The year your family went bankrupt, changed their name and moved to another country

in #money8 years ago

1973: The year your family went bankrupt, changed their name and moved to another country

The year was 1973: It was the the year that the US ceased its decade-long offensive in Vietnam. The year of the final moon landing. The US dollar devalued by 10% in a single day. The Watergate Scandal was top news. OPEC doubled the price of crude oil, leading to a large fuel crisis. Queen Elizabeth II of England visited Australia’s capital city on a special mission of great importance, and signed a new secret Act into force inside Parliament House (more on that later).

It was the year when your family went bankrupt, changed their name and moved to another country; the exact thing which many would do if they owed and could not pay.

We don’t blame them. We don’t judge them. We just want them to tell the truth about what occurred in 1973, and tell you the truth about how it affects you now.

1973 was also the year your money died.

Up until 1966, Australia used pounds (L), shillings (S) and pence (D). Each pound note was inscribed with the words, “Legal Tender, guaranteed by The Crown and the Commonwealth of Australia”.

On February 14th 1966, amidst huge ceremony, the (LSD) pound, shillings and pence were discontinued, and replaced by the Australian dollar and cents. There were ads placed on TV, radio and in newspapers for weeks beforehand announcing the change. People aged 60+ may even remember the musical jingle from TV.

Each new dollar note bore an inscription saying that the note was “Legal Tender throughout the Commonwealth of Australia and the Territories of the Commonwealth”. The notes were all denominated and titled under the heading “Commonwealth of Australia”. Hooray for us!

A few years later, in 1973, with ZERO ceremony, and zero announcements, no TV commercials, the dollar notes were changed again. This time, the notes bore a new inscription, saying that the note was “Legal Tender throughout Australia and its Territories”.

So, what happened to “the Commonwealth”?

First, look up the word “Commonwealth”. It does not mean the Queen, or England. The Commonwealth is the “common” people (you and me) and their “wealth” (gold, silver, real estate, basic property, and the work of your hands, or your labour).

The original (British) pound notes used in Australia prior to 1901 were backed by physical gold, and guaranteed by the reigning monarch of England.

Since 1901, the Australian pound notes were no longer backed by gold, but said to be guaranteed by the Crown, an entity (not a person) who was assumed to be able to exchange the notes for gold, if required.

Australian banknotes from 1901 to 1973 included a guarantee from “the Commonwealth”, which assured the receiver of the note that if they could not exchange the note for gold, then they could be assured that the slave workers of Australia would provide some form of value through giving up their work or property to honour the paper debt.

In 1973, the “common” people and their “wealth” were removed from all Australian currency.

This means that a) the common people are no longer liable for the debts incurred by the government, and b) the common people are no longer able to benefit from the wealth created by the government.

Effectively, you’re on your own.

The government will NOT look after you, they are NOT here to help you and you cannot trust them.

If you think that the government will look after you, please examine closely what governments did to Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans…

OK, so millions of executions and mass theft of land were heinous crimes, and thanks to the overt nature of these offences, we can all look upon them and see that they were “wrong” and should never happen again.

We the people learned lessons, that we should not allow government to slaughter people and steal their possessions. However, the government also learned lessons: if you make your crimes and thefts obvious, people will rise up and overthrow the ruling class. So it is best to keep your crimes hidden, and keep your theft invisible.

The Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia commenced under their own power in 1973. They were not legally voted in and have no constitutional power. (Like a fake cop with a plastic badge and a plastic gun, the only power they have is the power you give them, when you bow down and assume they have authority.)

Their first act was to remove the word “Commonwealth” from the Australian currency. Again, this was unannounced to the public, and millions of people carrying the money in their pockets may not have even noticed.

They then proceeded to remove the word “Commonwealth” from the Corporate Australian system of government and from numerous Statute Laws.

They removed the word “Commonwealth” from the Currency Act (1965-1969), and the Banking Act (1959-1967), and Banking Act Amendments, Acts #116 and #193.

Not content to screw with the money in your pocket, they even messed with the laws regulating how the money was made and lent, and to whom it was repayable.

Even the Act that was formed to help people to understand the other Australian Acts (the “Acts Interpretation Act” (1901-1966)) was changed in 1973.

Prior to 1973, the Act read, “Be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia…”

The canny criminals altered this for the new act to read, “Be it enacted by the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia…”

As you can see, they removed the word “Commonwealth” again, meaning that theirs is a separate and different entity. They also removed the “Most Excellent Majesty” clause, separating a natural-born person of the royal family, and a royal position. To understand why this is important, try to personally sue Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the Queen of England (a naturally-born person), as opposed to sueing the “Crown” (a separate legal entity).

Understandably, Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha living in Buckingham Palace would not wish to be personally liable for any wrongdoings of her Church of England, her British empire, its employees, agents, subsidiary countries, nor for any debts incurred in her name. It is far easier and more sensible to have a separate entity, in the same way as a builder or a doctor will operate their business under a company, so if somebody dies, or a house falls down, lawyers will sue the company, and not seize the assets of the individual person.

Speaking of companies and corporate entities, it may interest you to know that there was a corporation known as “The Commonwealth of Australia”. It was registered with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC in 1934, just after the Great Depression.

“The Commonwealth of Australia” was registered as a “sovereign nation” (which is legally NOT the same as a sovereign country).

It seems that the original country/government/commonwealth/organisation known as “Australia” may have declared itself bankrupt sometime during the period from 1929 to 1934, during the Great Depression. There were no “GFC-like” corporate bailouts back then, and you would either have to go bankrupt or borrow heavily from another nation, thus making yourself subservient to them.

Just as a billionaire would close down a troubled company and start a new one, the ruling class of Australia registered a new company with a similar name in 1934, to continue operations whilst not having to settle its old debts.

Interestingly, it seems that the new “Commonwealth of Australia”, registered in Washington DC in 1934 may have been set up by the creditors of the old Australia…

That is, the new company/nation was registered by the people to whom the old “Australia” owed money to: the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the “Crown” (corporate England) and several international banksters (Rothschild central banks).

It would appear that an arrangement was made by those lending the money, to allow Australia to operate under a new name, so long as it agreed to pay back a few pennies in the dollar, rather than writing off the entire debt, running away and changing its name to Austrabekistan…

The corporation known as the “Commonwealth of Australia” then existed from 1934 to 1973, when the new pirates came in and registered a new corporate identity, simply known as “Australia”.

The entity known as “Australia” was also registered in 1973 at the SEC in Washington DC, alongside a secondary level of debt reconstruction and reorganization (not a bankruptcy, more like a Chapter 11, or a Scheme of Arrangement).

After the fictitious entity known as “Australia” was registered in Washington DC, they also registered new entities, including the “Parliament of Australia”, and the “Queen of Australia”. Like the building company, these organisations are also corporate structures made of paper, not real people who can be sued, imprisoned nor held accountable for their actions.

Government publications in 1971 were called “The Acts of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia”. Government publications in 1972 were called “The Acts of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia”. Lo and behold, in 1973, government publications were called “The Acts of the Parliament of the Australian Parliament” (with the word “Commonwealth” removed).

You can see the PDF with the three years here:

1973 — the year that Australia was sold to the USA, the banksters and the IMF.

Sceptics are now tut-tutting and looking for tinfoil hats. More open-minded people will click on the next link and see the SEC filing on the US government website.

There are hundreds of pages of documents and filings on a US government website: all notarised and all verifiable.

It is clear that the nation known as Australia is a registered corporate identity in the USA. Does the USA have a reciprocal registration with ASIC in Australia? No. Because the USA is not owned by, nor indebted to, nor does it owe anything to, Australia. Think about that.

If sceptics care to check the SEC filings to see if the USA registers its other trading partners, or those with whom it does business, you will find that the biggest trading partners of the USA are not listed at the SEC nor are other countries registered in Washington… because these other countries are not owned by, nor indebted to, the USA. Think about that for a minute.

If you believe that Australia is a registered corporate entity in Washington DC (and according to the US government website it is), you may see why your freedom is being eroded, or why Australia tends to blindly follow the USA.

You may open your eyes to see that Australia has to file reports to the US government every year (it does, and you can see them on the above SEC website).

Even the famous Australian Coat of Arms is a business trademark, and registered as a business trademark in the USA.

Australia files annual reports to the SEC in the USA (just as any business would report its earnings to a tax office, or to a creditor, or to someone to whom it owes money).

This may help you to understand why Australia follows the USA into every war, including the invasion in Iraq, which was illegal, and based on falsified data about fictitious weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s), which did not exist and were never found.

The country of Australia is a large landmass located in South-East Asia. It was founded by the British, uses British law, and a British monarch as its head. Its largest trading partners are Asians in China and Indonesia, yet Australia holds so much affiliation with the USA, and so much (baseless) loyalty to the USA, so much interest in the politics of the USA, that one could almost consider the land of Australia to be the fifty-first state of the USA. Why is that?

Australia is a US corporation, and can be treated like a company, not like a Motherland. Its so-called government “administrates” and is essentially legally powerless, unless you acquiesce, sign an agreement with them, or bow down to their false authority.

You can see a two-minute clip about how an ordinary bloke, who wanted to import an American car to Australia, ended up taking on the Australian government and challenging them to prove their authenticity and authority, right here:

The full one-hour version of his documentary can be found at

Not only is Australia a corporation registered in the USA, but the so-called “Australian government” is an administrator who has been appointed to administrate a bankrupt country.

When you understand that the government has been defrauding you for many years, you may just change your mind about paying council rates, income tax, parking fines, failure to vote penalties and so on.

If a company whom you do not recognise sends you an invoice; an invoice which you did not agree to pay, do you have to pay it?

The majority of people pay the fines (invoices) without question, and so the illegal government can keep their money, keep their authority and maintain their power. (I’m pretty sure that Al Capone ran a similar racket in Chicago, called “pay me or I’ll bust you up”. Like Capone’s money-grab, it would seem that the seated Australian government also has no legal rights to your cash; they only get it if you hand it over without a fight and if you pay up without asking questions.)

If you have managed to read this far, or if you have clicked on a few of the above links, then you may have some questions.

Feel free to post questions here or via Facebook PM.


Other links & info (hit Control-F, “1973” and enter)
The banking ombudsman is really a series of meddling interfering impostors (agents) & registered business (NOT government) corporations;


Voting for which government: legal or illegal?

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