Lions, Stock Market Updates Plus: Gold, Silver, Dollar, Bonds. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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Wednesday, July 5th, 2017. Opening bell 20 minutes ago.

Both the DOW and S&P 500 down fractionally, Nasdaq up fractionally.
Both Silver & Gold derivatives are down.
Crude down slightly.
Dollar is higher.
Cash is coming out of bonds with the 10 year yield now 2.347
Volatility ticking higher.

With regard to my last 2 stock picks, at this time both FB and AAPL are higher although not by any significant amount-(I am still net long these positions but they are hedged). Click here:

After Mondays move into, then abruptly out of tech, I remain very cautions with regard to the tech sector. In fact with the dynamics I listed above, especially with rates ticking higher along with volatility, overall we need to be watching for short term pressure across equities but watch for reversals moving forward.
I will keep you updated.

Gregory Mannarino
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Keep stackin that silver people 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Yup Yup!!! I concur!!!!

I wonder how many people actually are? I read a stat somewhere, not sure where now. But less than 1% of the western world actually own any physical silver.

Silver sux is why. How can anyone in their right mind own either physical gold or silver after what happened in 2016? If you bought "paper" silver or gold (as in silver or gold mining stocks)in say Jan or Feb of 2016 you were up 200%+ in many cases before "physical" silver or gold even began to rally. That didn't get started until Mch. By Aug you pretty much were holding a 500% winner in any mining stock you threw a dart at. Gold couldn't even get above $1375 basically. You netted 20% vs 500%...who in their right mind wants to own "physical?" Do you honestly think physical gold will quadruple in 3 years? 5 years? You "coulda" taken 5 years off if you bought a handful of mining stocks in Jan and sold when people like Peter Schiff were piling the lemmings in. ...right before collapse. Bitcoin will be like gold in 3 It'll drop below $1000 now and then 3 years from now the lemmings who just paid $2500 will be beitchin at the Dollar Vigilante's blogs like they do at Peter Schiff's Utube channel. If Dollar Virgil even around. He'll probably be into some other fantasy he can scam everybody with. As always, I'm on the case. You want to make money during the coming GRRREAT deflation? This shit gonna be eeeasy. Follow me or ask yourself why you didn't later on. :-)

Why should we follow you when you think that paper silver or gold is the same as silver or gold mining stocks?

They are two completely different things, a mining stock is a share in a mining company, whereas a paper ETF is a load of nonsense. It is basically fractional reserve banking, you think you are purchasing a real asset but in reality you just have an IOU. If everyone tried to cash out the whole system would collapse, because it is leveraged over 200:1.

That means over 200 people would be fighting for the same piece of physical gold or silver.

This is how they keep the physical market suppressed. They can essentially create an infinite supply of paper just by increasing the leverage. So what do you think happens when people lose confidence in this market and want there actual assets? People are going to be left with their dick in one hand and their IOU in the other.

I'm not a huge physical bug, I just don't like people thinking they are always correct.

Any monkey with some cash could make money in the current stock market. What happens now that countries are performing quantitative tightening and companies are no longer capable of purchasing their own stock, artificially elevating their share price? I wonder if the price will go up or down? Hmm interesting thought...

Nooooo, I was only pointing out that if you bought mining shares, which are in fact "paper" assets if you ask your ave card carrying gold or silver bug, you could have taken the next 5 years off from trading/holding/stacking "physical" as the returns you are "hoping" for were already achieved in this sector. And whenever this sector "deadcat" bounces, "paper" will outperform "physical" once again...during that purrtickler deadcat bounce. I was just stating facts. You guys n gals are going to believe what you want to believe.

Sorry to say it ... But you have totally missed the fundamentals to own Gold & Silver.

You just flagged one of my posts and made accusations about me that I can't even see becuz my spew is flagged. if you have a problem with me I will be happy to discuss it. The part of your spew that I can actually read is a blatant lie however. Is there a court of law at this place or do really think I give a shit about your flagging? The people who follow me and want the truth lose. Not me. I couldn't care less cept it's certainly nice to log in my great market calls for future reference.

You must have mistake me with someone else mate.
First of all. .. I have never flagged anyone on here EVER!
And i have no ide what you refer to when you say "The part of your spew that I can actually read is a blatant lie however ......" Since i have never comment on any of your posts .. I have no idea who you are ?!
Lets get this straight ... You comment above that: "Silver sux is why. How can anyone in their right mind own either physical gold or silver after what happened in 2016 ...... "
And i comment that with: "Sorry to say it ... But you have totally missed the fundamentals to own Gold & Silver.".
Thats neither "spew or lie" about you ... but simply my one line opinion.
Ps. And IF i had flagged this post (which i haven't) it wouldn't be on your post but Greg Mannarino's ...
since its His post we both comment on.

Yes, it turns out I made a mistake of accusing you and I apologize. I was replying to the person who asked the question however. I felt it was important for him to know the "truth" as to why silver sux. Based on premarket trading right now it looks like my "short term" observations are being proven correct. Silver still sux. I'm not looking to buy silver though. I'm looking to save a silver bug so that they don't completely shit their pants with a $2 drop right here to say 13.50. I'm sure you don't wish to panic "if" you are a stacker. I'm simply trying to fix it so that you don't have to. Just follow along at my blog and watch me do it. I take ALL the "anxiety" out of making 30% upside...before you lose 50% from there.

Silver is the love of my life haha

Lol you are like that crab from Moana, addicted to 'Shiny'.

Moana crab

Apologies if you haven't seen it, that is the danger of having kids you watch the shit so much that it is permanently stuck in your head.

Hi Greg,

I religiously follow your work on youtube. Your interviews with Greg Hunter are often on whilst I am doing my work.

Your views and insights have been extremely valuable to me and have helped me to understand the current state of affairs.

A big thanks all the way from Scotland.

Keep it coming.

I agree Munchell.

I don't bother watching the Australian markets because Australian markets are intimately linked with what happens in the US.
When America stumbles the rest of the world gets bloody knees.

Greg is my "go to" guy about markets, trends and market drivers.
I'll watch Greg Hunter on the rare occasion and I should thank Greg H because that is where I first discovered
Greg M. when they were discussing the central bankers and Trump.

I wince everytime Greg mentions klepto currency but, hey, no one's perfect.

There are warning signs in the Australian markets too.

Isn't there an astronomical housing bubble in Oz at the moment, that is ready to pop at the smallest event? "Oh no a squirrel farted, shit we are all screwed in negative equity purgatory."

Fortunate for me I don't have any equity tied up in Australia's housing market nor any debt.
I did open a buyers account with The Perth Mint (in Australia) to buy silver bullion directly.
There are a few hoops to jump through to open an account and there are different requirements for Australian citizens and for overseas buyers but well worth the effort IMHO.
I sidestep brokerage fees and they also organise serure shipping of my bullion to my door.
No derivitaves for me.

Do you have to pay VAT(Tax) on silver in Australia?

Thank you so much for saying this.

Again, don't forget me the next time your at Greg Hunter's. Tessie has now dropped 50 lbs since I put her on my 30 day diet to lose 80 lbs. And you thunk that when you read that "Oprah gets kidnapped by martians!...and she comes back with a fabulous new diet!" in teh grocery store checkout line tabloids it was BIG news. :-)

I'm updating everything at my blog. I already banked my gain in my VIX calls, altho I "coulda" had a 100%+ gain if I was around last Th. No biggie...I'll be there for the next GRRREAT buy opp like always. "Paper" gold via GDX already signaled buy on the open. New lows still forthcoming for "physical" paper SLV. Markets truly are "fun and exciting!" right now. Again, watch out for GBTC, Greg. If it trades thru $420 today then bitcoin goes into "death dive" mode. I will be the ONLY one at this venue who "knows" where the bottom is. Trust me on that. :-)

Huh? You closed out both your FB and AAPL trades with losses. Why? Even though you knew I was on the job? I'm surprised at you, Greg. :-)

Tessie only 25 lbs away from her first "successful" mission. That's 80 lbs in less than 2 weeks, Greg. Maybe I'll start another channel where I pretend to be a health and fitness ex-spurt.

They're up and on the right side of the tracks and that's what matters! Thanks for your picks. Much appreciated as always!

nice one ;=) upvoted & followed

Gregory, What is going on in the physical silver market, with such low prices? Why has not one billionaire just bought up all, or a lot, of the physical?

Silver is looking very good to me right now! Thanks @marketreport

i agree.


Me too!!! I like the shiny metal!!!!!

It's a big BUY in for silver.
People I believe have a chance of a lifetime, Just think of when bitcoin was 40.00 or less, and nobody thought it would go anywhere.
Not to compare crypto with silver but that's how I see silver, a low risk high reward asset to invest in.
Not recommending buying 500.00 worth a once but I would definitely buy 1 or 5 a week or month, whatever one can afford but definitely get some if you can.

Thank you for all you do.

Greg, What do you think about the amazon flash crash in after hour trading monday? More proof it is rigged or just idiots running the show?

Hi ptroup1984, in my opinion it is a probable signal that something will occur in the next days. The price 123.47 is highly suspect. In particular the number 7 because is not part of the sequence. So I would watch carefully what the market does on the 7/7/17 and probably would be out until the next Monday... ;-)

Watch this if you do not believe me...

this is the chief of the IMF telling us something!!! :-D

Dang.... buckle up, we might be having turbulence ahead!!!!

I have seen that Christine Lagarde speech numerous times. It is definitely been put out there for a reason. It is just too much of a strange thing to talk about otherwise.

As always thank you Gregory!

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