"Love Don't Makes Cents" Part 1

in #money7 years ago (edited)

"Love Don't Make Cents"

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways"

You can count it, check your wallet.
Where were you before and where are you now?

Love lift us up to where we need to be.
Good things "just happen" when Love is present.
It overcomes what was thought of as a shortcoming.
Health, wealth, anything.
When I Love an individual,they know.....

"This is the end"
-Jim Morrison-

The servant that didn't make a profit
for his master (Love)
Is the servant of the least.

If your love doesn't turn a profit for others in life,
it isn't love.

Are they better off from knowing you,
are they free of you?

Can they "Survive" without you?

What do you do for a living?

That common question acceptable for perfect strangers to ask.
Be it at a bar, an airplane, or the local supermarket.

A question to which I have responded:
'Do I get a Phone call and a cigarett'
To another ... 'I'm not gay'

Why would a woman ask a man such a personal question?
Isn't it obvious, at least, for the most part?

Being sized up by strangers is rather offensive.
But if I am in the mood to be honest,
I would ask the woman.
'Do you cook?'

Often the response is 'Sometimes'
Followed by some controlled diatribe of how cooking is shared in the house.
I often wonder if she eats...'Sometimes'.

When the 'offended' party ask,
'Can I cook?'
To this I respond truly.
Of course I can, very well, and with pleasure I serve.

Yet, If we were to have children,
whose breast will fill with milk?

The hungry prophet Elijah would not have visited such a home.
Neither would such a woman' house profit in times of need.

The Resumé

Knowing already who the usual suspects were,
I once asked an associate that was beginning a new business,
of the partners he would bring in to help make it prosper.

As he began to rattle off names, I posed the question:
'Have you considered how many businesses have failed that were involved with these people?'

Oftentimes we hear the company that previously employed someone has failed or "downsized"
Yet we never consider the part that very person played in such failure.

Such is the same in any relationship.

Often we look forward to what life would be when we get to a certain point.
We ask perfect strangers what they do for a living
just so we can envision a life together,
if only for that brief moment.

Yet, the more pertinent question is
'What have you done in your relationships of the past and where are they now?'

The former lovers in ones life will tell us how truly successful one is.
Did your love turn a Profit?
This is a known truth -of little fanfare-
that is recognised by laws of state.

How much Money is divided when married couples split.
How much "Wealth" was acquired while you were together.
Where were you before? and where are the both of you now often come into context
when the split is being accessed.

There are many famous 'Career killing Couples'
People that feel the need to marry into wealth or status.
Only to find one party losing what was acquired before.

The Job that made one initially attractive is now gone.
The physical beauty that she once had is now being challenged by the tax of time.
The wealthy and the poor alike look for the elixir that will at least slow the process of payment.

Many, in these times, have turned to the Doctor
which promises to both enhance and prolong such beauty.

Knowing the truth is inevitable, hoping to beat both death and taxes to your door.
The doctors bill becomes due also.

Generally ignored is what has been in front of us
before man began to record time.
This "fountain of youth" and beauty has been seen and talked about in the whims of conversation.
So simple as to be shunned.
Not as folklore, but as fact.

Remember the first time you noticed a glow on someones face and recognised something so familiar
you had to ask yourself what was different about them?
Some just blurt out... 'You're In Love!'

'Fana' was a hard working immigrant in a dead end job.
He looked as if he was middle aged.
While we could have been the same age, one day I noticed that he looked much younger than me.

Immediately I told him such, and said that he must be in love.
Never confirming such, .
I learned through other associates that indeed love had found him.

Not only did he get younger, his finances grew,
as he shortly thereafter left the drudges behind for a job more worthy of his new place in life.
Bravo, my friend.

Where there is no need to feed vanity,
no Doctors visit is required.

Doctors Visit

Upon a visit to her lifelong gynecologist,
A former friend was asked;
"Are you be sleeping with amour?
Your body has changed"
The lover was caught unawares.
Even in the most personal of visits, she hadn't realised yet the change
in her physical appearance would be so profound and noticeable, to others.
Let alone blushing in front of her gynecologist.
How would you explain that, or should you?

The Job

The 'skinny girl' in the black skirt filled with lent can conjure a pretty harrowing site.
But kindness, has no substitute.
When looking to chose possible mates,
these outer-things say much to the prospected buyer of such stock.

Yet, if we look closer at the books,
we will find the many pages that are not cooked.

This 'unattractive stock' had much upside,
if one was willing to work for it.
I was in love, so work I did.

The purchase came simple enough,
but the manual labor involved in love is one to never be underestimated.
This 'Modern' girl could not cook.
So I feed her.

In our years together, she did not work.
So I worked for us.
She was my Job.

What was once a skinny girl became a woman so beautiful
that even former detractors began to acknowledge her prowess.
But she was not one to feed.

"This isn't the 1950s"

She once told me, "I don't cook"
Later she moved away and found a job in medicine that was perfect for her.
My payment to our love was indeed full.
As I said; I was in love.
But she was not.

Love isn't always glamorous.
It's a blue collar job.
We have to be willing to get our hands dirty, or it will not last.

House with the picket fence

Our former 'skinny girl' now lived under the sun,
in a life that circumstances hadn't forced upon her.
She was free, and could finally afford to seek out the face of whomever she chose to love.

But the house with a picket fence also has a mortgage attached to it.
Still friends, skinny and I would speak often via telephone.
When one day I noticed a hesitation in her voice, as if something was wrong.

After some gentle pressing, she reluctantly began to share with me her current situation with another young man.
As it was, her new lover would come over and leave shortly after they would share intimacies.
Still caring much for her, I asked if she remembered some of the dishes I would cook for her when we were together.

"Some", she said.
So I suggested that she cook one, and leave it on the stove for when he would come over.

I then asked if he like playing video games.
"Yes". She said.

So I suggested that she leave the console controllers out,
so that he could enjoy playing videos during his next visit, if he so chose.

Lastly, I asked if he drank alcohol.
"Yes". She said

So I suggested that she buy a bottle of his favorite brand and leave it on top of the refrigerator.

Of course,
she called me crazy and we spoke nothing more of it.

Months past.
Then one day I revisited the story of her lover.
'I hate you' She said before recounting what happened.

It seems that 'Skinny', desperate for positive results, actually put my advice to the test.
Only to find an outcome she could not have expected.

"He asked me to marry him!!" 'Skinny' blurted.
"Congratulations!" I told her
"What did you say?" I asked

'I told him No!"
"I don't want him if it's that easy!' She said.

The smallest price of love was still to expensive for 'Skinny' to pay.
She soon had to relocate and find a new place of work, as her former employer went out of business.

( A Man's Vice)

A man's vice is a sacred thing. Be it food or drink. Sport or recreation. Whatever it may be, it is a part of who he is at the moment.

Love, Laughter & Tears

I have walked under the stars,
to seek shelter in cars, condominiums, and closets
Even the hidden stairwells have shared my place of rest.

I have always been fortunate to have a roof over my head.
Cloudy as the roof may have been.

It always sound good on paper.
But when put to the test....

The world always enjoyed a good fighter.
Not the proverbial bully,
but the seemingly luckless loser, that over-comes.

Boys can be beautiful,
but being a Man, is Divine.
Every bag under every eye full of tears that he didn't cry....beaten

Lines so deep
you could read a story in each one.
A man, battles those demons of life,
So of course, he must feed.

Good luck with that,
as it is in these times also,
that we must find solice within ourselves.

The Eternal Dawn

On my way home,
through the land of fire,
just outside the city of Rebonsia.

There was a king traveling along the river Phar.
His wife had died the death of flames
and he could no longer care for his children.

The queen had bore him two daughters.
Twins and both the same in appearance.
"May I commune with you a little while my son," he asked

"My wife has died the death of flames
and my daughters have no man
in which can speak the name of my kingdom
within the land of Rebonsia.

Identical are the princesses in appearance.
Selah is the name of the one,
Fehline, the other.

No man can tell them apart by sight.
Only by speech.
One shall become Queen.
To the other, a sight that shall merely be seen.

Tarry with me for 14 days if you will.
The seven for the one and the seven for the other.
Choose one as your wife,
to which you give the seed of life.

For the other, the life of a concubine,
to which you give a show of time."
To this, I agreed.

Along with the king I went,
into the tents of dry land.
Two princesses, equally beautiful in appearance,
but divided by speech.

The king was aware of my long journey,
so he summoned Fehline.

"Fehline speaks the language of my native tongue" He said
"She shall soothe you for the first seven days.
She also is my most learned daughter.
Surely you shall enjoy her,
both in presence, as well as pleasure.

If at any moment during your stay together
you decide upon her,
marry, and she shall be yours.
But for no other reason shall the seven days be shortened."

Upon this, I agreed.

Now this princess was not short of beauty, or intelligence,
as I was quickly made aware of.
On the first day Fehline showed that she could readily
feed my hunger -for food-
"Is this not a feast deserving of God" she said

In the second day fehline demonstrated her elegance
as host and her majesty to command those who serve.
"You are here to honor him that has found favor in the eye
of my Father The King"

By the third day she showed that she could easily seduce my member.
She danced the dance of The Lost Pleiad.
I cried in my heart for the way I wanted her.
"I shall give to you the fruit of my soul" she whispered.
"But this day is reserved for the eye only"

Within the fourth day,
she revealed her talent to tempt the mind.

"Take that which is yours and subdue me to your will,
for you are more than worthy.
Slay him that dare subject you to such pageantry.

For is it not true that all is yours?
Even I, as your bride,
is a debt owed to thee by right of birth."

My hand tremored for both she and the sword.
Yet my focus remained still.

By the fifth day,
Fehline showed sensitivity.

"Rest easy my lord.
For your passage has brought you home to bear,
where others have died, when their course began"

On the sixth day,
Fehline showed concern.

On the seventh day, she showed strength.
In the eve of the seventh day,
the king arrived.

With him was a priest of ceremonies
and the kings master chef.
A feast unlike any was prepared
and a crowd of thousands were lined up
in honor of She that would become the
Queen of One.

"My messenger did not summon me" the king said
"so I did not come sooner.
I then realised the journey it must have taken you to arrive thus far.
For surley your decision hath already been made by the thrid day"

Please forgive me my mannerisms King.
All be it true that one cannot imagine the burdens of my travels
and while the dust of the world could not dim my eyes
to the beauty of your daughter,
it has hardened my heart to haste.

Patience has been my companion
and to this end I will tarry longer before my decision is made.

"So be it" said the king

"Bring in the princess Selah" The king ordered
"With she shall you abide for seven days.
She does not speak with your native tongue,
nor is she as learned.

If at any moment you find the solitude unbearable,
summon my messenger,
and Fehline shall be prepared for you immediately.

Then to Fehline shall you marry
and to Selah, the life of a concubine."

So let it be done.

Away went the king with the princess Fehline.
She departed with grace and dignity.
I wanted to trace her steps with mine, but then there was peace
as the one called Sela walked into the tent.

Now Sela could not speak with the native tongue.
Though her beauty was the same.

In the first hour of the first day, she fed me.
From baker to bowl, by hand to mouth.
Though the meal was not as savory,
I was more satisfied.

Within the first half of the second hour,
she ran warm water for me to bathe.
I glanced the room for a cloth to wash.
Yet she only looked at me,
as she grabbed my robe and smiled.
Sela undressed me
and led me to the stream where she bathed me with her hands.

By the end of the second hour;
Sela dried my body with the inseam of the soft cloak that adorned her.

In the third hour of the first day;
Sela kissed me softly as a vision lost in time.
Ten ticks past the third hour;
Sela laid her head to rest within my lap.

Half times the third hour,
within the first day;
Sela stretched her legs across my waist
and placed her hands atop my chest,
while she spoke the language that I craved for most.

In my ear she spoke with the tongue of love.
Opening my understanding to natures song;
'Angels and Dukes'
"The Sweetest Thing Is Peaceful In Thine Ear"
So sweet is she,

By the start of the fourth hour;
I had come to a conclusion.

In the beginning of the fifth hour;
I summoned the king' messenger.

By the sixth hour; The king arrived.
With the lovely Fehline by his side.

"Fortunately I went not far my son" The king beamed
"I saw the look in your eyes upon my last departure.
Kingdoms only survive through the wisdom of the king.

You too are wise my son.
Although you haste not, your decisions are swift.
I shall have the Princess Fehline prepared for you immediately"

Yes, you are wise king.
But folly is surely after you.
For it is not Fehline that need be prepared.
It is Sela.

The light that had shown on the face of the king was now taken by shadows.
While Fehline fell to a stiffness so great as to lose all motion in her face and limbs.

I chose Sela to be my bride.
For even though she does not speak with your native tongue,
we lacked not communication in mine.
and though Fehline showed to me all things that would be mine,
if chosen.

Sela gave to me all things freely, though she may not.
Fehline has the learning and conversation worthy of a queen.
Selah has the love and courage of The Queen.
Willing to accept a role as a concubine with grace.

It is She that I love
It is She that shall bare your Sons and call your name
Within the Holy Rebonsia.

"So be it"
Said the king

Many people feel that the person giving intimacy within a first encounter
is less than one who doesn't.
I have always felt that such a person was more enlightened.

For this one night,
she was truly enlightened.
May we love this day, until the coming of
The Eternal Dawn.

  1. The Bird Cage, Carl, Nameless & Sugar Man

Men often gauge success by the number of women he
he has bedded.
I find such logic to be flawed.

Sometimes, a woman' desire
need be met with the 'safest' pick.
One that requires little to no work.

Sugar Man

The "Sugar Man"
-As he was often called for the manner of his kind,
sweet personality-
was a man that believed in the logic of numbers.

He would often berate any man that wasn't successfully intimate
as he.
Egging them on to sleep with as many women possible to prove their place among
his peers.

Then once I posed a simple question;
"How many of these women stayed around long enough to cook you a meal?"
To the Sugar Man' credit,
he allowed the question to journey the depths of his mind
awhile, as if reliving the many moments of his glory days.
His answer, Zero.

Then, he began to get angry,
Angry at the thought that 'He' had been used.

Angry at the reality that
not one woman found him worthy enough to feed.

I could see the idea he had of himself shatter before my very eyes,
when he realised it was he that had been used
and discarded.
"How could they!" he thought
Needless to say,
The Sugar Man, was forever changed.

No longer looking upon
the endless encounters of one-nighters as a badge honor.
He began to work a little harder to be accepted
by those he shared intimacy with.

"My man don't eat no bologny sandwich!"

Carl was a man with the patience of a saint, a quiet demeanor
and chiseled raw looks of a young Clint Eastwood
He was not an active "Hunter" of women.
But when he allowed one in his company,
she was special.

During a surprise visit to the family home,
I had a chance meeting with one such woman.
She was a burly woman, pretty, and a little too loud
for me to even think she would be a significant person in Carl's life.

They were sitting on the front porch together
when I arrived.
She was introduced to me as a "Co-Worker"
Carl never was one to advertise his business.
But this seemed to matter little to the lady with whom
he was with.

She began recounting stories of their workplace
in almost rapid fire.
As if she was showing off.
Animated movements, and swaying lips.

This "Nameless" woman began to speak about their co-workers.
One, in particular, that would arrive to work each day
with lunch from his home, seemingly prepared by his wife.

Yet what made this conversation even remotely appealing to me
so much so, that I could see her image in my mind some decades later.
Is the finish.

"Nameless" told the history of their co-workers
lunch with such indignation that you would believe
he was a disgruntled post office employee
bringing in suspicious packages.

"He comes to work with Bologny sandwiches"!
She said with a muted yell.
His wife makes him Bologny sandwiches?!
My man don't eat no ### Damn Bologny Sandwiches!
Ain't that right baby?"

Carl needed not respond.
It is not in his calm nature to.
But as I looked up at him, sitting high upon his perch, I knew.
While trying to conceal the involuntary erection she gave me at that very moment.
"Nameless" You shall forever have a name in my book.

"The Bird Cage"

I am raised like a child
Though I am not
She would feed me milk ,barely warm to my tongue
She held me so gentle as not to harm me
So close the distance,yet distant still
I remember looking up at her ,hardly fulfilled, but satisfied
As she would whisper down her breast at me
"Have you had enough"
My large brown eyes grew narrow
As my wet tongue slowly cuddles the last drops from my lips,
I swallow.
She would place me in a cage by the large picture window, not far from her bed
A blue steel cage,
that allowed me the scenery of the ocean,
thirty stories in the sky

But I grew stronger
and more keen

With the rising of the sun and the sight of the dawn
I could see others fly pass as they searched for substance
Some would look into the window and laugh
This I had to endure

For she always left the blinds apart,
and the window magnified the rays of the sun
Until the heat burned her mark upon me

But I grew Stronger
and More Keen

She loved to adorn herself in red
Red panties underneath a sheer red gown
and Would awaken with the Red - Orange light
as I sing the song of the

"Eternal Dawn"

With every sound she hear from my crest
she would move...ever so slightly

To the soft note
She'd grind her hips and sway in her sleep
As the silk sheets would slip away
Secretly revealing her inner thigh
while she lay with her face in the pillow

To the deep vibration
She would gather on her knees.........legs apart
as she run her fingers through her red hair
and open her mouth,
to exhale

To the Long Cry
She would waken and walk toward the cage in the window
Only to marvel at my golden skin
Unaware of the fire I feel from the heat,she began to worry
and offered me honey

So I Grew Strong , and More Keen

I watched her intensely as she moved along the room
Naive innocence , as the light flickers through her body
to places I longed to touch

HONEY she gave me
Straight from the Comb she Robbed for me.

From her fingertips I sip the snatch of perfect sweetness
and she became intrigued by my hunger
So close....yet distant still

Finger by finger I feel as she put them in my mouth.
Finger by finger I swallow until stripped of any trace.
Just the faint smell of moister and a soft subtle taste
"Have you had enough" she asked
Alarmed at the greed I know she sees
in the hungry brown eyes that betray me.
But away I go.
To the large blue cage in the window beside her bed.

But this morning brought the thunder storms
and I drew the Rainbow from the sky
"Until you give me what I hunger for
This day I will not sing.
But watch in silence as those outside gather along the windows ledge"
She gazed at me through the clouded glass and asked;

"Do you want meat"

The cage that once kept us apart is now shattered and fallen.
I hover to the bed above her as she slowly pull away the sheets.
I gather my thoughts as I watch her place her thumb between the border of her satin red panties
and draw them down, ever so gently.

She pulled one leg free and spread it around the crown of my head
While she held the other ,straight up in the air and slowly rolled the garment away.
I could feel every beat of my erection as she spread her leg in motion
and rest it along side the bed,
foot planted firmly on the floor,
while pulling my face closer with her ankle gently around the back of my neck.

As I draw near ,
I could see clear beads of milk forming at the stem folded beneath a tightly woven flower.
So I open my mouth to lick the bud first
so that I can find the source of the stream.

I then slid her posture to fit snug within my lips
until I felt faint vibrations
shoot from her body to the side of my neck,
where now both hands rest along side her ankle.

I circled my lips to fit her slow blooming flower.
Covering all , while kissing the lips and sucking each petal
until it opens.

Now, I see Honey!
Slowly rolling from afar,
Building in mass as she pulled me closer
to shut off it's escape .

I sealed all exits with my lips
and entered with my tongue, sliding slowly up, then down,
as I wave the length of it across her bulb.

I feel her body shimmer as she open and pull me nearer.
She raised her body closer to me with soft but intense pressure
As she held on , I could feel her skin tighten within my mouth
and close almost shut until......................On the side of my jaw I feel an eruption , and then another burst forth with even more pressure.
But Now I was forced to swallow.
As the waves of aloe rushed down my throat , I drank , and slurped, and swallowed.
Still I could not keep some from flowing down my bearded chin
until....It slowly subsided
and she released her hold on me, only to bring me to her lips

"Do you want meat" she whispered

As she pulled the rainbow from my chest
and curved the length of it inside her.
Now sucking the moisture from my tongue and gripping the crown of my head .
She lift her foot from the floor and placed her heels in the inner portion of my thighs ,
just above my knees,
opening herself to me wide as she could.

 While the Bow was penetrating,    

I could feel every fold of flesh.
As I stretch her walls ,she mold a vacuum around me
But the swollen river of veins run deeper inside.
Curving top to base ,until her walls broke open
and a river raged around me.

I took my passion deeper ,
further penetrating the spot while she held me, now shaking.
She could take no more
and her walls shot forth.
Sending floods of thick honey outside her trembling body
and onto the now soaken sheets.

But I curved myself deeper still ,
and slid beyond her walls into places hid from all but me!
Now swollen and harder,
she turns me onto my back and sucks the Rainbow, until the storm screams
"MERCY" into her mouth.

The Reign poured down her neck and onto her breast.
As she kept pumping it in her mouth, taking all she could .
Her hand tugging each vein as it burst violently down her throat.
and Then she took position on top of me and
Rode the bow until dawn

But I Grew Stronger

copyright:Luner Rose TFC7Ph2KzG5OFg1VIB.jpg

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