying back has really ruined many relationship. Somehow you may stipulate you are returning this item or money you borrowed on a particular day and it didn't just work out as planned; the best thing to do is to communicate with the person you're owing that it didn't work out as you planned if more grace period can be given.
I have forgetting about money I borrowed someone its not worth the trouble. But if you need to borrow anyone a large amount of money there should be a written down agreement which is signed by both parties if possible a lawyer should be involved
.this will handle the challenge of not paying back. Good write up @joyce-okpobo. Best regard


Oh @kingsleymond. You summarized it all. Communication is key if we're unable to pay back what we owe on the intended date and time. But that's where a lot of persons miss it. They just assume you should understand even when communication has been breached.

Thanks for stopping by as always. I really appreciate your contribution.