Prologue to my "Side Hustling" series - The Money Stool

in #money7 years ago

I apologize for being a shitty writer, but hopefully it'll become more natural as I do it more.

Excluding my introduce myself post, my first article was going to be about cryptokitties. It's been the most recent hustle I've been trying to run, and I had some decent success up until earlier this week. I now have over 40 cats and I managed to turn my .25 ETH gain into a .4 ETH loss. Awesome.

CK main.PNG

In case you missed my about me, check out the link below. TLDR: I plan on starting a series for the many, and I do mean many, ways I've tried to earn money outside of my normal job. Clearly the outcomes have mostly been negative, but feel free to laugh at my failures or try to learn from my mistakes. Nearly everything you've seen on the internet about making money, I have tried. I've put money into nearly all of the hustles - some require no money!! - so I can speak from experience, whatever that's worth.

Anyway, this first article the prologue to that series. I've recently made up my own theory regarding qualities necessary to get rich. Theory? Hypothesis? Whatever. Let's call it the Money Stool Hypothesis (MSH). Basically if you want to get rich, you'll need at least 2 legs of the money stool. Yes I realize a stool needs 3 legs to stand, Sherlock. Your super sleuthing has led me to believe you must have at least leg #1 under wraps. Let's pretend this stool is in 2D as shown in the graphic. (I don't have solidworks on my computer). 2D stools only need two legs to stand.


The three main legs I've identified so far are Smart, Hard Working, and Ruthless. There may be more, and I'm willing to hear your input, especially if you are already rich. Luck also factors into the equation, but I haven't figured out exactly how. You don't have to be smart, hardworking, or ruthless to get rich with luck. Let's do some basic math below to make sure the equation checks out.

Doctor = Smart + Hardworking
Hacker/Scammer = Smart + Ruthless
Drug King Pins = Hardworking + Ruthless

Checks out to me. I'm thinking you probably need all 3 legs if you really want to be a billionaire titan. We all know deep down that Elon Musk is ruthless. Also, remember Steve Jobs?

As mentioned earlier, luck factors into the equation. I tend to think that if you get rich through luck, but you don't have two of the legs to hold your money stool up, you're destined to be poor again. Lottery winners have shown us this time and time again.

I'll probably end up referencing the MSH at least a few times in the upcoming articles, or maybe I'll just abandon the idea if everyone seems to hate it in the comments.

In case you're curious, I only have one of the legs of the stool. HELLOOOO middle class. I'm working on becoming more hard working, but for now I'll continue to search for that second leg that doesn't require being ruthless or hard working. I have 50+ ideas written down in my notepad on my phone. If I developed all of them, I'm sure I could be rich. I'll probably just share the ideas on here in the future because that's substantially less work, and maybe I'll find a way to get lucky and go viral.

Please feel free to give me tips/advice! I may not be the hardest worker, but I'm always willing to learn and listen!
Thanks for reading :)


Hopefully that loss will come back to you when you sell all those cats :)

I did sell a zombie cat last night so that eased the pain somewhat :) It's a fun game, but it's not easy to compete with the whales

Can there be options? Instead of ruthless maybe relentless, tireless, or persistent? Or do those fall under hardworking?

I agree you need at least two of those legs though. But I would argue "smart" isn't easily defined as you don't need to be smart with a high IQ, you just need to know what you need to know and know it well. I'd be rubbish in anything having to do with sports. There are plenty of smarter sports people than I. And by plenty, I mean tens of millions at least.

However I could likely crush them in a game of science trivia or any task needing an understanding of physics.

My only advice though, would be to eliminate the feeling you need to do "hardwork". Find something you enjoy so you don't mind doing it. Then it feels less like work.

That's why I left corporate life to be a writer. Yes writing is work, marketing my services is work, but it feels much less so than sitting in meetings and stressing about completing impossible tasks assigned by project managers who have no idea what they are asking you to do (no, I'm not still bitter about those years. Why would you think that?).

Brighter days are ahead if you just keep moving in that direction.

P.S. I'll have to check your cryptokitties!

It's definitely a working theory for the time being, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone found more legs! That being said, I'd say the 3 you proposed all fall under hardworking.

Honestly I didn't like that I used smart as one of the legs, but I really couldn't think of a easier way to succinctly describe what I wanted. I mean I guess technically having a naturally high IQ could fall under the lucky umbrella. Maybe the word expertise would work? That would likely require hard work though...

I love what you have to say about corporate life. I have never been brave enough to try and become a freelancer though. I have some valuable skills, but it's not easy to leave my 95k a year comfy job to try and branch out on my own. Bills suck :(

Thanks for your insightful comment! I will have to read some of your posts when I have the time.

I was making $129200/yr when I left corporate life. I've not come close to that since I became a freelancer but know people who have and do regularly. For me I was dying, probably literally as I was so sick when I left work, and I wouldn't go back ever. I look forward to making that kind of money and more someday but being able to be home with my family is something I won't trade for it.

If my job had been comfy I might have stayed though, but it was a nightmare. Good luck to you here. Perhaps this will help with those sucky bills and you can be free!

Wow! Yes I agree that the freedom would be worth far more than the money for me as well. I mean that it's cozy in the sense that it pays the bills easily and definitively. If I can ever make even half of that working from home, I believe I would probably go for it. I'm a long way from there, considering I'm only making about 10 cents a post haha

You could use them to post adventures. MEOW!!

I may just have to do that if I want to recoup some losses!

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