Why Most People Will Never Become Top Level Entrepreneurs

in #money7 years ago

Workaholics can get a bad reputation in society today.

There’s this idea that people who give everything they have to their work have to be unhappy, unfulfilled, miserable zombies who don’t care about anything else in their lives.

I’m not saying there aren’t people out there like this, but just because you are constantly working towards something doesn’t mean you have a problem. You just have to work towards what fulfills you.

Now, destiny is not some big spiritual idea, but it’s really your true calling in life. Stephen Hawking once said, “you have to make your meaning.” What he means is you need to figure out what you are most suited for, and live for that. Once you find what that is, it shouldn’t feel like work, it should feel like your life mission.

The reason why a majority of people will never become top level entrepreneurs and business owners is because they aren’t passionate about what they’re doing with their business, so they give up before reaching their full potential. I want to warn you that if you’re doing something that you need a vacation from, there could be a few potential problems. It's generally a sign that you are probably not fulfilling your destiny, and it’s time to make some changes.

Fulfilling your destiny means at the end of the day, you feel like what you did was worthwhile. You should feel like you are content with what you did that day.

It’s also important to not listen to people who say that you can’t make money from your passion. If you are truly passionate about something, you will find a way to make money from it.

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