Asian burns Joss Papers to the Ghosts. Why and Do they really get it? 我们烧金银纸给鬼道的众生,他们真的拿到吗?

in #money8 years ago

Today is still within the 7th lunar calender month, the ghost month. Traditionally, in the whole month you will find many people especially in the Asian countries will burn joss papers to the ghost and their ancestors. Joss papers symbolize the gold, silver and money for the afterlife. This is particularly happening in the evening up to midnight. In the morning, there will be many un-burnt joss papers found on the road or road side. When the cars pass by, they might even blown by the wind and fly on the express way. Sounds creepy? The question many people will ask. Can the ghost really received the joss papers? 会今天都还在农历七月份当中。大街小巷会看到有人在烧金银纸给孤魂野鬼或者为超度的主席。尤其在晚上特多。白天开车上班时会看到很多未烧尽的金银纸在马路上随风飘扬。他们真的会收到吗?

Actually the ghost realm and we human are sharing the same space. It's just that we have different frequency. Thus most of us cannot see, hear, or feel them with our range of frequency, as the different ranges do not interfere and overlap. As ghosts, they have much stronger power than us human. Whatever they want to have or wherever they want to go. With just a nick of thought they are able to achieve it. Unlike us human, still need to use money and longer time to do the same thing. Then why do we still offering them the joss papers. First of all it's the tradition. Secondly is the believe that gold, silver or any monetary terms are powerful. It formed a strong bond of attachment towards the object. It is the attachment that causing the suffering. Our offering is actually to fulfill their desire towards the gold and money. They don't really need it. When we burn, we just burn considerable amount. To avoid excessive pollution, pick a better quality paper and in fact we can just burn a few piece of the gold patch. Then chant the multiplier mantra. The gold will become infinite. We shall not offer with a shallow heart. Instead we visualize that we offer to infinite ghost with infinite amount of gold. With this motivation, we wish that our action can benefit all sentient beings. May them stay away from poor, hunger, pain and all types of suffering. At the same time attain joy, peace and happiness. We shall not burn with a fearful heart or with a greedy mind.  


Multiplier Mantra 变食咒

 南nán无mó萨sà缚wá怛dá他tā哦yē哆duō      缚wā噜lū枳zhī帝dì      唵wèng三sān跋bá啰là 三sān跋bá啰là 吽hòng

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