
My motto exactly. Moderation is key. The most shown greediest, successful people in the world(the ones on the idiot box routinely) seem to fall into the psychopath arena unfortunately.

Greg seems to be doing very well in Steemit... I've yet to see anyone doing better... I hope he mentions Pocket Change in one of his Videos... I do have a posting about it... Pocket Change...

Please enlighten me 'bout 'Pocket Change'. I would like to know. Thanks. I will follow.

Pocket Change, as per my theory will increase in buying power by 100 fold... They say the Dollar has lost between 95 and 98% of its buying power... Sounds very close to losing all it's buying power to me... So if the buying power reaches 1% you're left with a Penny's worth of buying power... I think when the Banks and or the Dollar crashes, the Paper and Digital Dollars will get you perhaps a penny for each paper or digital dollar turned in... Let's say you go to the bank and turn in a Twenty Dollar Federal Reserve Note... As per my theory, the Bank will give you Two Dimes... Think about that for a while... Right now, you can go to the Bank and with the same 20 Dollar Note, they will give you 200 Dimes... I could be wrong about the Paper and Digital Dollars and or the Banks crashing, but what would it hurt to hold onto some Pocket Change...??? If nothing else, you'll be holding a handy Medium of Exchange outside of the Banking System...

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