The Fed's "Abnormal" Balance Sheet Is Here To Stay. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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Here we go again!
Despite every effort from the Federal Reserve to create inflation, today the Labor Department reported that the producer price index fell despite an expected gain.

So what's the driving factor here?

Well we keep being fist fed by Washington and the mainstream media, for what seems like the better part of a decade, that we are in some type of an economic recovery meanwhile wages are not rising, and the money velocity remains near historic lows.

The Federal Reserve is stuck.
At present the federal reserves balance sheet, that is the debt it is currently holding, is larger then the GDP of most countries on Earth.

The Federal Reserve has been talking about "normalizing" their balance sheet over the past several months, which would involve dumping the mortgage-backed security's on their balance sheet and stop reinvestment's of maturing long bonds.
In theory, the effect of normalizing their balance sheet would push interest rates higher however, as I have been saying for months I do not believe that the Federal Reserve is going to be able to normalize the balance sheet for the foreseeable future.

I still believe it is possible, (and likely), that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates one more time this year, expect another 25 basis point hike to the federal funds rate later this year-then they are done.

Keep in mind as a Fed watcher myself, I have only been wrong one time with regard to the Federal Reserve's actions on interest rates ever since they have been talking about raising them status post the 2008 financial meltdown.

The Federal Reserve is going to keep their foot to the floor with regard to providing a backstop for the stock market, especially in light of recent Geo-political events.

I expect the Federal Reserve is going to keep pressure on the dollar for as far as the eye can see, in attempt to artificially create inflation. Moreover, the lack of wage growth and money velocity will keep the Federal Reserve's hands tied with regard to normalizing their abnormal balance sheet.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Can you say stagflation here we come. I agree that they will raise rates another 25 basis points and you've been right on with their actions for a long time. It's simply a game of smoke and mirrors, but the real hurt people are feeling in regards to the weakening dollar couple with stagnant wages can only go on for so long.

The Fed is trying to have a Goldilocks moment. Reduce their balance sheet without crashing the market. I don't see how since the world's productive capacity has not kept up with their and every other central bank's balance sheet. If they do it slowly it will take them 20 years to get anywhere and that is hoping we don't have recessions within that time. They are trapped. Sure they can reduce a lot over a shorter time frame; say 5 years but then they will start affecting asset prices.

I never understood how the Fed thought they would get meaningful inflation. The US dollar is the reserve currency. We are mostly a consumer based society and we have a huge trade deficit. Therefore, any money printing would just drive up fixed asset prices here in the US and export the inflation we want to the world via our enormous trade deficit.

I have been stacking silver for a long time. I have seen a time when silver prices were rapidly rising, but the coin shops supply was falling. Today the price is down and supply is good. As they say "get it while supplies last."

Thanks Greg. Any thoughts on gold / silver up swing?

My hope and prayer is that President Trump gets rid of the Federal Reserve. It has done enough damage to the pocketbooks of Americans. The early 1900 dollar is now worth 3 cents or less. They are the greatest bubble creators of the Universe. The housing bubble was not enough pain for Americans so now they are doing the same with the Stock Market. Enough is enough! We have suffered enough! Basta!

Great analysis greg your articles really awesome.

Hi Greg, As always the insight you provide is helpful to so many. Nice to know you're always on top of this. Keep up the GREAT work brother and STEEM on!! Upvoted. :C)

Awesome article greg my trading really improved after reading your posts.