
in #money7 years ago

2016年6月11日,噩梦来临的一天。以前我也赌球,那时候淘宝都可以买赌球的,后来淘宝不让买了!我在必赢彩票上面注册了一个帐号,开始赌球!那时候也不会就会买热!那一天有2场欧洲杯,我现在都记得很清楚!西班牙VS意大利和英格兰VS冰岛!我看着西班牙和英格兰都是以前的冠军队 我想稳赢了,然后买了1W 2串一 后来开奖 居然2场爆冷,呵呵,这种事都有!自从那一天开始,我就一天到晚在研究,因为这1W也是辛苦钱,后来我就每天研究,几乎场场都买,那时候还买的小,500,1000,2000,第一次1W是我觉得非常稳所以才这么买的,也是输,后来我就50 100的买那时候都中,感觉好神奇,作为一个月只有3000元左右工资的人来说,尝到了甜头!这原来是噩梦刚刚开始的前兆!

后来买欧洲杯更是加油的买了,葡萄牙队长C罗,大家肯定都知道,超级有名,我连买了几场葡萄牙的,结果葡萄牙的对手和葡萄牙全部踢平,我这个人非常不相信平局,我几乎都不会买平局,在我的脑海中只有胜负没有平!事与愿违,结果都是都输,后来冠军赛。法国VS葡萄牙! 我那时候晚上不睡,就在看这场比赛,结果开始T球没多久,C罗受伤离场了,后来我心想C罗都走了,葡萄牙必输了,结果结果结局还是平。点球的时候还让葡萄牙成为了冠军。那场我输了2W,我买了法国,唉

经过那次我已经输了3W5千多了,我还是想翻本,后来就各种比赛,英冠,比甲,德甲,德乙,只要是比赛我都会下注都会买,我认真研究了一下,下注5000,2串一的,不过赔率很低,但是中了赢了6500块,加5000本金我到手11500,心里想,这么块,我每天赢5000-6000,一个月就是15W多了,这钱好容易啊,我上班一个月3000,很轻松的没事做,所以看看电脑就可以了,我每天利用这个时间研究足球,一直玩到了10月底,我输输赢赢。到了月底我压了一场5000块的足球没有中,然后晚上就没有睡觉。2016年10月底,正好NBA出来了,我就开始研究篮球NBA,不怕大家笑话,那时候我朋友推荐我买,第一场好像是开阔者VS快船和马刺VS雷霆。都是 让分的。NBA的选注和足球的不一样,NBA都是你要投注哪个赢在下面按一次就可以了,足球还要主负主胜的。然后我就下了NBA 一开始,买了2个队伍,不买选,然后就中了,因为我对NBA以前没有了解过,就瞎选,后来误打误撞,压了500,赢了1000多左右,有3倍的赔率,比足球的高多了,我买足球的都是买热门,低赔率,所以赢的不多
  后来那时候我就着了迷一样的玩NBA ,5000 10000的下注,买2串1,结果居然一次也不中,那个月我输了5W,这5W都是我信用卡里面套出来的。之后我父母叫我回家吃饭,我在一家上市企业的厂里做行政,一个月工资只有3000,然后根本还不起这5W,然后我就和我妈说了,我一开始难以启齿,实在说不出口,父母养育我很不容易,在我身上也花了不少钱了,13年给我买了一辆40W不到的车子,然后15年给我买了一套房子(100W左右)贷款的,首付30W,所以家里每个月还要给这房子付贷款,压力家里也很大!每个月还要开销。然后我妈问了欠了多少,我都不好意思回答。我说5W,我妈很生气的离开了我的房间

  2月中旬我又起了赌瘾,一开始都是会赢点,后来就每天都买,每天都要买,到了12月底,我要稍微赢了几千,但是到了1月3日,那天,我记得很清楚,那天晚上我买了一场阿琳那的比赛,结果2场都是平,我输了3500,然后晚上有NBA 我买了4000+4000的5串一低配,结果都输了,我居然一晚上输了1W多,然后我早上就早早的起来了,6点多在看NBA ,因为早上就只有NBA的早上会有比赛,我就又下注了4000,3串一的,结果又输了。我很不甘心,白天就再看足球的比赛,我买了一注3串1的,有一家输的,是叫皇家社会VS什么的,我买了让负,因为往绩主队没有赢过一次,然后居然皇家社会3-1完胜对手,那场我输了8000,太不甘心了,然后我就疯狂的买NBA ,因为我上班早上空,所以上午我就一直看比赛。所以不管3串1 还是2串1 都场都错一个。比分超前20分,都第四节崩盘了,后来输了,到了8号前面一天。我已经向信用卡中心申请了一个财智金3W7的,分2年还,利息是5000,一共每个月要换1774元,还2年。我把另一个信用卡的钱换了,然后还欠17000元。8号之前输了5W1
  在9号礼拜一,我去上班了,我已经不想看赌球的事了,后来突然在网上看到威尼斯人这个赌博的网站,然后我就进去注册了下,充值了500,结果赢了300多,后来我下了,然后我想这个蛮容易赢的,我玩的是塞子,只有大小, 所以几率很高,然后我就又充值了5000,后来输了,我很不甘心,后来又充值了8000,这8000都是支付宝里面的蚂蚁接呗里面弄出来的,结果不一会儿就输了,我压了8把大,结果连续开了8把小,我真的不知道怎么说了,小的几率这么大,开玩还开。然后我就信用卡里又套出了1W开始玩,结果还是输了,你压哪个就哪个不中,你不压马上就中了,哎。昨天我又输了5000+8000+10000-300=2W2千7百元,加上之前信用卡里。我从1-2号到昨天9号,我一共输了5W1+2W2=7W3.


June 11, 2016 nightmare day. I also gambled before, when Taobao can buy gambling, and later Taobao will not allow to buy! I win a lottery above the registration of an account, start gambling! At that time will not buy hot! That day there are two European Cup, I now remember very clearly! Spain VS Italy and England VS Iceland! I watched Spain and England are the former championship team I want to win a win, and then bought a 1W 2 string a lottery actually 2 games upset, Oh, such things have! Since that day, I have been studying all day, because this 1W is also hard-working money, and then I study every day, almost always buy the venue, then also bought a small, 500,1000,2000, the first 1W is I think it is very stable so just buy, but also lost, and later I 50 50 to buy that time are feeling amazing, as only 3,000 yuan a month salary of people, tasted the sweetness! This turned out to be the precursor to a nightmare!

Later bought the European Cup is cheaper to buy, Portugal C Lo, we certainly know that the super-famous, I even bought a few Portugal, the result of Portugal's opponents and Portugal all played flat, I do not really believe in this person a draw I almost never buy a draw, in my mind, only the outcome is not flat! The opposite is true, the result is lost, then the championship. France VS Portugal! I did not sleep then at night, watching the game, the results began T-ball did not take a long time, C Luo injured to leave, and later I thought C Lo are gone, Portugal will lose, the result of the outcome is still flat. When the penalty kick also made Portugal a champion. That I lost 2W, I bought France, alas

After that I have lost 3W5 more than a thousand, and I still want to turn the book, then a variety of competitions, the Champions League, Bundesliga, Germany and Germany, as long as the game I will bet will buy, I seriously study a bit , Bet 5000,2 string one, but the odds are low, but in the win 6500, plus 5000 capital I reach 11500, my heart thought, so block, I win 5000-6000 a day, a month is more than 15W This money is easy ah, I go to work a month 3000, it is easy to do nothing, so look at the computer on it, I use this time every day to study football, has been playing until the end of October, I lose win or lose. By the end of the month I pressed a 5,000-piece football without a shot, and then did not sleep at night. At the end of October 2016, just out of the NBA, I began to study the basketball NBA, not afraid of everyone joke, then my friend recommended me to buy, the first game seems to be wide VS VS Clippers and Thunder VS Thunder. All points are given. NBA's betting and football is not the same, NBA are you want to bet which win in the following press on it, but also the main football defeat. And then I started off the NBA, bought two teams, did not buy the election, and then in, because I did not understand before the NBA, blind, then mistakenly hit 500, won 1000 More or less, 3 times the odds, much taller than football, I buy football are buying hot, low odds, so not much to win
Later, I was obsessed with playing the same NBA, 5000 10000 bet, buy 2 strings 1, the results actually not in that month I lost 5W, which 5W are my credit card which sets out. After my parents asked me to go home for dinner, I was in the administration of a listed company's factory. The monthly wage was only 3,000 and I could not afford the 5W at the moment. Then I told my mom that I was unsure at the very beginning. Can not tell my parents to raise me is not easy, in my body also spent a lot of money, 13 years I bought a car less than 40W, and then bought me a house for 15 years (100W or so) Loans, down payment 30W, so every month at home to give this house to pay the loan, the pressure at home is also great! It costs more every month. Then my mother asked how much owed, I am sorry to answer. I said 5W, my mom was very angry left my room
After about 20 minutes, my mom came to my room and said to me, this time no problem, I'll give you, you lose this time lost, do not think of turning, I also swear I will not Gamble, my mother is really a mother, my mom then said, I want to find you are playing, I jumped upstairs, my heart is really not taste.

Then I did not start gambling, rest 2 months, because in December I want to be engaged with the girlfriend, are preparing for this matter, do not want to bet on the ball, our custom bridewealth is to take a lot of, Engaged in nearly 20W, get married to be close to this figure. 40W less than 2 times, so the money is not enough, but also a variety of liabilities. Ugh
In the middle of February, I played a game of addiction again. I started to win points. I bought it every day and I bought it every day. By the end of December, I had to win a few thousand, but on January 3, on that day, I I remember very clearly that night I bought an Arina game, the results of two games are flat, I lost 3500, and then there NBA night I bought 4000 +4000 5 string and a low match, the result is lost , I actually lost more than 1W a night, and then I got up early in the morning, more than 6:00 watching the NBA, because the morning there will be only NBA morning games, I bet 4000,000 string one, The result is lost again. I am very unwilling to watch the football game during the day, I bought a note 3 string 1, one lose, what is called the Royal Society VS, I bought a negative, because the performance of the home team did not win once , Then actually Royal 3-1 victory over opponents, that I lost 8000, too unwilling, and then I bought the NBA crazy because I go to work early morning, so I have been watching the morning race. So regardless of 3 string 1 or 2 string 1 field are wrong one. The score of 20 points ahead, the fourth quarter collapsed, and later lost, to the day before the 8th. I have applied to the Credit Card Center for a Wisdom 3W7, which is divided into two years and the interest is 5000, for a total of 1,774 yuan a month for 2 years. I changed the money for another credit card, and then owed 17,000 yuan. 5W1 was lost before the 8th
On Monday 9, I went to work, and I did not want to watch gambling. Then I suddenly saw the Venetian gambling website on the Internet. Then I went in and registered for 500 and won more than 300 , Then I got off, and then I think this is quite easy to win, I play the plug, only the size, so the chance is very high, and then I recharge 5000, and later lost, I was not willing, then recharge 8000, which are 8000 Alipay inside the ants pick chanting inside out, the results lost soon, I pressed the 8 large, the result opened a row of 8 small, I really do not know how to say, small Chances are so big, play open. Then I set out in the credit card and 1W start playing, the result is lost, which is not pressure on your pressure, you do not immediately press on the pressure, hey. Yesterday I lost 5000 + 8000 + 10000-300 = 2W2 thousand seven hundred, plus the credit card before. I from 1-2 to yesterday 9, I lost a total of 5W1 +2W2 = 7W3.
This money is all inside the credit card, I have no money
Really do not gamble, gambling is harmful to others.

In addition, I recently learned website construction, website source code, when looking for source code, I accidentally found a source code, priced at $ 200, I saw a description, the source comes with the background, you can control the lottery results, to this When I did not know how outrageous in the past mistakes, 诶, gambling killed people ah. . .



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