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in #money7 years ago


Important information about the coming Currency Reset:
With ‘Everyone’ focusing on a currency reset such as Cryptocurrency and/or Gold & Silver, it is obvious that the “Powers that Be” are going to do something different. I.E. showing us the Right hand while the Left is what is actually going to happen.

Article 1 Section 8 (US Constitution):
“To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;”

This being said… U.S. Coinage could be a way to solve many issues. By doing the below paragraph, the U.S. Government can wipe out the National Debt, rid the Central Banks and their Reserve Notes, and allow the Government to trade Foreign goods via a Gold/Silver backed currency. U.S. Coinage would only be allowed within the U.S., much like all other world currencies.

This method would Not cause Riots on the streets of America because people would feel as though they are actually winning out in this scenario. The American people would most likely maintain the current living standards but feel like winners in that the price of goods would be cheaper. I am not sure exactly how it would work cause I cannot predict the future, however, by repricing things such as Gas ($2.49 would become $0.03 per gallon) and everyone would just use coinage. Where the Government wins is that they wipe out the National Debt, but they win again because the American peoples Debts would just be revalued ($230,000 mortgage would now become $2,300). These are just examples, however, I believe you can see where I am going with this method.

With the Federal ‘Notes’ being printed by an organization outside the Government and U.S. Coinage (ie…pennies, dimes, quarters, etc.) being made by The Mint. There is an understanding that the reset may take place using the current coinage in circulation (not Silver coins, regular everyday zinc coins today).
These coins could be reset at an estimated value of 100x the current value giving them buying power that can replace the ‘Notes’. This would take the US Dollar off the Reserve status and allow for a quick and easy transition that would not start riots in the streets.

I would like to hear your take on this?
Thank you.

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