A Micro Monochrome Monday


Welcome My Friends

To I Use This Every Day

Monochrome Monday Style

I hope everyone's Monday is starting off nicely!

Try to guess this, and I will reveal it at the end!

Let's begin!

Sometimes I know while I am taking the pics if it seems like it will be an easy one or a hard one.


To be honest, I have no idea if this one will be easy or hard. I feel like it could go either way :)


I look forward to hearing your feedback!


Getting a bit easier now I think.


This one mostly is the give away...


Of course there is a major hint in the title if you came this far with no clue...


Giving it totally away now...


Too easy this week?



Yes I should have cleaned it up first LOL!!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!

If you don't know, Watch the video!!!


I read you like a magazine, @old-man-photos! I didn't get it right off the bat, but, I knew micro had something to do with it. Does that count for something?

You always pick something so easy, we should get it, yet we don't.

Here is my #monochromemonday: https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@dswigle/2dq2mp-monochrome-monday

Oh well you think you can read me, HA!

Thanks for playing along.

I was totally wrong! Who knew? ;)

Well, I should be ashamed! I used to own a retail appliance store and I didn't get this one until almost the very end! Way to make that microwave mysterious!

Here is my contribution to #monochromemonday: https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@samanthajbarnes/monochrome-monday-collaboration-time-playing-with-food


Oh well that is funny then lol.!

Ha, ha, ha. I had no idea what that was @old-guy-photos, even with the clue in the title! 😂

Here's my monochrome post for this week.


I didn't get it either. I thought it was an electric razor lol

Great minds think alike @molometer I though the same thing for a while! 😁

Hehe finally @old-guy-photos it was a microwave
This is incredible I couldn't guess😥😥

Hello handsome boy
today I made you a black and white entry
Happy beginning of the week
until I saw the numbers I find a toaster

enjoy the landscape

Hiya Pretty Girl!

hello great beautiful boy

Argh....I didn't get it until near the end and majorly guessing at that. See? It isn't all that easy to figure out.

Here's my fancy post.

This one made me feel really stupid... didn't get it until the digits. Thanks @old-guy-photos... I should just go back to sleep.

The closest I got was the blender and you even had micro in the title ... obviously. I need more coffee:)

Here is mine ...https://steemit.com/haiku/@prydefoltz/crackling-foliage-haiku-and-monochrome-monday-photography-old-guy-photos

You are not alone. lol these are tough to get off the bat.

Nope. No clue. You do mystery photos very well! Here is my post for you. https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@melinda010100/monochrome-monday-f4ddc4f49834d

With the amount of grease in there i thought at first it was a grease pit ....haha...Na after the firth picture it gave it away...pretty cool one love these challenges :)

Have a great night Mr Paul here is my link.
